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[This is my first post on Brain Den(I'm just trying to get used to it), so please don't leave any negative comments about my riddle. Helpful criticism is always welcome. Now on to the riddle..]

If I gave you 5 nickels for every nickle I gave you and then took a nickle away for every 5 of those nickles, still keeping the original nickal and I gave you and I gave you a nickel every 5 minutes for the next 25 years. How many nickels would you have?

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Okay here buddy...

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Since you havent give me any nickel at all, there fore you cant possibly give me 5 nickel for every nickel you gave me cause u haven't gave me any. This satisfy the fact that not only you haven't give me any nickel, but also that I myself cannot be having any nickel unless I already have some nickel of my own in the first place. So theoretically writing, considering that I infact do not have any nickel of my own before hand, in the end... I'm just a poor guy who don't have any nickel...


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  Eli said:
[This is my first post on Brain Den(I'm just trying to get used to it), so please don't leave any negative comments about my riddle. Helpful criticism is always welcome. Now on to the riddle..]

If I gave you 5 nickels for every nickle I gave you and then took a nickle away for every 5 of those nickles, still keeping the original nickal and I gave you and I gave you a nickel every 5 minutes for the next 25 years. How many nickels would you have?

I'm not criticizing because I've been known to do this myslef, but be conscious of homophones in your riddles. In this case the distinction between nickel and nickles. Nickel is not a countable object, as it is an element. You used the two interchangeably. On the whole I like the riddle a lot, and I will have to go with this as my answer:

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I would have the same number of nickles I had before ever meeting you. You did not give me any, nor did you take any away.

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  Nyquist said:
I'm not criticizing because I've been known to do this myslef, but be conscious of homophones in your riddles. In this case the distinction between nickel and nickles. Nickel is not a countable object, as it is an element. You used the two interchangeably. On the whole I like the riddle a lot, and I will have to go with this as my answer:

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I would have the same number of nickles I had before ever meeting you. You did not give me any, nor did you take any away.

I agree, and what about the nickal? (whatever that is)

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Who cares about the nickal or the nickle? Maybe I'M the one who is over looking something, but I think it needs to be overlooked. What I noticed in the words of this riddle is. . .

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The person gives you one nickel, then gives you five nickels for the one they've already given you, but then takes one away for each five they gave you, leaving you with 5 nickels. After that, they give you one nickel every 5 minutes for the next 25 years, leaving you with 2,629,755 nickels all together.

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  Nyquist said:
I'm not criticizing because I've been known to do this myslef, but be conscious of homophones in your riddles. In this case the distinction between nickel and nickles. Nickel is not a countable object, as it is an element.

Actually, a Nickel is also US Currency, a coin worth $.05. Here's a website explaining that: http://mistupid.com/currency/

I'd actually never heard of Nickle, but a quick websearch told me it is a Programming Language: http://nickle.org/

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Since he gives you 5 nickels for every nickel he gives you, and takes one away for every 5 that he has given you, then it goes something like this, (1 + (5 - 1)) = 5, (1+1+1+1+1 + (5 + 5+ 5+ 5 +5 - 1 -1- 1- 1-1)) = 25 so on and you are left with easy 5^n, n = num. of cycles (in this example 25*365*24*12), but this num. is waaaaay to high, so I'm guessin' I am not reading it right, or it's a trick question, more of a word puzzle than an actual math.

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