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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. 1. Aaryan-voting for OtherMedji 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji 4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji 5. KlueMaster - Voting for MollyMae 6. EDM(Peace*out) 7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - voting for MollyMae A. Akriti - voting for MollyMae B. Thalia - voting for MollyMae C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji D. YoDell E. Hidden G F. maurice - voting for OtherMedji (and any other Medji I can get my hands on) G. Darth Nox OMG, you just outed me!!!! =P Thanks, Aaryan. The goodies are so nice. I will be sure to repay the favour.
  2. Cube...that's exactly the point. If HG (who now has to respond without reading your posts) says he rolled anything at all, we know that he's WEC. Sry, Maurice. It would/could have been epic.
  3. Stop. Both of you. Just watch.
  4. Omg, I hope this works... =P EDIT: If you can clear HG, I can clear Aura and Klue.
  5. 1. Aaryan 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji 4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji 5. KlueMaster - Voting for MollyMae 6. EDM(Peace*out) 7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - voting for MollyMae A. Akriti - voting for MollyMae B. Thalia - voting for MollyMae C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji D. YoDell E. Hidden G F. maurice - voting for OtherMedji (and any other Medji I can get my hands on) G. Darth Nox Just bringing the roster forward.
  6. There is something from the OP that you're overlooking.
  7. I meant mine. Who should I help? The goodies or the baddies? Right now I lean toward the goodies. Far toward the goodies. Mostly because of YoDell and Medji. And Aura. And Cube (because he helped me and he's a goodie). Mafia isn't solely a game of lies and distrust. A good game is about alliances and friendship. Maurice and I have done so in the past. This game, though, I agree--our WINCONs are mutually exclusive. We'll burn that bridge when we get there. But the goodies have outed themselves so much that the baddies will make quick work of them without me. And N3 I will help the goodies again by assuring that Henery doesn't RID kill. EDIT: Killing Henery and Fudd is not really important. Keeping them from killing is much more important. If we kill them, they pass their RID Kill on. *Shrug* Let's kill Wile first.
  8. Eh. I like things interesting. And there wasn't much interesting going on. I don't know who everyone is, but I'm pretty sure I know which side everyone is on. With one exception, of course.
  9. @Goodies: Sorry. I guess I don't need to out the baddies. They're doing it themselves.
  10. My secret ability + wincon: Instead of redirecting a player at night, I may choose a player. The following day, I can redirect that player's vote to whomever I choose. I can sacrifice up to three night redirects for vote redirects the following day, but I must choose who to redirect on the night before. Alt Wincon: Survive to the last three players. EDIT: Now you can only trust this as far as you can trust me, but *Shrug* I'm not lying about it.
  11. Calculate the odds of a successful redirect N1. Then come back and say that. I did get N2. And I will get N3. And yes, Medji is bad. =/ I'll put that out there since s/he's being a meanie.
  12. Aww, thanks, Cubie. I knew you wouldn't fall for the baddie bandwagon. They jumped on me because I've menaced them so. Now if only Akriti would come 'round.
  13. Tonight, Medji, just for you, you'll find that Henery again won't act. And I think I'll take Sylvester, as well.
  14. Yes. But the baddies are the ones who need to get rid of me. If the goodies continue to vote for me, I will out their best roles and redirect their blocks back to those roles. The baddies will easily mop up. The most I could have is 2 of 3. If I were very lucky, I could have 2. As it stands, I only have 1/3. I understand your concern, but lynching me D3 would actually be a wiser plan. With my death, the goodies lose any chance of winning. Again, I don't need to be lynched until D3. @Baddies: I know who most of you are. When I see the votes that are on me, whoever contributes further to my death will be the team that I undo. Remember it.
  15. Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: Araver 1. Aaryan 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji 4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji 5. KlueMaster - Voting for Nox 6. Peace*out 7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji A. Akriti - voting for MollyMae B. Thalia - voting for MollyMae C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji D. YoDell E. Hidden G F. maurice - voting for MollyMae G. Darth Nox Akriti: You've fallen for a baddie bandwagon. Shame on you. Unfortunately, it's normally not in my interest to vote. Further, I don't really care who's lynched, as long as it isn't me. But notice, please, that Medji is on my list of possible baddie killers...
  16. Heh. You voted for an outed goodie. I am Taz. The chance would normally be pretty slim, but it's been easy with all of the outings. Agreed. Plus I know who the baddie RID killers are. As stated previously, I am Taz. @Goodies: I can give you the names of the two baddie RID killers. In good faith, here's a list of five people: Klue Medji YoDell Hirkala Aura The two baddie RID killers are in this list. If no goodie is voting for me at the end of the day, I will tell you which two they are. @Baddies: If there is no baddie voting for me at the end of the day, I won't redirect them back to their nemesis. I'm sure you have enough RIDs to do some damage. *Shrug*
  17. C??? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 BUST - 0 Score Change: Cubie McCubester +5
  18. ???? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 BUST - 0 Score Change: none
  19. ???? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 Score Change: none
  20. ???? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 Score Change: none
  21. FUEL I think FOUL -3 was a typo.
  22. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    If you were a rose A beautiful rose All rosy and thorny and trim If I were a man A respectable man I'd keep you as long as I can But you are a thorn A merciless thorn With anger and hatred and scorn And I am a bee A tireless bee Uprooted and fruitless and free Just you and I Just I and you Our curse is the sting we must lose.
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