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Okay so here are some stupid & funny stories!

1. This guy is a teller at a bank in Italy. He and his son think they have a great plan to rob a bank. The son will rob from the dad, and the dad will let him get away, splitting the money afterword. So the son storms in to the bank, all's well so far, untell he goes up to his dad and yells "Hand over the money, DAD!!!!" Let's just say it didn't work out as planned.

2. In Mexico, a car company was selling their new car called the Nova. Here's the problem: Roughly translated, "No va" means "It doesn't go" en español. You can imagine the sales that car had.

And here are some stupid labels on products!

On a can of BUG SPRAY: "Caution! Product may be harmful to bees" (Who knew??)

On a TV REMOTE: "Not dishwater safe" (Why would you think...)

On a JAR OF PEANUTS: "This product contains nuts" (Nooo, really???)

And on a MATTRESS, yes a MATTRESS, "Do not attempt to swallow" (What demographic are these people trying to sell to? Circus performers???)

Hope you got some laughs!!!!


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Okay so here are some stupid & funny stories!

1. This guy is a teller at a bank in Italy. He and his son think they have a great plan to rob a bank. The son will rob from the dad, and the dad will let him get away, splitting the money afterword. So the son storms in to the bank, all's well so far, untell he goes up to his dad and yells "Hand over the money, DAD!!!!" Let's just say it didn't work out as planned.

2. In Mexico, a car company was selling their new car called the Nova. Here's the problem: Roughly translated, "No va" means "It doesn't go" en español. You can imagine the sales that car had.

And here are some stupid labels on products!

On a can of BUG SPRAY: "Caution! Product may be harmful to bees" (Who knew??)

On a TV REMOTE: "Not dishwater safe" (Why would you think...)

On a JAR OF PEANUTS: "This product contains nuts" (Nooo, really???)

And on a MATTRESS, yes a MATTRESS, "Do not attempt to swallow" (What demographic are these people trying to sell to? Circus performers???)

Hope you got some laughs!!!!


thats some funny stuff.

i got one for the stupid labels: on milk it says WARNING: contains milk products

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i just saw another one on the web: THIS IS NOT A JOKE YOU ARE THE 100,000 VISITOR FROM Russia!!!

Okay normally I say LIMH (laughing in my head) but those you just said did make me actually LOL! Bravo!

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More stupidity:

On pet medication: "Do not drive or operate dangerous machinery after taking this medication."

On a blender: "WARNING: Made in Taiwan"

On my wife's curling iron: "For external use only"

The mother of them all -- in the instruction manuals of Husqvarna chainsaws: "Do not attempt to stop blade with hands or genitals." (emphasis added)

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More stupidity:

On pet medication: "Do not drive or operate dangerous machinery after taking this medication."

On a blender: "WARNING: Made in Taiwan"

On my wife's curling iron: "For external use only"

The mother of them all -- in the instruction manuals of Husqvarna chainsaws: "Do not attempt to stop blade with hands or genitals." (emphasis added)

Want to know why?????

someone did it and then sued the company(s) for not having a warning that told them not to do it.

(whatever it is)

all part of the dumbing down of America, common sence no longer exist

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Want to know why?????

someone did it and then sued the company(s) for not having a warning that told them not to do it.

(whatever it is)

all part of the dumbing down of America, common sence no longer exist

(sigh) Yeah. Pearson v. Chung. 'Nuff said...

On the bright side though, I can still get rich stopping my chainsaw with my armpit.

Sometimes having a warning and reasonable safety measures is not enough. A friend worked for a company that made (among other things) disposable propane canisters (for small camping stoves I think). The canisters had a one-way valve to make refilling impossible, and prominently displayed a warning label instructing users not to attempt to do so. Nonetheless, some nimrod cut off the original valve and soldered on a different one so he could reuse it. Predictably, his soldering job didn't hold under the pressure of refilling and the valve injured him when it blew off. For his idiocy, he was awarded a substantial cash sum, when it was ruled that the canisters "had not been designed such that they could not be retrofitted for refilling."

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A lot of those labels are already in the joke sect. A while back I posted some topic called Dumb Labels the Complete Collection or something like that. Don't really feel like looking it up, now though. You can post your contributaions there. Oh, and shoudln't this be in jokes?

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More stupidity:

On pet medication: "Do not drive or operate dangerous machinery after taking this medication."

On a blender: "WARNING: Made in Taiwan"

On my wife's curling iron: "For external use only"

The mother of them all -- in the instruction manuals of Husqvarna chainsaws: "Do not attempt to stop blade with hands or genitals." (emphasis added)


I wonder what brought about that warning?

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