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Mafia Olde Style

Guest Lost in space

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SD you sure want to kill me. Great work on the defense SD, but I am an innocent and I am guessing that at least one other innocent knows that I am an innocent.

Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Kat

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Kat

8 - JarZe -

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

My innocent list is complete(assuming SD and Reay's claims are true, which most probably is true)

which leaves the baddies to be:

Prince Marth


Some Guy


I will put my money on 3 mafioso and the PA. And we really need to get Ada today. Let's not leave that to chance.

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which leaves the baddies to be:

Prince Marth


Some Guy


I will put my money on 3 mafioso and the PA. And we really need to get Ada today. Let's not leave that to chance.

I have to ask why you believe me to be a baddie :huh:

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Based on elimination. Sorry PM but all the roles are filled in, unless one of us is lying about their role, which sounds unlikely.

EDIT: typo

Then you need a new spreadsheet (or whatever you're using to keep track of roles) :lol:

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Going from first day's posts I am inclined to think that PM is Ada. From the voting pattern, it sounds like SG, Kat and Peace are Mafia. Unless SG was playing a neat trick, voting for PM after the day was over and making us believe they weren't related.

Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Kat

8 - JarZe -

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

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Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Kat

8 - JarZe -

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

You must have read my mind as well as my earlier post. It seems to fit. I will be happier if he turns out to be the don.

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Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Kat

8 - JarZe -

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat - voting for Marth

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

Let's get a real mafia please -_-


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Kat, does that mean PM is the PA? Or are you guys throwing him to the wolves? Personally I think PM is the PA.

I don't know who he is to be honest...but he's more likely to be a baddie than I am <_< Although I'm leaning towards mafia myself...


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I don't know who he is to be honest...but he's more likely to be a baddie than I am <_< Although I'm leaning towards mafia myself...


Well, if you are a lynched innocent, then it was not my fault.

Just a reminder that I will be unable to change my vote later, due to my working a 10 hour shift tomorrow. I really must work and I have no labtop. Good luck goodies. I'll return by 1700 MST. ;)

Edited by akaslickster
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Well as I said earlier the more imminent threat is from the FP. I had it down to 2 people, the other is on GC's baddie list but I wasn't confident enough or bold enough to risk sticking my neck out. To be honest people we need to get the FP today, I mean you should all know why. Kat could be dealt with later/tonight etc. I trust GC as an innocent so let's go for it.

Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Prince Marth

8 - JarZe -

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat - voting for Marth

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

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I hope I'm still on time to cast my vote.

I'm leaning towards Marth being mafia, sorry PM I just don't trust you <_< :P

Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Prince Marth

8 - JarZe - Voting for Prince Marth

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat - voting for Marth

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

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Host: Lost in Space

1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat

2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat

3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia

4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Prince Marth

5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason)

6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth

7 - Joe's Student - voting for Prince Marth

8 - JarZe - Voting for Prince Marth

9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat

10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat

11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth

12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER

13 - Impervious - voting for Kat

14 - Kat - voting for Marth

15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason)

16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante

Alright, this is the last time I'm changing my vote. I agree that PM is probably not a good guy and we all know Kat isn't. Are you guys sure that Kat isn't the FP? If not, then she is 99% the thief and needs to be dealt with soon - but the FP is a greater priority. Since I have no strong opinion one way or the other, I am going to trust JarZe, *gasp* Grey Cells, and the fact that Kat is voting for PM to save her neck (by not accusing a goodie or mafioso - leaving only the FP).

This is the most current roster (Post #322) so please use this one for the next vote. Its annoying having to change the roster every 5 minutes.

Edited by Social_Darwin
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Let me say this then. when this is over and you see that I am good, then I'd like to ask the Vigilante to go for GC and if Vig doesn't get GC then to lynch him tomorrow, since it's obvious he was trying to get Kat out of the lynch and push votes for me making it likely that they're BOTH mafia.

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Let me say this then. when this is over and you see that I am good, then I'd like to ask the Vigilante to go for GC and if Vig doesn't get GC then to lynch him tomorrow, since it's obvious he was trying to get Kat out of the lynch and push votes for me making it likely that they're BOTH mafia.

If you're telling the truth, we'll act accordingly. As my post history will show, I'd like nothing more than to see GC lynched. (Sorry GC, but you've been on my radar since N1. And you've been pretty good at pulling strings so far. Don't like one bit!)

TBD my friend. TBD.

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Oh my! Oh my! A bloody conspiracy against me. :P jk.

SD I seriously want to know why I am in your radar. I was the one who started the Doc/Healer BTSC setup, I was the only one who voted for Reaymond, I have called a lot of attention to me inviting the spy roles(which baddies won't want that unless he has a way of proving he/she is an innocent). And I have thrown the names of the baddies(would I have thrown all my companions to the wolves?). PM is trying to pull a last minute bluff, trying to seed confusion in our minds.

And about my protecting Kat; I was the first one on night 2 to suggest that Kat was an almost confirmed mafioso. Now if I was Mafioso why would I do that?

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