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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    What they called it back home at least...
  2. bonanova

    [spoiler=And there are other solutions... ]There are infinitely more possible starting points... [1] 500km south of a latitude where a 500 km west leg will put him exactly north of where a 500 km west leg would have put him if he'd done that leg first. It would involve covering all the longitudes once plus that amount. I could do the math if I were at a desk, but I'm typing this from my bed... but you can visualize this if you think about it. It's maybe about 600 km S of the North pole. [2] a little north of [1] and covering all the longitudes twice, plus the first-leg-west amount. [3] a little north of [2] and covering all the longitudes three times ... etc.
  3. bonanova

    Been there done that. Locked.
  4. bonanova

    OK, Do whatcha gotta do,
  5. You have the right idea, exactly. The hole's length is the length of the remaining volume. A large portion [as in the case of the earth] of the sphere may have been removed. No, that formula is not right. For one thing, volume would have to involve a length cubed, not squared. To get the correct formula, look the calculations in some of the recent posts, or just assume the original sphere had a radius of 3" and nothing was removed.
  6. Right [groundspeed]. Wrong [isn't flying]. Flying is about interacting with a surrounding fluid in a way that permits Bernoulli's principle to overcome gravity. Fly a kite [0 ground speed] Watch a seagull or hang glider hover [0 ground speed] Throw a frisbee into a really strong wind. [0 ground speed] Fly a 100 mph airplane into a 100 mph wind [0 ground speed] In all these cases, flying occurs when there exists a sufficient air speed to enable flight. Even tho the ground speed may be zero.
  7. bonanova

    Beaten to death. Locked.
  8. bonanova

    LIS has it. There is in fact a single woman who is the most recent direct female ancestor of everyone alive today.
  9. bonanova

    Prove or disprove that Forest Gump and Bubba are not relations. Yeah, it's just a story. OK. Logically prove or disprove Tom Hanks and Mykelti Williamson are not [blood] relations. And by extension, all members of Brainden! Stories of Adam and Noah aside. Not a religious riddle.
  10. bonanova

    Sure: Defs are from onelook.com. Score: verb: make small marks into the surface of (Example: "Score the clay before firing it") Mark: noun: a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of - thus, Chump. Score: # noun: a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation (Example: "Settling a score") -> Gripe Score: noun: a set of twenty members (Example: "A score were sent out but only one returned") - "Roaring Twenties" Score: noun: grounds (Example: "He tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful") OK?
  11. You're giving the correct analysis. My post asked mattkonczal13 why he says it is not possible for the air speed to equal the plane speed.
  12. bonanova

    6 letters - jugful [1.98] Not a strange word in any sense: armful, bagful, boxful, canful, capful, carful, cupful, earful, hatful, jarful, jugful, kegful, lapful, mugful, panful, potful, tubful, urnful, vatful, and those are just the 6-letter -ful words... Feeling playful [!], there's also barnful, boatful, brimful, caseful, caskful, dishful, fistful, forkful, handful, nestful, pailful, pipeful, roomful, sackful, shipful, shoeful, skinful, tankful, tentful, trayful, treeful, yardful. All words referring to a container of some sort and the amount that it can hold when it's full. Not strange. Still the 6-letter word to beat, in ten online dictionaries. What dictionary was Drek E. O. using - it had Dybbuk, which I also found, but not jugful?
  13. Why is that? Every wind is slower than every plane? Why?
  14. bonanova

    Nope. Hint: there should be some connection with score. 'Course, if the connection is weak enough, just guessing java words might eventually work. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while....
  15. bonanova

    The dark, wicked side of me is beginning to enjoy this word. Sorry ... not yet. Still open. There was a slight clue in my previous post. Just a slight one.
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