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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    I suspect you wanted things to line up vertically. Hint: wrap the text in CODE tags.[ Is this what you wanted? f f r standing r i ----------- i e miss e n n d d s s[/code][spoiler=If so, I'd guess ...]Misunderstanding between friends[/spoiler]
  2. The 50th term is 55. Their difference is 5 = the number of letters in the word "fifty".
  3. bonanova

    Dashes and valid words e.g. "with" are delimiters. I Roan sung by Raided Junk Sports with Broncs Whir And there's a range of easy and difficult ones. I am compassionate. Or lazy. I forget which. Taking time off of work, are we? Good. Feed the soul!
  4. bonanova

    You and the clone would know who you [and s/he] are. Once the clone becomes a separate entity - that is, after your memory was copied to the clone - your individual memories follow separate paths. The clone would have the memory of your decision to create it, and of making the preparations, right up until the memory was copied. You would have the memory of the events that followed - from your perspective - and the same for the clone. You would remember observing the clone coming into existence and beginning to function. The clone would remember being the object of that observation. And so forth, going forward. I also agree with the scars argument.
  5. bonanova

    True, true. I knew a woman like that, once. Once was enough.
  6. bonanova

    Statman, I don't understand your answers to [1]. In what way can you not see through them?
  7. The prices of the toys can be deduced from the information given. [1] the prices are unique [2] none of the items can be bought singly without losing money - none of them were the exact value of any combination of coupons. The puzzle asks for the minimum number of toys. 22 works, but there are smaller numbers that work. Does that help?
  8. You have it correctly. Seven won't work because you can find 7 items that would lose you some money and the OP asks that you ensure that does not happen.
  9. The OP doesn't allow for more than one item marked the same price:
  10. bonanova

    OP says.. The posted solution does not work.
  11. bonanova

    1. Yea Ion Usage - My Surly Ice 2. Owl - (Pleasant Tempo Job) - Puff A Tinier Gladiator 3. Mutts Iced Photons - Ha Ran In 4. I Roan - Raided Junk Sports with Broncs Whir 5. Oak Tot - Dork Spins Jar 6. The Evil Kilos - Behind Fetid Lasagna 7. Pasta Rodents - Club Pioneer 8. Air Cabal - Faun Entertains Jaguar 9. Moron Agitated Syrup - Yow Lit Farts 10. Ear Spurts - A Foul Spice 11. Thy Moody Cub - A Hairy Cream 12. Loudest Nuisances - Op Dog Song Edit: Anagrams.
  12. bonanova

    Or they could be tennis players, where "love" indicates a score of "zero".
  13. bonanova

    LIS, Blavek and storm all have it.
  14. bonanova

    Just a minute ... here's another one.
  15. bonanova

    [spoiler=Try it on your own, first. Then check out wikipedia...']The sentence is unpunctuated and uses three different readings of the word "buffalo". In order of their first use, these are * c. The city of Buffalo, New York (or any other place named "Buffalo"), which is used as an adjective in the sentence and is followed by the animal; * a. The animal buffalo, in the plural (equivalent to "buffaloes"), in order to avoid articles and is used as a noun; * v. The verb "buffalo" meaning to bully, confuse, deceive, or intimidate. Marking each "buffalo" with its use as shown above gives Buffalo/c buffalo/a Buffalo/c buffalo/a buffalo/v buffalo/v Buffalo/c buffalo/a. Thus, the sentence when parsed reads as a description of the pecking order in the social hierarchy of buffaloes living in Buffalo: [Those] (Buffalo buffalo) [whom] (Buffalo buffalo buffalo) buffalo (Buffalo buffalo). [Those] buffalo(es) from Buffalo [that are intimidated by] buffalo(es) from Buffalo intimidate buffalo(es) from Buffalo. Bison from Buffalo, New York who are intimidated by other bison in their community also happen to intimidate other bison in their community. It may be revealing to read the sentence replacing all instances of the animal buffalo with "people" and the verb buffalo with "intimidate". The sentence then reads "Buffalo people [whom] Buffalo people intimidate [also happen to] intimidate Buffalo people." Preserving the meaning more closely, substituting the synonym "bison" for "buffalo" (animal), "bully" for "buffalo" (verb) and leaving "Buffalo" to mean the city, yields 'Buffalo bison Buffalo bison bully bully Buffalo bison', or: 'Buffalo bison whom other Buffalo bison bully themselves bully Buffalo bison'.
  16. Post #7 in this thread explains how to get around the uncertain meanings of the Yes/No words.
  17. bonanova

    Hint: Once you've done the text you want to space, enclose it in code tags. Oh ya, leading blanks are lost even in code, so put some non-blank character first: . 111111111 . 111111111 . 111111111 . 111111111 . 111111111 . 111111111 . 111111111 . 111111111 .111111111 .------------- .12345678987654321[/code]
  18. Insanimal, Kudos - a much simpler proof than mine. Welcome to the forum! EventHorizon, I suspect you're right. If you put the rim on one of the two opposite points, there would be a 180 degree interval that would cover the other opposite point, but nothing constrains the square to present three of its points inside that interval, or all four of its points outside that interval. In fact, by construction it never presents all four of its points. Nice job.
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