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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. [spoiler='Are you a ']Hat?
  2. My howl makes you stop Time to run or die I drench you with tears My breath can shake trees I am your darkest fears With names from A to Z nice one Thanx for the compliment. I've never been so deeply analyzed before. I feel a little exposed...
  3. I do actually know about the eye being the calmest. It wasn't to be taken literally. I'm really glad you liked it, though!!!!
  4. Right on! Great job!
  5. I am a viscous cyclops With murder in my eye My howl makes you stop Time to run or die I drench you with tears My breath can shake trees I am your darkest fears With names from A to Z
  6. deannaart

    Hey I got one of yours! I feel better now...
  7. haha, you got me there. I was just going on my own views. I guess I should've taken others into consideration. Many apologies
  8. deannaart

    [spoiler='was he ']Pacing?
  9. There many people who believe in reincarnation. That's what that particular line was referring to. Sorry for the confusion!
  10. Got it right off the bat again! I can never out smart you, lotus!
  11. No, sorry. Please keep trying, though!
  12. My friend is on a journey When will she be back No plane, no bus No luggage, no sack For this pilgrimage she's waited I guess she was due She's dressed to the nines Her eyes painted blue She gets ready to leave We say our goodbyes She looks so beautiful And everyone cries We'll miss you Donna So please hurry back Or maybe we'll come to you With no luggage, no sack
  13. deannaart

    Don't feel bad... Mr Howlett does this to me all the time
  14. deannaart

    This was my first thought too. It just fits so well. Sad you beat me to it
  15. deannaart

    I thought it was a good riddle. Had me thinking. But maybe next time, wait a while and let people puzzle it out a bit before you start dropping hints. Otherwise, Great lob!
  16. deannaart

    Ok I'm stumped. Good riddle. Nice and easy my patoot! (or maybe my brain is just toast for the night.) I'm signing off for the night. Try some more in a couple hours. Gnight everyone, and good luck!
  17. [spoiler='Way to go Brandon! You guessed it just right! Answer:']Blast off!
  18. I take off in front of you Count down now 4-3-2 Propel me forward , up and up Causing the jittering of my cup Heat emanates from every pore Till we hit the crust and score Finally I begin to fade Our objective has been made
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