I'd like to submit a point of view on this problem. I'd like to review the problem first. The crux of the debate, according to my skimming of the last 10 pages, boils down to this.
Let A(n), similar to superprismatic's definition, be the chance of initially having n white balls in the bag of 4.
We need to have the vector of probabilities [ P( A(2) ), P( A(3) ), P( A(4) ) ] to solve this problem. We are not given information about these states, and this is where mmiguel1 and superprismatic diverges.
mmiguel1 argues that in the lack of information about the balls-bag generation process, he will assume that the bag was generated by a binomial process with 4 trials and chance of black ball = .5.
superprismatic and the OP, and the CBSE board as well, argue that the uniform distribution is most representative of the lack of information, otherwise known as an un-informative prior in Bayesian statistics, and thus use the vector of probabilities [ P( A(2) ), P( A(3) ), P( A(4) ) ] = [ 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 ]. The uniform distribution is the oldest and simplest un-informative prior, so I can understand where this is coming from. The issue is that the uniform distribution is not the only un-informative prior there is (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prior_probability#Uninformative_priors). There are a wide number of un-informative priors, and they probably would yield different answers. One example, for instance, would be to assume that each ball in the bag has a chance of being black p, where p belongs to the Beta distribution with the improper prior Beta(0,0).
superprismatic made the point that prior distribution, especially in case with no information, is subjective, which I think is where the discussion should have ended. However, my beef with the problem is that the CBSE puts this problem on a board exam, and presumably expects only 1 right answer, which is derived from assuming a uniform prior distribution as the non-informative prior. If the CBSE taught all their students to always assume the uniform as a non-informative prior, then this is a fair problem as a board exam. It is not, however, valid to post this problem to the brainden and board and expect .6 as the answer, just because the CBSE said so.