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Common Answers #15 - P

Your challenge is to guess the MOST COMMON answer to each of the following question.

Guess answers which you think other will also guess, you wont win by been unique.

The answer do not have to be “correct”

I will combine equivalent answers if I decide it is best

Enter by PM'ing me the answers of the questions, I will post the results when I have stopped getting results

Good Luck

Reply here so you will be notified as the results come in or

If you want a PM when the results are out, just say so with your answers

1 1: Name a Drink starting with the letter P

2 2: Name a Colour starting with P

3 3: Name something in the kitchen starting with P

4 4: Name a tools starting with P

5 5: Name a car which starts with P

6 6: Name a measurement starting with P

7 7: Name a mythical creature starting with P

8 8: Name a long word starting with P

9 9: Name something you wear starting with P

10 10: Name cartoon character starting with P

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  woon said:
Has sent in mine! :D

Cool.. When I finish studing Ill look at them good luck :D

  andromeda said:
I hate these <_<

Crybabies... !"#$$%%%$$##"# movies and books /&(()%$"&&&//((&"" stupid kitchen! <_<

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Are you mad at me because I didn'y use your idea? :( Sorry friend, ill make it up...

I just realized a Typo!!

Question 3: Name a tool ( not tools) which start with P?

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  star_tiger said:
Interesting topic...was very curious when it said "P" in your signature... :P

Will send mine's in in a few minutes!

  Izzy said:
I've sent mine in. :D

Cool. Will do a result post when I ge home tonight

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  puzzlegirl said:
oooOOOO! It's just like the game Scattergories...one of my favorites! YIPPEE...I mean, YIP-"P" :D

yeah, had a game of Scattergories last night so I decided it will be interesting. THough I think I probably outdid myself, because I getting alot of PM's saying this is too hard...

YIP-"P" hahahah

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  taliesin said:
yeah, had a game of Scattergories last night so I decided it will be interesting. THough I think I probably outdid myself, because I getting alot of PM's saying this is too hard...

YIP-"P" hahahah

too hard? I don't think so. Then again, I'm sure no one else is using my long "P" word

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  puzzlegirl said:
oooOOOO! It's just like the game Scattergories...one of my favorites! YIPPEE...I mean, YIP-"P" :D

Except in Scattergories, the object is to come up with unique answers that no one else has; in this game, the object is to guess the most common answers. I'm already thinking some of my answers were too unique, and there were a couple that I was debating between two common answers. Here's to hoping everyone else thought the same way I did. :)

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  reaymond said:
All of mine are in now ;) It was hard to think of the kitchen one that was obvious to everyone and I am CERTAIN that noone will ahve used my long word beginning with P :P

If everyone's long word is different, we all get 100%.. :D

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  Kathleen said:
I sent mine in too! :D I doubted anyone would have used my long word, so I changed it. Hope that wasn't a bad thing to do B)) Hope to check the results tonight or tomorrow...


Was your long word a real word?? If so im impressed ;)

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  reaymond said:
Is that aimed at me? Because mine wasn't - it was just a song title that I happen to know ;)

I would laugh so hard if my long p word was a song title :lol: I really, really doubt someone used mine, but I must say, it was fun trying to pronounce it ;) And yes, it really is a word, Talie :P

Just a sidenote, but what is this Scattergories that people are talking about? Never heard of it in my entire life :huh:

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I just thought of a much more common long P-word than the one I used, and it is one letter longer than mine. Oh well, I still like mine. It fits better in my sentence. That's right, I constructed a sentence using all of my p-words, plus a few.

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I guess I have to wait until all the responses are in to share it

I challenge you all to do the same.
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  Cherry Lane said:
I just thought of a much more common long P-word than the one I used, and it is one letter longer than mine. Oh well, I still like mine. It fits better in my sentence. That's right, I constructed a sentence using all of my p-words, plus a few.
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I guess I have to wait until all the responses are in to share it
I challenge you all to do the same.

Cant wait to read it once I get home from Orienteering tonight.. :D

I have about 20 results to enter, not sure if I get them all in, but I will try. Have study to do also..

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  taliesin said:
Cant wait to read it once I get home from Orienteering tonight.. :D

I have about 20 results to enter, not sure if I get them all in, but I will try. Have study to do also..

Study...right...*was supposed to be preparing for finals...a week before, has not done anything* :blush:

YAY! 20 RESULTS! :D:D:D Hope I don't come in last :P

Excited to see your lovely sentences, CL...especially the one for the long word :lol:

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