It's been a while from our last visit to Mortys. Last night
the discussion waxed philosophical. And Alex, the resident
guru of all things logical, and who usually loves to hear
himself pontificate, was a different person.
This time Alex minced no words. He never used many on
incompetents. It's OK to insult an incompetent, he often
would say, sometimes it's the only way to get rid of them.
But when they pose as scholars, they've gone way too far!
Jamie and Davey had spotted him on the way in, and Ian
was now joining the group at Alex's favorite table, in the
far back corner. Wondering what was on his mind this time,
they waited patiently, as one would sit quietly at the feet
of his master, to learn the lesson of the evening.
Well, I'd heard the question posed many a time, he began,
but I never thought anyone took it seriously. If a tree falls
in the woods and no one is there to hear, does it make
a sound? But last night I heard these two intellectuals,
they called 'em, actually debating the thing!
Not sure if that was a signal to speak, they continued
to listen. But that was it. Nothing else. So after only a
brief pause, Davey ventured, So?
Alex raised an eyebrow. So? you say? Well mateys,
there is only one answer. And it's so logical and clear
I would have thought even you all would have it. And
once you understand, it really can't be debated, now,
can it?
But this time they didn't understand. No one ventured an
answer; although Davey, as always, did stroke his beard.
What was Alex's answer to this age-old question, and
what was his insight, based only on logic, that gives
it undebatable certainty?