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Heroes Hybrid


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  Yoruichi-san said:
Lol...but you didn't listen to me, CC! I told you straight up I was the company MIA...the "CC" thing and the "you know I rock" was in reference to ABR...when I was Lelouche and you were CC...telling you to trust me...;P

what makes you think I didnt???

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Uh...b/c you didn't draft me as Elle? When I specifically directed the statement that I was the company mia at you...

or we could have tried to draft you the same time the heros did...

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Shame he didn't stay dead >.>

Really though, you guys played a good game, and I'm sorry that we kept pushing days so long. We were really only able to communicate around 2 hours before the end of each day, which meant that we were doing things like saying "If I don't hear back from X and Y by this time, we'll just send in this as our action, but if they say A, then we'll do a different thing..."

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wow, what a game, I kept up with it even though I was dead...

and I totally wanted to respond to the Hiro comment....Here i am :)

Good Job teammates, good to see our killing roles stayed alive...well minus Elle....

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  Impervious said:
wow, what a game, I kept up with it even though I was dead...

and I totally wanted to respond to the Hiro comment....Here i am :)

Good Job teammates, good to see our killing roles stayed alive...well minus Elle....

Yeah...I had to figure out how to get you guys to draft me without getting myself killed...that's why I put in the false hint for Someguy's team of "guys who can solve those things" ;P

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The Nightmare Becomes Reality

It was too late for the Company, the Heroes were surely going to win the war. However, there was a price for their victory, there was going to be a bloodbath coming… and only one person was going to survive. These terrible events, these two sides pitted against eachother… there was nothing to be gained, only bloodshed.

Riding in the back of her car, as her chauffeur was driving through a tunnel late at night, the droning sound of her engine hollowly echoing off the tunnel walls and through the sunroof… She snapped out of her subconscious haze as her car exited the end of the tunnel. Everything she had just seen… it seemed so real. Though of course, this was her ability. Seeing the future is what she does, so it didn’t even cross her mind as being odd. There was only one thing on Mrs. Petrelli’s mind… she had to stop the events she had just seen in her precognitive state. She had seen all of the events happening right that moment at the train yard, and on to 6 days into the future. It was too late to stop the events taking place at the trainyard, but if she could only get to her house. There was something there that she needed, it was her only chance to prevent this baffling loss of life that she had seen.

Mrs. Petrelli ordered her driver to take her to her residence in NY. It was late, too late for parking enforcement to be around. She told her driver to just parallel park on the side of the street and leave the car running, she wouldn’t take long inside. As soon as the car came to a stop, she opened up the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk and into the snow flurries. As Mrs. Petrelli stood up, she turned and looked to see a little girl walking down the sidewalk. She was holding her mothers hand on one side, and a balloon in her other hand. The little girl dressed in a little pink jacket looked up to see the snow flurries filling the night skies over her head…


The Nightmare Begins

A Dark Cold-Blooded Night

We Still Have Plans For You...

Attacking Blindly

Blind Intuition

Breaking Point

Great job everyone! Thanks for playing and I hope you all enjoyed it!

Many revisions for Part 2 have already been made but the game may not start for some time.

If you have any additional suggestions, or any ideas for what the Unsideds can do that would parallel the RIE, please let me know.

Thanks again to Ysan for writing the "Breaking Point" post, and to Frost for Helping me write the first two posts (he was isaac so he knew what was coming :P ), and to UR for helping me with the RIE, and to everyone who played!

Edited by Brandonb
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  Brandonb said:
As Mrs. Petrelli stood up, she turned and looked to see a little girl walking down the sidewalk. She was holding her mothers hand on one side, and a balloon in her other hand. The little girl dressed in a little pink jacket looked up to see the snow flurries filling the night skies over her head…

And then Mrs. Petrelli tackled the little girl... :P

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Oh wow, I completely forgot to post the actions!

(Individual actions are listed. Collective successful actions are in orange)

  Reveal hidden contents

The Company

1) Prince_Marth85 / HRG *** Attack Star_Tiger

2) crazypainter / Mr. Petrelli

3) Impervious / Candice

4) limeliam / Linderman *** Save CP

5) frozen_in_fire / Haitian

---Collective Kill – Reaymond

---Draft – DMS as Elle


The Unsided

1) Y-san / MIA/Elle *** Attacks Mekal

2) Frost / Isaac

3) Kathleen / Claire *** Saves Mekal

4) dms_172 / Matt *** spies Sinistral/Peter

5) Mekal / MIA/Niki *** Attacks dms172


The Heroes

1) Itachi / Ted *** Attack Prince Marth

2) Sinistral / Peter *** sacrifice for extra draft

3) reaymond / Nathan *** Saving Reaymond

4) star_tiger / Mohinder

5) SomeGuy / DL *** Save Sinistral

---Collective Kill - Impervious

---Draft – dms as Parkman

2nd draft - Ysan as Claire

HRG/Marth kills star_tiger/Mohinder

Company attacks Reaymond/Nathan, he is saved by Nathan (himself)

Elle/Ysan attacks Mekal/Niki, he is saved by Claire/Kat

Dms_172/Matt spies Sinistral/Peter, Sinistral learns that he was spied

Niki/Mekal kills dms_172/Matt

Ted/Itachi kills Prince Marth

Sinistral/Peter sacrifices ability for extra draft attempt

Heroes kill Impervious/Candice

Isaac/Frost learns that Candice, Matt, and Mohinder died.

RIEs used: 0

Heroes Draft dms_172 as Matt

All Other Drafts Fail

  Reveal hidden contents

The Company

1) Prince_Marth85 / HRG

2) crazypainter / Mr. Petrelli *** Stealing Elle's power and killing Reaymond

4) limeliam / Linderman *** Revive Marth

5) frozen_in_fire / Haitian *** Stop Sinistral's ability

---Collective Kill - Itachi

---Draft – Ysan as Isaac


The Unsided

1) Y-san / MIA/Elle

2) Frost / Isaac *** Check Linderman’s Actions

3) Kathleen / Claire

5) Mekal / MIA/Niki


The Heroes

1) Itachi / Ted

2) Sinistral / Peter

3) reaymond / Nathan *** sacrifice for extra draft

5) SomeGuy / DL

---Collective Kill - FIF

---Draft – Ysan as Isaac

2nd draft – Mekal as Claire

Mr. Petrelli/CP steals Elle’s power and kills Reaymond/Nathan

Linderman/Limeliam revives Marth/HRG from the dead

Haitian/FIF tries to stop sinistral’s ability, but Sinistral did not act.

Company attacks Itachi/Ted and fails, Itachi is outed as Ted

Reaymond/Nathan sacrifices his save to get an extra draft.

Isaac/Frost learns that Haitian, and Nathan died. Checks Linderman’s actions.

Heroes kill FIF

RIEs used: 0

All Drafts Fail

  Reveal hidden contents

The Company

1) Prince_Marth85 / HRG *** Attack Sinistral

2) crazypainter / Mr. Petrelli

4) limeliam / Linderman *** Save CP

---Collective Kill – Double Kill ## Itachi

---Draft – Ysan as Isaac


The Unsided

1) Y-san / MIA/Elle *** Attack Frost

2) Frost / Isaac

3) Kathleen / Claire *** Saves Prince Marth

5) Mekal / MIA/Niki *** Attack Marth


The Heroes

1) Itachi / Ted *** sacrificing ability for extra Draft (Y-san as Isaac)

2) Sinistral / Peter *** Visit Frost

5) SomeGuy / DL *** Saving Sinistral

---Collective Kill - CP

---Draft – Kat as Claire

2nd draft – Ysan as Isaac

HRG/Marth attacks Sinistral/Peter, he is saved by DL/Someguy

Company Double-Kills Itachi

Elle/Ysan Kills Frost/Isaac

Niki/Mekal attacks Marth/HRG, he is saved by Claire/Kat.

Itachi/Ted sacrifices his kill to get and extra draft

Peter/Sinistral visits Frost, he learns that Ted and Isaac died this night.

Heroes Attack CP/Petrelli, she is saved by Linderman/limeliam

RIEs used: 0

Two Drafts Fail

Heroes Draft Kat as Claire

  Reveal hidden contents

The Company

1) Prince_Marth85 / HRG

2) crazypainter / Mr. Petrelli *** Steal from DL and Save Herself

4) limeliam / Linderman *** Save Himself

---Collective Kill – Sacrificed

---Draft – Ysan as Claire


The Unsided

1) Y-san / MIA/Elle

^^HERO3) Kathleen / Claire

5) Mekal / MIA/Niki


The Heroes

2) Sinistral / Peter

5) SomeGuy / DL

---Collective Kill -

---Draft – NONE

Heroes speculated on attacking CP, but she was stealing DL’s ability to save herself.

RIEs used: 0

All Drafts Fail

  Reveal hidden contents

The Company

1) Prince_Marth85 / HRG *** Kill Someguy

2) crazypainter / Mr. Petrelli

4) limeliam / Linderman *** Save CP

---Collective Kill – Sinistral

---Draft – Ysan as Elle


The Unsided

1) Y-san / MIA/Elle *** Attack Mekal

vHEROv3) Kathleen / Claire *** Saves Someguy

5) Mekal / MIA/Niki *** Attack LimeLiam


The Heroes

2) Sinistral / Peter *** Reflects Ysan/Elle

5) SomeGuy / DL *** Save Mekal

---Collective Kill – Double Kill ## CP

---Draft – Mekal as Niki

HRG/Marth attacks Someguy/DL, he is saved by Claire/Kat

Elle/Ysan attacks Mekal/Niki, he is saved by DL/Someguy

Peter/Sinistral kills Ysan/Elle

Company Kills Sinistral/Peter

Heroes Double-Kill CP/Petrelli, she is saved by Linderman/Limeliam

Niki/Mekal kills Limeliam/Linderman

RIEs used: 0

Two Drafts Succeed

Heroes Draft Mekal as Niki

Company Drafts Ysan as Elle

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It was my first game, so I have no idea how it compares to the others, but that game was awesome :)

I agree, it might have been better if we'd used RIE's more, but the only thing I would have seen to make it worth it is identifying the independents, who did a good job of making sure that wasn't worth it (by killing each other :P). It really seemed to come down to "who is going to draft the spy?" and then "Who is going to draft Claire."

On that note, I think another way of killing Claire might be good for next time around.

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  SomeGuy said:
It was my first game, so I have no idea how it compares to the others, but that game was awesome :)

I agree, it might have been better if we'd used RIE's more, but the only thing I would have seen to make it worth it is identifying the independents, who did a good job of making sure that wasn't worth it (by killing each other :P). It really seemed to come down to "who is going to draft the spy?" and then "Who is going to draft Claire."

On that note, I think another way of killing Claire might be good for next time around.

Well, as you could see at the end of the game, it really paid off to know who the roles were on the other team so that you could organize your strategy around them (who is saving who, who was saved last night, etc). Claire is a great draft b/c she is the most likely to be alive at the end of the game. Isaac is a great draft b/c he knew over half of the roles the day before he died, plus he gets to find out who the saving roles choose, which would allow a team a near 100% kill chance. And Matt is the easiest to draft since his target is informed that they were spied. He also provides choice intel that could lead to a variety of good stuff, however, he dies easy. Then it's also a great idea to draft the MIAs so you can coordinate with them. This would have been a very different game if Ysan had been able to coordinate with her team, or if Mekal could have structured his attacks to go with the Heroes.

Personally, I wouldn't be quite as worried about drafting the Spy/Matt as I would be about drafting Isaac. He may not have choice info, but he has the most info. And knowing the dead roles can be just as helpful knowing who is alive.

I know you, and others, are putting alot of emphasis on claire, but she really wouldn't be the end-all choice of this game if people knew who they were killing. Seriously, the idea for the double-source kill to override the Linderman revival was placed there just so HRG would not be able to come back and make claire re-invincible. She's just as important to draft as any-other role, but the key to this game is info. And the Heroes had slightly more than the Company, so they won in the end.

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True, but as soon as the heroes drafted Claire, we switched to the idea that HRG really wasn't dangerous enough to us. We could let him be knowing that Claire was going to be alive as long as he was, and it was going to cost the Company one of their precious kill actions to take him out. I agree that it would have been better to get information earlier, and would likely use the RIE more in the next game, but having a pair of people that were "invincible" until a member of the other team died was pretty friggen powerful.

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  Brandonb said:
Personally, I wouldn't be quite as worried about drafting the Spy/Matt as I would be about drafting Isaac. He may not have choice info, but he has the most info. And knowing the dead roles can be just as helpful knowing who is alive.

Hehe...quite true, even more so in this game then in Heroes 1.1. Yeah, the night I died, I knew all but 6 people, and those 6 were in pairs, so if I knew only three more I would know everyone. I bet if I had survived that night I would have known everyone in that next cycle. Isaac is much more powerful in hybrid, he may start out with only a little, but the amount of info that he obtains increases rapidly. If only you guys had drafted me... :P

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  Frost said:
Hehe...quite true, even more so in this game then in Heroes 1.1. Yeah, the night I died, I knew all but 6 people, and those 6 were in pairs, so if I knew only three more I would know everyone. I bet if I had survived that night I would have known everyone in that next cycle. Isaac is much more powerful in hybrid, he may start out with only a little, but the amount of info that he obtains increases rapidly. If only you guys had drafted me... :P

Yeah, you knew both Claire and HRG by what... cycle 2?

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  Frost said:
Hehe...quite true, even more so in this game then in Heroes 1.1. Yeah, the night I died, I knew all but 6 people, and those 6 were in pairs, so if I knew only three more I would know everyone. I bet if I had survived that night I would have known everyone in that next cycle. Isaac is much more powerful in hybrid, he may start out with only a little, but the amount of info that he obtains increases rapidly. If only you guys had drafted me... :P

Hehe...yeah...that was my fault...I claimed to be you ;P...

  Brandonb said:
Oh, I thought you knew all of the unsided players by cycle 2.

Yeah, I had them pegged after cycle 1...if only my team had drafted me...they wouldn't have gotten Klaire...but then Frost confused me...and got himself killed...XP

Oh well, congratulations Heroes, very well played! Thanks for the great effort trying to draft me on both sides...;P

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