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Trivia quiz.

Try these without using computer aid.

On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

  1. on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b] * answered
  2. on the right side [y u i o p h j k l n m] * answered
  3. on one row [q w e r t y u i o p], [a s d f g h j k l], or [z x c v b n m] * answered

  4. What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?* answered

  5. What one-syllable English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?* answered

  6. What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.* answered

  7. What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice] <_< * answered

  8. For a month not to have a full moon, it must be shorter than 30 days, and therefore be February. This has happened only once in recorded history. To within 100 years, what year? * disputed but answered

  9. Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].* answered

  10. If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor of 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?* answered

  11. In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor of 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] at cruising speed does the cruise liner QE2 get? * answered

  12. Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens? * answered

  13. Who blink more frequently, men or women? * answered
Edited by bonanova
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Trivia quiz.

Try these without using computer aid.

On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

  1. on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b]
  2. on the right side [y u i o p h j k l n m]
  3. on one row [q w e r t y u i o p], [a s d f g h j k l], or [z x c v b n m]

  4. What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?

  5. What English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?

  6. What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.

  7. What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice] <_<

  8. For a month not to have a full moon, it must be shorter than 30 days, and therefore be February. This has happened only once in recorded history. To within 100 years, what year?

  9. Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].

  10. If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?

  11. In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] does the cruise liner QE2 get?

  12. Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?

  13. Who blink more frequently, men or women?

4. Ignoring PMT.... dreamt

5. Depends how common and how precise your rhyme... how about... penguin.

6. tremendous, hazardous, stupendous, ...

7. I think I've heard as ostrich.

8. I'm not convinced this is correct. Shirly it happens more often than that. IIRC we had blue moons in both Jan and March of... 1999ish (maybe 2000.) So that year we would have had no new moon in Feb.

9. I remember hearing about a russian experiment to domesticate foxes some time in the last couple of centuries.

10. Never? Are they enough chinese born every second to keep up with the ones passing you? I suppose it depends how fast they walk...

11. QE2 is now parked up as a hotel in Dubai. Doesn't get any miles per gallon.

12. No. At a guess.

13. Men. Another guess

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6.75 out of 10.

But discounting 8 and 11 for now, 6.75 out of 8. ;)

I'll do more research on #8. Our years differ by more than 100.

For QE2 you conclude 0/0 is "not any". Arrg. another discussion of that! I mean, when it's cruising. ;)

And if you want more challenge, try the edited version of 5.

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7.75 out of 10.

But discounting 8 and 11 for now, 7.75 out of 8. ;)

I'll do more research on #8. Our years differ by more than 100.

For QE2 you conclude 0/0 is "not any". Arrg. another discussion of that! I mean, when it's cruising. ;)

And if you want more challenge, try the edited version of 5.

Wikipedia, which may or may not be a reliable source, tells me

there was no full moon in February 1866, 1885, 1915, 1934, 1961 or 1999

I could argue that the QEII is probably using some fuel while its parked up... so is getting no miles per gallon. But I won't. Apparently it once did 200 gallons per mile, or 0.005 miles per gallon.

Again Wikipedia tells me there are 13.1 births per thousand people per year in china. That's about 17,300,000 per year, or 0.55 per second.

If we say walking pace is 6km/h (4miles per hour, or 1.67 m/s) then the ranks would have to be spaced 24.3m apart in order for the birth rate to keep up with the passing rate. Halving walking pace, still leaves ranks 12m apart, which doesn't sound very realistic. And that's ignoring deaths.

So I think my answer to q10 isn't right...

Edited by armcie
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---What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?


---What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice]


---Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years.

foxes were domesticated in Siberia about 15 years ago

---If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor 10 would elapse,

before the trek would be completed?

You would have to know the distance from you to the last row and the average sustained speed of that row.

The column length would determined by the average distance between rows and the average thickness of the rows.

---In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] does the cruise liner QE2 get?

9000 gal per nautical mile(6000 ft)

---Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?

no and the difference grows as more people eat chickens more are put into the production pipeline

---Who blink more frequently, men or women?

women (the great weepers)

Edited by bonanova
spoler added to protect the puzzle solvers
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Trivia quiz.

Try these without using computer aid.

On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

  1. on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b]
  2. on the right side [y u i o p h j k l n m]
  3. on one row [q w e r t y u i o p], [a s d f g h j k l], or [z x c v b n m]

What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?

What one-syllable English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?

What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.

i have no idea.. lolz.
What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice] <_<

For a month not to have a full moon, it must be shorter than 30 days, and therefore be February. This has happened only once in recorded history. To within 100 years, what year?

Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].

If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?

10 years (they have lots of people there!! lol.
In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] at cruising speed does the cruise liner QE2 get?

100?? that seems too fast.. but what do i know..
Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?

Who blink more frequently, men or women?
women, coz of all the crap we put on our face.. -=o0
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[*]What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?


[*]What one-syllable English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?

[*]What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.

Damn, originally though of 'arduous', but that doesn't really work...

[*]What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice] <_<

Caterpillar? Centipede? An animal with /really/ big eyes?

[*]Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].


[*]If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?

China has about 1.3 billion people. Walking past you 8 at a time, we need 1,625,000 rows. Assuming it takes about 2 seconds per row to pass, that's roughly 3 million seconds. So 50,000 minutes, if you want it as a factor of 10.

[*]Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?

I would certainly hope so!

[*]Who blink more frequently, men or women?


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On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b]


on the right side [y u i o p h j k l n m]

on one row [q w e r t y u i o p], [a s d f g h j k l], or [z x c v b n m]

i believe the answer is typewriter

What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?


What English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?


What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.

What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice]


For a month not to have a full moon, it must be shorter than 30 days, and therefore be February. This has happened only once in recorded history. To within 100 years, what year?

Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].

If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?

In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] does the cruise liner QE2 get?

32 mpg? lol i haven't a clue.

Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?


Who blink more frequently, men or women?


i love random facts!!! yay!!

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On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b]

[spoiler='left hand only


What one-syllable English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?


What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.


Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].


If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?

assuming: 1.2 Bil chinese population, 4 mph = 5.9ft/second walking pace. and marching 6 feet apart. it would take 4.75 years

Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?

i have 2 dozen chicken breasts at home in my freezer. also considering the massive amount of chickens americans alone eat and the quick time it takes for chickens to propogate. based on those things, i think there are more living chickens then are living people.

Who blink more frequently, men or women?

women, in sure of it

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Trivia quiz.

Try these without using computer aid.

On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

  1. on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b] * answered
  2. on the right side [y u i o p h j k l n m]
  3. on one row [q w e r t y u i o p], [a s d f g h j k l], or [z x c v b n m] * answered

  4. What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?* answered

  5. What one-syllable English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?* answered

  6. What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.* 3/4 answered
    Stupend - Hazard - Trmend- Horend-

  7. What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice] <_< * answered

  8. For a month not to have a full moon, it must be shorter than 30 days, and therefore be February. This has happened only once in recorded history. To within 100 years, what year? I could day 19th century - cover 100 yrs but ist around mid

  9. Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].* answered this has me curious they all have there ferrell sides... some countries have strange pets - but that may be veryold tradition- thinking Rat

  10. If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor of 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?* answered

  11. In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor of 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] at cruising speed does the cruise liner QE2 get? provabably Gallons per mile I would say

  12. Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens? yes - or we will have no chicken tonight for dinner - or are the texans still eaitng stake 100%

  13. Who blink more frequently, men or women? battered women - eye battering that is

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There are roughly 30 billion chickens knocking round. That's 5 per person, which is a worry because

a)I plan to eat more than 5 chickens

b)I reckon in a fight 5 chickens would beat 1 person

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Trivia quiz.

Try these without using computer aid.

On a standard typewriter keyboard, what is the longest English word in common use that can be typed using keys

  1. on the left side [q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b] * answered - Stewardesses
  2. on the right side [y u i o p h j k l n m]
  3. on one row [q w e r t y u i o p], [a s d f g h j k l], or [z x c v b n m] * answered -Typewriter

  4. What English word in common use ends with the letters 'mt'?* answered - Dreamt

  5. What one-syllable English word in common use that is not the name of a color [e.g. orange, purple, silver] has no rhyming word?* answered - Month

  6. What four English words in common use end in 'dous'? Do not count various forms.* 3/4 answered Tremendous, Stupendous, Horrendous, Hazardous

  7. What animal's brain is smaller than its eye? [be nice] <_< * answered - Ostrich

  8. For a month not to have a full moon, it must be shorter than 30 days, and therefore be February. This has happened only once in recorded history. To within 100 years, what year? - No idea

  9. Name an animal that has become domesticated in the last 4,000 years. [be nice].* answered I guess lab rats/mice

  10. If the population of China were to walk past you 8 abreast, what time interval to within a factor of 10 would elapse, before the trek would be completed?* answered

  11. In this age of fuel economy, to within a factor of 100 how many miles per gallon [diesel] at cruising speed does the cruise liner QE2 get?

  12. Does the world's population [of living people] exceed the number of living chickens?
    I'd guess yes.

  13. Who blink more frequently, men or women?
Edited by bonanova
spoler added
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Bonanova that's a tough question, most large ships/cruise ships use the engines to run steam turbines, so the drive shafts are run off electricity not a direct drive shaft out of the engine. The electricity also powers everything else on the ship as well, which would certainly affect MPG...

That said if the drive shafts are like those on most large ships they're capable of well over 100,000 hp, which doesn't come cheap. So if your giving me an order of magnitude each way....

I'm choosing 100 Gallons/Mile figure it can't be over 1/2 mile per gallon and probably less than that but....hey your giving an order of magnitude

Something to think about....if a gallon of diesel weighs 7.33 lbs and your burning 100 gallons/mile at 25 miles/hour in one day your burning roughly 220 tons of fuel per day.....yikes....

even worse at $3 per gallon....$180K per day....

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Bonanova that's a tough question, most large ships/cruise ships use the engines to run steam turbines, so the drive shafts are run off electricity not a direct drive shaft out of the engine. The electricity also powers everything else on the ship as well, which would certainly affect MPG...

That said if the drive shafts are like those on most large ships they're capable of well over 100,000 hp, which doesn't come cheap. So if your giving me an order of magnitude each way....

I'm choosing 100 Gallons/Mile figure it can't be over 1/2 mile per gallon and probably less than that but....hey your giving an order of magnitude

Something to think about....if a gallon of diesel weighs 7.33 lbs and your burning 100 gallons/mile at 25 miles/hour in one day your burning roughly 220 tons of fuel per day.....yikes....

even worse at $3 per gallon....$180K per day....

Dawg has it. ;)

Urban legend has QE2 struggling along at a measly 6 inches per gallon = about 10000 gallons per mile.

This is eye catching but preposterously wrong - by about two orders of magnitude.

QE2's fuel capacity is about 1 million gallons. At the claimed rate it wouldn't go 100 miles!

snopes.com puts the number at about 40-50 feet per gallon.

Still a guzzler, to be sure: .0075 - .0095 mpg or about 100 - 130 gallons per mile.

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Dawg has it. ;)

Urban legend has QE2 struggling along at a measly 6 inches per gallon = about 10000 gallons per mile.

This is eye catching but preposterously wrong - by about two orders of magnitude.

QE2's fuel capacity is about 1 million gallons. At the claimed rate it wouldn't go 100 miles!

scopes.com puts the number at about 40-50 feet per gallon.

Still a guzzler, to be sure: .0075 - .0095 mpg or about 100 - 130 gallons per mile.

Yes, but it's hard to put something like that into perspective without looking it up, as QE2 is several orders of magnitude larger than the cars we drive. But take, for instance, a top fuel dragster, with a weight of only 2225 lbs. (most production cars weigh between 3000 and 4000 lbs.), and an estimated 7000 hp as opposed to 100-300 hp in most cars, what sort of fuel economy would you expect out of a top fuel dragster as it screams down the 1000 ft. track? Keep in mind the cruising speed of a dragster is also about 5x the average cruising speed of the cars we drive too.

red herrings in that problem.

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