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andromeda last won the day on July 18 2014

andromeda had the most liked content!

About andromeda

  • Birthday 04/02/1980

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andromeda's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. http://www.drawastickman.com/
  2. Congratulations guys you deserve it. Not a single girl on the VIP list! What's up with THAT rookie? I wasn't active for a long time so I wasn't a contender, but there must be at least one girl that deserves it?!
  3. Hello you cute German-American fluff :) When are you coming over to Europe?

    1. andromeda


      Oh, I've finished reading "The God Delusion" and I think I'm having a crush on Richard Dawkins!!! :D

    2. Izzy


      I am not American!

      And... idk, going to Thailand next summer.

  4. I'm lovin' this! I can see every comment that I add on other people's profiles on my page and their feedback and I can comment more... oh the possibilities...

  5. andromeda

    A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein
  6. Hi guys! It's not homework, but I can't seam to find an answer anywhere, or I just don't know where to look. Anywho, the question that's bugging me is: Does rapid cooling of liquids deplete the oxygen level in the liquids? If you could link me I would very much appreciate it
  7. I thought that we will only send a picture/caption to the next person to have their turn and to you. I didn't know that you'll start a "conversation". Part of the fun is when other people are commenting in spoilers before the person has it's turn, and then going back and reading the comments.
  8. thank you very much! I'll eat all kinds of cake (maybe organic cupcakes instead?) just for you!

  9. Happy fake BIRTHDAY! :D

  10. Happy eat-all-the-cake-you-want day! :)

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