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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. It was during D2. I can go back and find it.
  2. Baddies don't have redirect power. Flame might have simply targeted you. If you redirected Flame, the only explanation I can give is that you were part of a pairing. *Shrug* I'm sure you could clarify with the host on that, though.
  3. @Mo: No. I played round robin. I redirected you to Aura, Aura to Hirk, and Hirk to you. You were blocked, so you couldn't have been Henery (as the redirect was successful). The post doesn't help us, though. Pepe blocked you and we know that Flame was Pepe. Nobody else is seen targeting you. Marvin is mentioned at the bottom of the post. *Shrug*
  4. Originally, to set up an uber betrayal for an epic indy win. But mostly to keep myself alive. If I wanted to betray the goodies, I would have done it N3 and won the game. I take two hits to die, so a lynch D3 wouldn't have killed me. I could have successfully betrayed the goodies and won. And I didn't. Because I <3 you.
  5. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    My family is one big trash can, catering to the needs of a big green grouch.
  6. I thought we were operating under the assumption that I had 2 redirects?
  7. Molly Mae


    CR??? ACRES - 0 SLIDE - 0 BONGO - 0 FRESH - 1 BLISS - 0 FRIED - 1 FIEND - 0 CRIES - 2 GRAVY - 1 TRAIT - 1 CRUMB - 2 CROOK - 3 CRIED - 2 Score Change: Wb +10 Missed this. It is 30 total for the word. It's 5 per correct letter logicked, and 10 for the last letter.
  8. Yes, but I also knew that Foghorn had to be either you or Hirk. That's why I put one of you in group 1 and the other in group 2. Henery had to be either Hirk or Aura. Since you were blocked N1, I knew you couldn't be Henery after a few questions with the hosts regarding redirecting a blocked player. *Shrug* Even without knowing roles, I guessed a lot at factions. I grouped baddies together, goodies together, and people down the middle together. After some reasonable assumptions, I found who I needed. I can't tell you 100% that Aura was bad. I can't tell you 100% that Cube is Tweety. Or that Thalia is Road Runner. I just assume a lot. And trust a bit. I'm a gambler, Mo. You know that. If you wanna play the safest bet, we should not kill anyone at night. Lynch YoDell D4. I'll redirect N5. Lynch Klue D5. Tie win.
  9. ? Redirect >> Everything They can't target anyone unless I let them. Even if I weren't around, Aaryan and Maurice would be able to handle up to four of them, if done correctly. There's only two of them. *Shrug* I asked Road Runner to out himself, so I won't count that one against the goodies. But here are two lists: Goodies that I've outed: Thalia Maurice Aaryan Goodies that have outed themselves: EDM/Peace Akriti Cube Nox If I had to guess, I'd say HG was Michigan and Anon was Porky, but I can't say that for certain. But none of that really matters. There hasn't been a baddie kill since...well...ever. Even if they started now, the goodies would win by lynch. Edit: Also notice that my outings were N4. Not D1. *Shrug*
  10. Without hearing from Nox, it's kind of impossible. Here's a list of RIDs Aaryan - Barnyard Dawg (clever hint) Hirk - Henery (lynch) Anon - Porky/Michigan Klue - Wile (redirected to self N3) EDM - Bugs (outed self) Aura - Marvin (Cannot be Michigan. If Porky used vote mod D3, can't be Porky) Flame - Pepe (lynch) Medji - Elmer (lynch) Akriti - Duck (outed self) Thalia - Roadrunner (outed self) Cube - Tweety (outed self) YoDell - Sylvester (redirected N3 to self) HiddenG - Porky/Michigan Maurice - Foghorn (per redirect test grouping) Nox - Speedy (outed self) As you can see, we can limit Aura down to Porky, Michigan, and Marvin. Her early N1/D1 hint indicated Road Runner or Speedy. As she is likely neither of them, I have to assume that she was bad. When someone hints like that (and I do it a lot), I mark them off my spreadsheet as one of those roles or a baddie.
  11. Molly Mae


    ????? ACRES - 0 SLIDE - 0 BONGO - 0 FRESH - 1 BLISS - 0 FRIED - 1 FIEND - 0 CRIES - 2 GRAVY - 1 TRAIT - 1 Score Change: None
  12. In that scenario, I lose. *Shrug* I still would like to win... My new actions: Redirect Klue to Thalia Redirect Yodell to Cube Vote redirect Klue. If Klue is killed, I do lose.
  13. Thanks. You were my first guess on N3. @Cube/Akriti + EDM: RID Kill YoDell as Sylvester. Please don't kill Wile.
  14. Marvin is actually the least dangerous. They can't spy. *Shrug* That "air of unsurety" is because KM is Wile. No, I've got everyone down now. Plan follows at the end of this post. Aura was Marvin. 100% on it. The best bet comes from Bugs and Dodger killing Klue tonight as Wile. @Cube: I need to know if you're Tweety. It's one of you or Akriti. You can legitimately out yourself now. If you're Dodgers, RID kill Klue as Wile. If you're not, let me know that you're Tweety and tell Akriti/powerplay her to RID kill Klue. @Anon: If you're Roadrunner, give me the thumbs up. You're my backup if Akriti/Cube don't confirm. If you're Porky, HG is almost surely Roadrunner. Thalia's a possibility. *Shrug* The three of you are those three roles (with Michigan), though. Just want confirmation. Actions tonight: Taz: Redirect Klue to Anon Redirect YoDell to Cube Redirect Vote of YoDell Bugs and Dodgers: Target Klue for a kill Everyone else: No action needed Both Klue and YoDell have RID kills tonight. If Anon and Cube are not RoadRunner and Tweety respectively, please post here. Problems: If I get a redirect and Bugs and Dodgers don't kill, I win and everyone else loses. If Bugs and Dodgers kill and I don't get my redirect, you all win and I lose. I'd rather err in favour of the second scenario.
  15. Molly Mae


    ????? ACRES - 0 SLIDE - 0 BONGO - 0 FRESH - 1 Score Change: None
  16. Molly Mae


    ????? ACRES - 0 SLIDE - 0 BONGO - 0 Score Change: None
  17. Let's just say that it did, because regardless of what I say, you can only trust an indy so much. So yes. I have 2 redirects. Even if I only have one, everyone must assume that I have 2. *Shrug* I understand the position. I've actually thought about this long and hard. If I make my third redirect while there is 1 baddie left, we can lynch him the following day. I will survive the day and make my wincon. The goodies will have eliminated the baddies, making their wincon (there's no mention of the indy in your wincon). Would this scenario count as a tie win? Hirkala is a safe lynch, as Cube says. Hirk = Henery (and doesn't have an action N4, though). Last night, I redirected Klue to Klue, YoDell to YoDell, and Thalia to me (a guess that she was Road Runner...just in case). That's why I asked Foghorn and Barnyard to redirect Aura and Hirk. Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: Araver 1. Aaryan 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for Hirkala 4. Anon26 - voting for Hirkala 5. KlueMaster 6. EDM - voting for Kluemaster A. Akriti - voting for Hirkala B. Thalia - voting for Kluemaster C. TheCube - voting for Hirkala D. YoDell E. Hidden G - voting for Hirkala F. maurice - voting for darth nox G. Darth Nox Dead: 7. Auramyna - Killed by Bugs Bunny 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - Lynched and found to be Elmer Fudd We have to consider a very slim possibility that Aura was Speedy. Unfortunately, Speedy has a save N4, so there's no guarantee we... @RoadRunner: If Speedy died N3, out yourself and let us know. If Speedy is still alive, disregard this message. N4 Tweety should spy Nox. The results should be accurate, since there shouldn't be anyone redirecting you...(unless WEC rolls a redirect and picks Tweety out). Roadrunner will have a spy, but if Speedy is still alive, Nox is it. I really shouldn't be doubting myself. I'd wager a lot that Hirk, Klue, and YoDell are Henery, WEC, and Sylvester. If the answer to my question about tie win above is yes, we would need to spare one of WEC and Sylvester, since we can all guarantee that I haven't made those redirects. Gameplan?: Lynch Hirk D3. Kill YoDell/Klue N4 (I get my redirect...a little risky, in case the kill doesn't go off). Lynch the last D4.
  18. Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: Araver 1. Aaryan 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for Kluemaster 4. Anon26 5. KlueMaster 6. EDM A. Akriti B. Thalia C. TheCube D. YoDell E. Hidden G F. maurice G. Darth Nox Dead: 7. Auramyna - Killed by Bugs Bunny 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - Lynched and found to be Elmer Fudd Voting for Klue. If a lynch is going on a baddie today, I suggest Wile. I probably won't be back until Sunday night. Good luck.
  19. Yeah...Hmmm... Aura claimed Speedy/Road early on. @Nox: ..?
  20. There's your answers. Klue is Wile. Syl is Yodell. @EDM: Thanks for trusting me. I was nervous you might not. As you can clearly see, I didn't go for any part of my wincon. Henery can't kill N4 and you'll have redirects for YoDell and Klue (Barnyard and Foghorn). If you want to lynch me today, feel free. Goodies win.
  21. N3 is still ending right now, correct?
  22. FIZZ LUCK - 0 CARE - 0 ORCA - 0 TOPI - 0 AREA - 0 SHOD - 0 PELF - 0 GRIM - 0 FINS - 2 BIAS - 1 DIAL - 1 LICK - 1 Score Change: Kristmark +5, Fab +20, Molly +12 Woo! In first by 2 points.
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