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So, Christmas is approaching and it's always been one of my favorite holidays. When I was in elementary school, like 80's-90's, there was never any question about the greeting. Everyone said: "Merry Christmas" and that was that. Now there seems to be a movement happening (at least in the US) to put an end to this tradition. As you may have read, I am an atheist, so the religious portion of Christmas really isn't important to me personally, but the day has really evolved into just a fun friends and family cheerful day usually accompanied with a few days off and/or a vacation :D .

But now there's this tension: "Don't say Merry Christmas, say 'Happy Holidays'" is the mantra I hear nowadays. Christmas lights are no more, they are now called 'holiday lights'. I think it's really silly to go out of one's way just to call them 'holiday lights'. And there are displays all over the country that bash Christmas and try to basically diminish it into nothing, hoping it will disappear. In Washington State, the atheist group put up a sign about how we should celebrate the Winter Solstice and that Christmas was a sham. I, being an atheist, was surprised at how much I disagreed with those people. Why go so far out of your way to prevent people from having a good time? And what does everyone get out of trying to stop Christmas? Didn't they learn anything from the Grinch? ;)

I just don't get it and was wondering what people thought and what they've seen in this regard, from around the US and all over the world where Christmas is celebrated. Also, I was curious about the younger crowd, those in your teens, and what they do at your schools. Do they condemn Christmas, embrace it or just ignore it?

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