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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. C?I? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 BUST - 0 CZAR - 1 CLIP - 2 CLAP - 1 CEIL - 2 Score Change: Cubie McCubester +10
  2. I know what you mean. If I weren't at work, I'd be lost... Thanks, Thalia. You won't regret it.
  3. I'm actually counting on the Baddies coming after me. Not really. There's really no logic in your arguments. You're just trying to push the lynch away from yourself. Understandable. But not excusable. No, a RID won't hit tonight. I will be making sure that the baddies miss on all RIDs tonight. I know who you got redirected to. =P @Thalia: Quick catch-up: I'm Taz. Medji is bad. I'm protecting goodies from baddie RID Kills and trying to direct the lynch toward Medji. Meanwhile Medji is trying to avoid getting lynched by saying that I am about to win.
  4. You're misguided, Nox. And here I was, trusting in your ability. *Sigh* Nox isn't a baddie, either. Still no defense out of you. Trying to stay out of the limelight and failing. Get this: you're bad. We got it. Okay. @Goodies (again): With as much outing as you've done (Peace/EDM, Cube, Akriti, Nox), you will lose to the baddies very quickly if I am killed. I know who is on whose side, but with that much outing the baddies can almost determine everyone's roles (something I can't completely do). If I die today, there will be a kill N3 (maybe 3, if WEC is lucky). You'll get one of them D3. N4, they will kill another 2 (3 if WEC is lucky). You can see how this doesn't favour you. Especially if you consider who on your team has the kills. *Shrug* @Nox: That means you. You will lose if I die.
  5. Place your vote, Hirk. Choose wisely. Your vote will be very telling. I've been waiting for that alone all day.
  6. Yes. And I'm sure someone would have outed themselves in that case, just to point out that there are three "baddies" who are making fake claims. Additionally, I wouldn't cover for Taz if I were a baddie. Or even a goodie.
  7. Again...she outed D1.
  8. Conspiracy much? Someone would have counterclaimed Cube and Akriti, who have both claimed goodie roles. She doesn't need to. She's been outed since D1. Thalia and HG are your gray areas. And depending on who you've targeted thus far.. If you want a gem, look into Maurice.
  9. Yes. Bet you don't know how I know, though. =P Good night, sweet prince. See you tomorrow. Bringing this forward again, along with my comment to EDM. 1. Aaryan-voting for OtherMedji 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji 4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji 5. KlueMaster - Voting for MollyMae 6. EDM(Peace*out) - voting for MollyMae 7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - voting for MollyMae A. Akriti - voting for OtherMedji B. Thalia - voting for MollyMae C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji D. YoDell E. Hidden G F. maurice - voting for OtherMedji (and any other Medji I can get my hands on) G. Darth Nox EDM: I strongly encourage you to change your vote. A baddie flash vote on me will kill me. With 2 RID kills a night, the goodies will very quickly be outmatched. Even if you lynch one of them during the day, the RID kill passes on. If WEC rolls a kill, your doom comes quicker yet. *Shrug* You need me more than I need you.
  10. Just got confirmation from curr3nt, so I'm posting the same question here: 1. I know I'm stretching here, but if there are 2 goodies, 1 baddie, and Taz--we lynch or kill the last baddie. There are 3 left. Taz' wincon is achieved, but so is the Goodies' wincon (eliminate the baddies). Can that be a tie? =P Reworded based on generalisation.
  11. I was very outed. I outed myself toward the beginning of the day. I was just joking. =P
  12. And then I'd be lynched. The only thing I have to worry about is 1. A goodie killing me at night (goodie's doom) 2. A nemesis pairing showing in the post (that I didn't do) In the event of 1, the baddies will almost surely win. *Shrug* I don't care about that at all. (EDIT: If the goodies betray me in this way, I hope they lose. END EDIT) In the event of 2, you have to lynch me. I'm sympathetic to that. I understand it even if I don't condone it. Unless the pairing is one that's already happened, of course (there will be those--Henery to Foghorn N3, for example).
  13. C?I? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 BUST - 0 CZAR - 1 CLIP - 2 CLAP - 1 Score Change: Cubie McCubester +10
  14. And if I did that, I wouldn't be able to redirect pairings. It would appear that we are at an impasse, one that I have acknowledged since before I outed myself.
  15. I actually just asked curr3nt this question. If I survive to the last 3 + there are goodies but no baddies, both of our WINCONS are met. I'm awaiting a reply. This is a very agreeable scenario, but a lot of goodies will have to sacrifice themselves in order to do it.
  16. 1. Aaryan-voting for OtherMedji 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji 4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji 5. KlueMaster - Voting for MollyMae 6. EDM(Peace*out) - voting for MollyMae 7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - voting for MollyMae A. Akriti - voting for OtherMedji B. Thalia - voting for MollyMae C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji D. YoDell E. Hidden G F. maurice - voting for OtherMedji (and any other Medji I can get my hands on) G. Darth Nox EDM: I strongly encourage you to change your vote. A baddie flash vote on me will kill me. With 2 RID kills a night, the goodies will very quickly be outmatched. Even if you lynch one of them during the day, the RID kill passes on. If WEC rolls a kill, your doom comes quicker yet. *Shrug* You need me more than I need you.
  17. This hurts. A lot. I understand that there are a thousand pages, but read them. Please.
  18. Oh. My bad. Yeah, I got it. I must not have changed it since I knew who Peace was. =/
  19. I would do it out of spite, Klue. If you are good (maybe, but not likely) then you'll see N3 that I'll have done you all a huge favour. Wait...I don't have you on my spreadsheet. At all. Did I miss a substitution? Wtf? Haha. EDM: Go read what's been going on. Clearly you have no clue.
  20. I could forgo my Wincon and help the goodies out of spite. I'm a very vengeful person. Don't put it past me to help you all the way to the end. You confuse me sometimes, mo. I like it.
  21. And that's exactly the reason that the goodies are going to win. I will stop any attempt to redirect nemesis pairs except for Henery to Foghorn and Fudd to Bugs. You cannot block me. You cannot stop me. You will have no RID kills. You will not have vote majority. You will lose. If Medji had been a little more helpful (or just a lot less hurtful), the position would be reversed. That's why Mafia is also about trust and alliance--not just betrayal and backstabbing.
  22. Me too. But more because I know who he is.
  23. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Thanks. =P In this and many things, I aim to please. =O I am like a leaf bending to the wind that is your whim.
  24. C??? AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 BUST - 0 CZAR - 1 CLIP - 2 CLAP - 1 Score Change: Cubie McCubester +5
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