Asked Anna, how much does this ridiculous narrative weigh?
Hurriedly, Joe left his dormitory dirty room; while back at the classroom,
schoolmaster Jones sat in silence, pondering his two-word biography
of Madam Curie: Radium came. And speaking of hot, said the hot waitress:
A stew, sir?
I, in case of heavy rain, hire a navy. But when I encounter a persecution,
I run to escape. When that fails, in desperation, a rope ends it! Regardless,
fans of the King still insist Elvis lives.
The best type of film starring Clint Eastwood? Old West Action. Little-known
motto of Western Union: "No wire unsent." Oy! enough with the Morse code
... here come dots! Even worse, there sits a telephone girl repeating "Hello."
My take of her conversation? Voices rant on!
This year's winning bowling team is ... the astronomers' Moon Starers. And,
as they were fond of saying, Behold the mystery of the eyes: they see all.
And, no pun intended, but right "hear" set the ears.
Wow, said Joe, upon reaching the countryside, no city dust here! He was a
true naturalist - a trails nut.
Said one person, at a convention of the centenarians, I can hear ten "tens"!
Another said, what's eleven plus two? Twelve plus one! A third simply admonished,
Sam, be silent! Listen, I finally got all these clothespins, so let's pinch something!