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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Well, you have the best answer so far, in terms of lowest number of tomato plants. But the rows are not collinear, they are distinct -- "a row" can't be "five rows." Everyone is on the right track. But no one has the lowest possible number of plants, yet...
  2. Are you sure there's a flaw? Hint: read the OP carefully. Then read post #8.
  3. Hi, two-thirds. Thanks for the opinion. Since you didn't find this puzzle to your liking, let me recommend this one. It's not solved yet, so you can be the first to show us how it's done. See if you can post the Solution by Monday. Thanks. - bn
  4. bonanova

    Since I'm not Harry, John was of course contemplating the Mona Lisa.
  5. bonanova

    I think the OP implies we don't know. "in some order" This is either a difficult or an impossible riddle. Edited to put my speculation into a spoiler.
  6. bonanova

    You should get at least ten good tomatoes from each of these plants, the man was told. Sounds good, he said, and the sale was made. He took them home to his garden, where he planted them in five rows of four each. It was a good growing year, weather-wise. But when the man finally counted his crop he found it totaled just 159 tomatoes. But the man was greatly pleased. He thought, I'll surely recommend that place to my friends. Assuming the man had at least a high-school education, explain his reasoning. Use the spoiler Luke.
  7. Nope. Check the OP; it says the child was born to them [born to the the doctor and the nurse.] Your criticism is outside the box, but sadly it's also outside the puzzle.
  8. bonanova

    Sorry ... just the ones listed.
  9. bonanova

    Is there a diagram? Does this just mean their positions differ by 4? Thanks again.
  10. bonanova

    Assume you mean two more than or two less than. Which? Do you place 1890 in the decade of 1881-1890, which is correct, or in the "decade" of 1890-1899, as many do? Thanks for the clarifications.
  11. bonanova

    Four basic numbers from science and mathematics have the symbols pi, e, 1 and i. Their values are pi = 3.1415926536 ... e = 2.718281828459 ... 1 = unity i = sqrt[-1] Arrange these numbers, using them once and only once, so that they equal 0 using only the operations +, ×, and exponentiation. Use the spoiler, Luke.
  12. bonanova

    I can only guess ... anti-war argument? Otherwise known as the "let's you and him fight" strategy.
  13. It was interesting to me that even in a cross wind, favoring neither leg, the trip takes longer.
  14. bonanova

    emeraldcity, Kudos for a great puzzle. - bn
  15. bonanova

    Edit: This spoiler assumes Da means Yes. Re-reading OP, I can't assume that. Now I'm wondering whether we can ask each of them 3 questions. But that would be too easy.
  16. bonanova

    My first thought was truel also. Word or not, let's use it. I've seen this problem before, but not solved it. I'll give it a shot. [npi]
  17. bonanova

    No, it's not intended as a trap. Good catch - someone else pointed this out, also. If you like, figure out the well people and give it to them. Same problem. Or we could re-cast this a slow-acting but potentially lethal snake bites, and you have the costly serum that counteracts the poison. Have fun .. !
  18. bonanova

    Those balls are definitely yellow, and there are only three.
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