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Everything posted by Glycereine

  1. Glycereine

    Good riddle Sak_Iko but give people a little more time before you post the answer. It's no fun if after a couple people guess the answer is displayed.
  2. Glycereine


    severed manuals divider project
  3. Glycereine


    edit: egads! triple post
  4. Glycereine


    edit: double post
  5. Yeah the Indy's wincon makes things very interesting and dangerous ><
  6. Glycereine


    seventh cannary cannery slipped parrots
  7. Oops, I completely missed it! but yeah as soon as you have a number over 10 you have a 0 in the one's place after the factorial.
  8. I am trying to think of how to prove it but I'm certain that factorials beats the tetration of 9^n. hmm I messed with this post for 30 minutes and ended up deleting all my math but I still stand by my above statement. I was thinking I had proven it already but it seems circular (alot of proofs are )
  9. Glycereine


    castor caster peanut envies salute
  10. Glycereine


    rapper relish siesta
  11. Glycereine


    pocket protea animal cobras
  12. 1. Izzy 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Glycereine 12. 13. 14.
  13. Glycereine


    flights--xo evening--oo thought--o alabama--o reality--xo gumming--xo garages --xo steamed--oo stemmed--oo rumbles--xxoo crumble--oooo bubbles--xxoo freaked--o grieved--o
  14. Glycereine


    flights--xo evening--oo thought--o alabama--o reality--xo gumming--xo garages --xo steamed--oo stemmed--oo rumbles--xxoo crumble--oooo
  15. Glycereine


    flights--xo evening--oo thought--o alabama--o reality--xo gumming--xo garages --xo steamed--oo stemmed--oo
  16. Glycereine

    Unfortunately I think you guys just did someone's homework ><
  17. by the time I typed mine it was posted
  18. Glycereine


    flights--xo evening--oo thought--o alabama--o reality--xo gumming--xo garages --xo
  19. my perception of any perceived regulation is off kilter
  20. Glycereine


    flights--xo evening--oo thought--o alabama--o reality--xo gumming--xo
  21. Glycereine


    flights--xo evening--oo thought--o alabama--o
  22. The problem with the backload method is that its still multiplying each number by 9. So even with backload, the x! is higher than 9^x after 21. x being the permutations that have already happened. If x is the same size in these two cases the factorial still wins (after 21). Since the starting number 9! is far more than 21, 9^x will never catch up to x! even if they used the same number of characters. Since backloading exponents actually uses 4 characters it falls even further behind. so 9^(9^9) is less than 9!!! (we already proved that 9!! is more than 9^9 (same characters)). Since both 9!! and 9^9 are over 21, 9^(9^9) is less than (9^9)! Also 9!! is greater than 9^9, so we wouldnt use that anyways. 9!!! is greater than 9^9!! and still uses one less character.
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