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This is a place where you can put down details and descriptions of characters from your dreams, nightmares, or just plain overactive imagination. Just remember to keep it Brainden appropriate

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Ok...I remember from past dreams, that I've created these characters.

Don't ask me why. They're spies (kinda) and on missions.

I totally have an overactive imaginiation...

I'll keep you posted if you want...

So I'm telling you my dream stories?

*Characters -

~Ameranda: 14 yr old girl, brown hair, blue eyes, 5ft

~Ashton: 13 yr old blond, bright blue eyes, 4ft 10 in

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I dreamed last night i was being attacked and raped, and the crook ate my skin off my body. He burned my eyeballs out. It was the most horrific thing ever! (hopefully that may be considered BD appropriate)

Edited by CuteSparklezGirl
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Subject 1: Hivol

As usual, I was stuck in school when I probably had better things to do. Today’s brain-draining session was a presentation on the dangers of Internet predators. As usual they talked about how people could track you with the smallest pieces of imformation, and stories from people who had barely escaped with their lives. Then the presenter made a mistake, talking about how a girl had died inside a chatroom.

Of course, being the type who talks while he thinks, I asked the erroneous question, “What? How did she do that? Did she contract AIDS over the web or something?”

This gained a few laughs for the moment. Then I started thinking what I should do with the idea. Should I send it over the web as an urban legend? Tempting as that would seem, I figured I could be easily traced, and that people weren’t as gullible as they were twenty years ago. So I just thought I’d develop the idea for fun.

I gave it a name: Hivol

HIVOL stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus OnLine. The main idea is that a virus that normally affected humans could affect an artificial vector. Hivol works by injecting it’s DNA into the CD-Rom drive of a computer. It then accesses the users E-mail and sends it’s genetic imformation to everyone the user has ever contacted, under the subject name: HIVOL

After all the messages have been sent, HIVOL crashes the computer and proceeds to take over. One version, replaces the contents of the screen with an evil robotic grin, containing two hexagon eyes and a zigzag smile. Metalic, segmented tentacles sprout from it, 2 from the back, 2 from the sides, and two from the lower front for walking. 2 more sprout from the front-sides of the screen for grasping. A large tentacle with a hypodermic needle at the end emerges from the top righthand corner fo the screen for infecting it’s victums.

Edited by Romulus064
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I dreamed last night i was being attacked and raped, and the crook ate my skin off my body. He burned my eyeballs out. It was the most horrific thing ever! (hopefully that may be considered BD appropriate)

spoiler type maybe... :P

still - that's creepy!! The worst nightmares I ever have is being operated on while awake.

Fyi, that's not fun either. ;)

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spoiler type maybe... :P

still - that's creepy!! The worst nightmares I ever have is being operated on while awake.

Fyi, that's not fun either. ;)

Sounds SCARY! I just added in a spoiler, so I don't offend anywone

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Whoa! You've had dreams where you're...you? I rarely have those...I'm always someone else :P Or watching...the only character I've remembered from a dream was a 16 year old boy named James, who was trying to escape some sort of prison with some friends...I'm pretty sure he was falsly accused or something...all I remember was that he had to cross the wire over this dirty looking lake thing, so he tried to get across by holding onto the rope and side gripping or something...all I know is that he fell, and all of a sudden I was in his vison, and this shark just comes out of nowhere and eats him alive...not a fun vision...o.O


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I had weird dreams where my reflection was different (I didn't look like I do now, but it was me) and all the furniture was like hundred and fifty years old. Spooky... :unsure:

One time I dreamed that I was a cat. How do I know this, well I was really short, I was hopping gracefully all over the furniture with all four legs and I could see all the letters on some kind of paper, but I couldn't read, and there was a hair ball stuck down my throat :lol: The last bit I was kidding about, but the other stuff is true :)

So... the weirdest creatures that I have encountered in my dreams was me, not being myself :wacko:

Edited by andromeda
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Ok, my dream from last night...

At first I was in a drama play, and it was a dancing sceen, and I had forgotten a skit, so someone loned me a REALLY ugly skirt. I was on a field trip with people from my old school. We were going on a bus, about 3 hrs away. Turns out that we were doing this whole dance scene in front on an invisible audience sitting in invisible chairs - we only saw a table. There were levels that looked like blechers. I kept messing up the dance. Finally it was time to go home, and one of the teachers that I have now...


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Okay, I don't know if anyone on here watches House, but I last night I dreamed about Marika. You know, that girl who was the patient's daughter two episodes ago? But she wasn't stupid like her dad implied, she really did just have some kind of auditory processing thingamabob. She was actually really smart. I like her now a lot more than I did in the episode ^_^.

The weirdest dream I've ever had?

I had to hike across the tundra to battle a flock of mutant ostriches so I could save my friend who had been turned into a box if milk-cartons. :huh:

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Another nightmare dream. This one was very disturbing.


are you sure you can handle this?

Spoiler for if you're ready....:

here we go...

Spoiler for AHHHHH!:

Last night I dreamed I was on a catwalk, and this serial killer came and took me backstage, and he had a chainsaw, and started ripping my clothes off, but they were stuck to my body like skin, so I bled all over and blood gushed everywhere, and I melted into a bloody pile, and then my bones piled up, and i was just a spirit. The skylights turned into lasers, and bleached the bone pile. Then the wind blew away the whole building, with myself and my bones and the chainsaw creep all alone in the dessert. Then he started doing explict and obsesne things with my dead bones/blood/flesh. Then I coughed and he saw my spirit, and started chasing me around to rape me... then i can't post what happenened next. Let's just say I woke up screaming....

Don't open above spoiler unless you can view PG-13 content.

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Another nightmare dream. This one was very disturbing.


are you sure you can handle this?

Spoiler for if you're ready....:

here we go...

Spoiler for AHHHHH!:

Last night I dreamed I was on a catwalk, and this serial killer came and took me backstage, and he had a chainsaw, and started ripping my clothes off, but they were stuck to my body like skin, so I bled all over and blood gushed everywhere, and I melted into a bloody pile, and then my bones piled up, and i was just a spirit. The skylights turned into lasers, and bleached the bone pile. Then the wind blew away the whole building, with myself and my bones and the chainsaw creep all alone in the dessert. Then he started doing explict and obsesne things with my dead bones/blood/flesh. Then I coughed and he saw my spirit, and started chasing me around to rape me... then i can't post what happenened next. Let's just say I woke up screaming....

Don't open above spoiler unless you can view PG-13 content.

Do, how often do you have these nightmeres where you die and, well i have a quick question...

how do you rape a spirit...

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i have a quick question...

how do you rape a spirit...

it's simple in my mind you just remove your spirit like that ghost princess in One Piece did and well

commit the rape

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