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Palyers know how it works - we use the quote tag to carry over the rosta to add or change our vote and removing quote tags......

There have been several mistakes:-

putting own name down

wrong clolor code

change of color code

omitting the last player when editing

omitting other players vote (copying a non updated rosta)

Other forums use nothing.. that is very hard to follow

Simpler (easier said than done), would be to have vote check box that can be changed, and edited by the host so that lynched/killed players are unable to vote or be voted for.That said.....







Unable to folow the swing ??

people post one thing but the end result is to do another

relying on honesty - "I'm changing my vote because....." rather than just changing

Any one else see something I missed or have another suggestion, obviously the voting check boxes need to be available each round, up to 8 or 12 rounds ??

makes hosting much much easier if we avoid the mistakes

If we can track vote movements/swing great, but thats sounds far to complicated

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That would take some serious modding, and as you said would destroy some of the day constructs of mafia.

I was working on a program which would monitor registered the threads, and if someone have wrote something like "HOST:I Vote for ..." it would register it, and post the Voting Roster.. Also would prevent people from change other players votes ( by accident if two people post at same time). Was alsoing doing things for "Host: Flip Coin", "Host:Roll a die" etc.. and will post back the responses so you can have random chances in games etc..

Though I stopped due to lack of interest. I will pick it up again, if people decide there will be a need for it..

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That would take some serious modding, and as you said would destroy some of the day constructs of mafia.

Actually, it would just be different. Some people use it - and can use change vote option!

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That would take some serious modding, and as you said would destroy some of the day constructs of mafia.

Actually, now I have used the pole in large games I found it works well; people get used to the fact that they have to defend and be active to avoid voting. I'd go as far as to say that it works better, there is more discussion. If you poorly defend or lay low then your practically asking for a vote - it means that there is more prodding and discussion. People do not lurk and have to mention far ahead that there schedule affects play, avoids the lurking/hiding situations.

A vote once placed is also mentioned with reason in the thread, if not then the player comes under great suspicion

Definitely the easier and tidier way to go!

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if the site can do it properly, then it's definitely worth a try. but:

(1) it should be public. Everyone should be able to see who voted for who

(2) it should be mutable. Everyone should be able to change their vote up until the time the host declares the day to be over

[ edit regarding #2: although an interesting twist would be one-shot voting. You can't change after you vote - however that would make voting more serious/permanent and less about information discovery or pressure ]

Edited by unreality
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Yeah it needs 'public' results, but you have to state your 'reasoning' what ever it may be.

So far I have not seen any poles that can allow for changing - not that I have looked hard.

The reason it causes more discussion is that people know that a vote is final, the accused need to clear themselves or cause enough doubt.

That's a forum that discourages roles/character claims (34 players and 3,300 posts)

Anyway, does not hurt to try.

Oh and it has a cut off timer too. 48 hours done!

obviously vote weighting is manual.

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Another way is to use a google spread sheet, making a page for each day and see the voting history too., but then it's off site

could go into the wiki too, spread sheets can be embedded there, but not worked/edited to my knowledge.

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