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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Assumptions are important. Assume Moe filled his bag both times - before and after Mae took some from his first bagful. Assume the stones are of various sizes.
  2. bonanova

    Moe and May went to the beach the other day. While May was setting out food for the picnic, Moe collected a bagful of pretty stones. When he returned, he spread them out on the cloth for Mae to see. Take as many of them as you like, he said, and put them in your bag. While you finish preparing the food I'll fill my bag with more stones. When they returned home, they counted their stones. What is the probability they had an even number of stones between them? [edit]
  3. bonanova

    Already posted. Closed.
  4. bonanova

    Twin Pop brings down the curtain! kammie - sorry I missed your post LIS - check the OP clue box for the code.
  5. bonanova

    Nope. The puzzle is entirely self-contained. Reference in the clue is only meant for guidance to see the code. Clue has been bumped up a bit.
  6. bonanova

    Nope, but I've beefed up the clue.
  7. bonanova

    only one was correct. One was wrong. 0 FAERIE is correct.
  8. bonanova

    Amazing. How did you find that? But, no. It's self-contained - you can deduce it from each word.
  9. bonanova

    I'd give you credit for that, BUTT, it's already found. <_<
  10. bonanova

    Bingo! We're done here.
  11. bonanova

    Not at all what I meant - disclose away: that's the point. And thanks for using the spoiler.
  12. Hi Joyell, and welcome to the Den. My sentiments exactly. We're mainly positive and collegial here. But not always, it seems.
  13. bonanova

    Original Post or the person who originally posted the OP. I added something to the clue.
  14. bonanova

    Morel are my favs. Been guessed. It's a well formed word, and it won't be in question when found.
  15. Probably not. But the idea of adding to the radius in proportion to the angle of wrap probably makes it the closest choice. That is, it rules out a slew of them - logarithmic, most importantly. The radius is measured from a moving point, as you point out.
  16. bonanova

    Too much of a stretch. Altho Anne is hot... When you find it, there won't be a question.
  17. bonanova

    Love 'em ... but, no.
  18. bonanova

    Right. Now the 12th and final set. Remember, the OP gives a clue.
  19. bonanova

    Pittwork has 9 of the 13 - and yes to your 2nd post. JC has 10 of the 13 PT adds 1 that JC missed [and bettered another one] Putting the three posts together, only one of the 13 is missing. The place, of course, is correct.
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