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Mafia Olde Style

Guest Lost in space

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Let me say this then. when this is over and you see that I am good, then I'd like to ask the Vigilante to go for GC and if Vig doesn't get GC then to lynch him tomorrow, since it's obvious he was trying to get Kat out of the lynch and push votes for me making it likely that they're BOTH mafia.

Nice try, PM! The Vigilante has a list of to-do kills and unfortunately I suspect I am not on that list. Let's wait for the day post, thanks for maintaining the suspense. ;)

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  grey cells said:
Oh my! Oh my! A bloody conspiracy against me. :P jk.

SD I seriously want to know why I am in your radar. I was the one who started the Doc/Healer BTSC setup, I was the only one who voted for Reaymond, I have called a lot of attention to me inviting the spy roles(which baddies won't want that unless he has a way of proving he/she is an innocent). And I have thrown the names of the baddies(would I have thrown all my companions to the wolves?). PM is trying to pull a last minute bluff, trying to seed confusion in our minds.

And about my protecting Kat; I was the first one on night 2 to suggest that Kat was an almost confirmed mafioso. Now if I was Mafioso why would I do that?

I've made my case against you but I will reiterate.

1. It’s of no consequence that you suggested BTSC for the goodies because so did at least one confirmed baddie and likely a few others. Everyone was supportive of the idea because anyone who objected would be labeled Mafia in an instant. The only reason I was skeptical at first was because I didn’t fully understand the BTSC conditions for goodies.

2. You are the only one to have voted for Reaymond, even after it was clear he had saved Imp (a confirmed goodie) the night before. Now why would a good guy like you vote to lynch another good guy? You are too astute a player to pretend you “missed” that save in the night actions. And yet you maintain that lynching Reaymond is a good thing.

3. The whole matter with the Vigilante forgoing a kill on N2. You passively urged caution against action and further suggested that the Vigilante not kill on N2. You said,

“I think the Vigilante should forgo the night kill tonight too. Even if he doesn't kill tonight he will be able to kill for 2 more nights. We have no way of absolutely knowing a baddie identity at this stage…If the Vigilante chooses to kill, he has to choose from the 7 probable baddies(6 since Darwin cannot be targeted), out of which 2 are definitely innocent. So should he take that risk?”

Coincidentally and of great interest to me, the Vigilante was attacked that same night and nearly killed. If that doesn’t create suspicion as to your motives, I’m not sure I’ve been playing the same Mafia as everyone else.

4. Now, it’s not of primary concern to me that you managed to lead the lynch away from Kat and towards Prince Marth. If he is the Failed Prosecutor, then it certainly benefits the good guys. But don’t pretend like it’s not mutually beneficial for the Mafiosos either. The first of their win conditions is “ Win when the independent is dead”. So if Kat is bad (and we are 99% sure she is) and if Marth is independent (fairly certain he is) then this is a win-win situation for the Mafiosos. They achieve one win condition and simultaneously save a team mate. But if we lynch just Kat, it’s a loss for the Mafiosos.

Addendum: You've invited the spy to investigate you but to no avail. It's easy to dare a dead man to act...

I would be happier if I was wrong but I think in time we will see I’ve had you pegged all along. Especially if I die tonight.

Edited by Social_Darwin
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:sigh: There we go again.

  Social_Darwin said:
I've made my case against you but I will reiterate.

1. It's of no consequence that you suggested BTSC for the goodies because so did at least one confirmed baddie and likely a few others. Everyone was supportive of the idea because anyone who objected would be labeled Mafia in an instant. The only reason I was skeptical at first was because I didn't fully understand the BTSC conditions for goodies.

It's of consequence, since I didn't go along with the idea. I started the idea. There's a considerable difference between those two statements.

  Social_Darwin said:
2. You are the only one to have voted for Reaymond, even after it was clear he had saved Imp (a confirmed goodie) the night before. Now why would a good guy like you vote to lynch another good guy? You are too astute a player to pretend you "missed" that save in the night actions. And yet you maintain that lynching Reaymond is a good thing.

You are mistaken. I voted for Reaymond on the first day and he visited Imp on the following night. And even if I am a baddie, I am not foolish enough to vote for him after he visited Imp.

  Social_Darwin said:
3. The whole matter with the Vigilante forgoing a kill on N2. You passively urged caution against action and further suggested that the Vigilante not kill on N2. You said,

"I think the Vigilante should forgo the night kill tonight too. Even if he doesn't kill tonight he will be able to kill for 2 more nights. We have no way of absolutely knowing a baddie identity at this stage…If the Vigilante chooses to kill, he has to choose from the 7 probable baddies(6 since Darwin cannot be targeted), out of which 2 are definitely innocent. So should he take that risk?"

Coincidentally and of great interest to me, the Vigilante was attacked that same night and nearly killed. If that doesn't create suspicion as to your motives, I'm not sure I've been playing the same Mafia as everyone else.

Also Coincidentally, every one of us know his role. And as I said the sheriff arresting you was a good thing. He cleared your name, you couldn't have been the FP.

  Social_Darwin said:
4. Now, it's not of primary concern to me that you managed to lead the lynch away from Kat and towards Prince Marth. If he is the Failed Prosecutor, then it certainly benefits the good guys. But don't pretend like it's not mutually beneficial for the Mafiosos either. The first of their win conditions is " Win when the independent is dead". So if Kat is bad (and we are 99% sure she is) and if Marth is independent (fairly certain he is) then this is a win-win situation for the Mafiosos. They achieve one win condition and simultaneously save a team mate. But if we lynch just Kat, it's a loss for the Mafiosos.

No you are wrong there my friend. The Mafioso need to be the only ones alive, last ones standing to wn this game.

  Social_Darwin said:
I would be happier if I was wrong but I think in time we will see I've had you pegged all along. Especially if I die tonight.

And I would be happy if the state rests it's case, so that the defense can rest in peace. :P The innocents sould have won it by the time the night's over. I can assure you of that. ;)

EDIT: Typo

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Well put SD.

GC I wouldn't be so sure that you're safe from the Vigilante's list. We can all see everything everyone's typed, and I'm sure thew Vig has seen your contradictory statements. In KHM you got a lot of us to follow you and I'm willing to bet you've been counting on that same trust this time around too. However, as I'm sure you've noticed many of us are being much more cautious. I've no clue whether or not the Vigs' night 2 kill was on a goodie or not. However with as much information as we all have now I'm sure Vic wont be following your advice and will instead follow his own hunches.

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  grey cells said:
No you are wrong there my friend. The Mafioso need to be the only ones alive, last ones standing to wn this game.

I said it was one of their win conditions, not their sole win condition.

And I only provided a laundry list of accusations because you asked for it.

  grey cells said:
SD I seriously want to know why I am in your radar.

To be honest, I'm weary of trying to present evidence against you. Try as I might, no one seems to be listening. Somewhat disheartened, the State will now rest its case. But I’ve still got my eye on you. <_<

Edited by Social_Darwin
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  reaymond said:
clarification: As the SB i cannot save somebody, rather STOP them acting. and Kat... nice try claiming my role, but its not gonna happen ;)

Thanks reay, that clears some of my doubts ;)

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Poetic Justice or Just is poetry HERE is the tune to sing/rhyme it to

Reaymond wakes up to find, he finally made up his mind - Voted JarZe.

Reay's in the lynch and fells that awfull pinch - I was blaZe!

I didn't know what else to saaaay

I am a suicide bomb, and you are taking far too long - to notice that.

I put a stop to the thief, Who should turnover a new leaf - points at Kat

Using my thinking haaaaaaat!

Since Darwin is set free, and now has it on for GC - A little thrill..

SD says he is suspicious, as well as alittle auspicious - GC won't Kill?

SD has a mindful willllllll

GC brushes with a laugh, voting for Prince Marth - I trust him not.

Suspicion but he sure copes, Marth is on the boxing ropes - and calls it ROT!

PM is fighting hot!

Votes are swinging all the time, Host is making up a rhyme - ( just had too).

Risking a band wagon, kat votes "baddie" that's a good'un - news for you.

I am suicide bomber t(w)ooooooo.

Others bringing up the rear, Marth showing no signs of fear - Aint no bother!

They want to take the mafia down, They'll have a lynching in the town - the crowd hover.

Poor Marth just had to sufferrrrrr

Putting him upon a funeral pyre, flames growing higher n higher - Marth calls NO WAY!

They said he had run out of stealth, smoking consumed his health - he passed Away.

This just didn't seem to be his dayyyyy!

Sheriff Nick Ezee takes a shot, at the man who made it hot - he wants him dead.

Some guy hears the gun cocked - To bad the bullet locked - and then he fled

This just doesn't seem to ennnnnd

Host Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - Inspector

2 - Peace*out

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells

7 - Joe's Student

8 - JarZe

9 - Reaymond

10 - Some Guy

11 - akaslikster

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious

14 - Kat

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

The other *altercation* went down (failed) according to secrets

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Yeah, thank God I have a save, eh? Sheriff, if you're GC or not, you've picked the wrong target. I believe the Vigilante knows who I am, so I'm trusting him to make the right decision. GC, if you are the Sheriff, it seems that you made two bad calls today. Vigilante, please trust your own reasoning tonight. I don't think the goodies can afford the risk of following GC to a third mistake.

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I can't believe it, goodies lynching goodies!!!!

So sorry PM. Darn I'm gonna have to start trusting people here, everybody is so freaking honest...

Anyways we made a mistake again...

Vig, pick wisely... And DOC if you're still around, I need a save tonight!!!

Do we even have a saving role?

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1 - Prince Marth - Inspector

2 - Peace*out

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells

7 - Joe's Student

8 - JarZe

9 - Reaymond

10 - Some Guy

11 - akaslikster

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious

14 - Kat

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

Whoops on color codes - I'm geting worse

Thanks for playing there PM - missing you already

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1 - Prince Marth - Inspector

2 - Peace*out - baddie?

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - goodie

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - baddie?

7 - Joe's Student - indie?

8 - JarZe - goodie

9 - Reaymond - Suicide Bomber

10 - Some Guy - goodie?

11 - akaslikster - goodie?

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - goodie

14 - Kat - thief

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

This is what I'm thinking atm. Dont criticise me saying "well that doesnt add up". These are my thought, so something will be wrong ;)

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