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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Introducing ... Virginia. I thought everyone knew ...
  2. bonanova

    Check out the two figures and first 3 equations in post #15. It may help show how the three distances - 13, 17 and 20 - become hypotenuses of relevant triangles. As a bonus, find brhan's other, hitherto undiscovered, field!
  3. bonanova

    Shades of Ed Gein! and 5:38 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVGv7BcqgVM. But at least he didn't do the football thing...
  4. bonanova

    Cowhide Skin grafts: 1 2
  5. You can keep things in a plane [so to speak] by running the last connection through one of the houses to the last house. It's kind of like cheating, except the OP does not forbid doing it. That approach keeps lines from crossing each other, which technically would mean one is above and the other is below - going into the 3rd dimension. "outside the box" in this puzzle translates to "inside the house"
  6. Pick something from the box labeled Nails and Screws. What you find there tells you how to correct all the labels. Did you think that through carefully?
  7. That article forbids going under or through a neighbor's house or a utility. Those are the two solutions. If you forbid all solutions, everything is impossible. Their article is written from a graph theoretical perspective. In graphs, you can't go out of the plane, and you can't go through nodes. In the OP, where you are forbidden only to cross any lines, you can do both..
  8. I need some help understanding this one... What is the claimed obviousness of 0 (in dBm) / 0 (in dBm) = 1? Decibels are logarithms of power ratios: you take ratios of power values, then take log to get dB values. Then, you add and subtract dB values to conveniently express multiplicative power gains and losses, respectively. Which leaves me wondering ... [1] why are you dividing [instead of subtracting] two decibel numbers [2] what is the physical significance of ratios of decibel values and [3] where is the obviousness that attaching units to 0's makes their ratio unity? What I do understand is 0[dBm] - 0[dBm] = 0. Meaning the ratio of two 1-mW signals is 1, whose log is 0. I think someone sold you an interesting story ...
  9. bonanova

    C's answer is: "no he is not an alien he is a human being". My sense is that "no" only makes grammatical or logical sense if taken to be an independent statement that requires B's statement as a context. Doing so makes A an alien.
  10. bonanova

    Nice job Aatif, My ruler and compass solution first tried 18.5m side [too small] then 20m [too big]. I interpolated to 19m, which was a tad small but within a thickness or two of my pencil line, so I stopped there. Why it didn't occur to me to drop perpendiculars from the cow to the fence I don't know. brhan, good puzzle.
  11. bonanova

    Alex slides a cold one down the bar in barne012's direction. Nice one.
  12. bonanova

    Scratching head ... what's archeology got to do with ships?
  13. bonanova

    Yes. They are ordinary statements with which anyone would agree.
  14. bonanova

    Where did you get that? cos-1[1/3] is 70.528779365509308630754000660038 degrees.
  15. bonanova

    Reminds me of the PhD oral exam question from the physics prof: Sir, he asked, can you briefly outline for this committee the historical evolution of Quantum Theory beginning with the assumption of the Stefan-Boltzmann law of black body radiation and the phenomenon knows as the ultra violet catastrophe? The student thought for a moment, then answered, No.
  16. bonanova

    Zero is [technically] not a real number? The concept of zero was problematic long after natural numbers were codified. "How can nothing be something?" people would sagely ask. But multiplication had its identity element [unity] and addition needed one as well. Here's how Wikipedia puts it: Zero (0) is the least non-negative integer. The natural number following zero is one and no natural number precedes zero. Zero may or may not be considered a natural number, but it is a whole number and hence a rational number and a real number (as well as an algebraic number and a complex number). That's a fairly impressive set of credentials. So, yes, Virginia, there is a zero, and it's not technically disenfranchised. Hints: Think of the score of a baseball game before the first pitch. Technically not a real score? Think of the temperature [Celsius] of ice water. Technically not a real temperature? Think of the number of ways that bonanova is perfect. He's technically not imperfect? [i can call several credible witnesses. ]
  17. bonanova

    Well in fairness cos[x] = -1/3 is not a solution. It's the answer. A solution shows how the answer is obtained. I didn't do that. But for the record the formula can be derived by considering the dot product of the vectors from the carbon atom to two of the Fluorine atoms. The tangent formula can be seen by putting the carbon atom at the center of a cube. The fluorine atoms then occupy four cube corners that can be connected with face diagonals. You can easily draw a solvable triangle formed by the C atom, the midpoint of a face diagonal and an F atom at one end of that diagonal. Halve the cube diagonal and you've got the tangent of half the angle in question. I imagine there is a solution based on spherical trigonometry as well. Anyone know of it?
  18. bonanova

    Kudos for traveling out of the box. But the suggested statements violate the condition of being as true as "The number of legs on that stool is four" is.
  19. bonanova

    Being human, I suppose I should give an incorrect answer so as not to tell the truth. Since it's not 2999 yet, I'll stick with trying to do it right. Congratulations for an excellent twist an old puzzle....!
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