6 letters - jugful [1.98]
Not a strange word in any sense:
armful, bagful, boxful, canful, capful, carful, cupful, earful, hatful, jarful, jugful, kegful, lapful, mugful, panful, potful, tubful, urnful, vatful, and those are just the 6-letter -ful words...
Feeling playful [!], there's also barnful, boatful, brimful, caseful, caskful, dishful, fistful, forkful, handful, nestful, pailful, pipeful, roomful, sackful, shipful, shoeful, skinful, tankful, tentful, trayful, treeful, yardful. All words referring to a container of some sort and the amount that it can hold when it's full. Not strange.
Still the 6-letter word to beat, in ten online dictionaries.
What dictionary was Drek E. O. using - it had Dybbuk, which I also found, but not jugful?