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Take the year a Van beat 3 wigs.

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio.

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time. To the nearest integer.

Take the absolute value of this number and add up it's digits.

Add up this number's digits.

Take this number and add it to your first answer, which United States President was in office during this year?

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A Nickelodeon show (that still is showing and is reasonably popular) contains an obvious reference to this presidents name

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If you know the show that I'm referring to in the hint you can have bonus points =P

Edited by K4D
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  TitanParadise said:
.... Ack.

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All I got was Garfield, so that would mean James Garfield in 1881. No idea how to get to the number though, lol.

nope wrong show =)

try working out the stuff after the first part as I think that is the hardest part, but maybe thats just me =P

Edited by K4D
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Take the year a Van beat 3 wigs.-1837 wigs is the party of canidates

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio.- i have absolutely no clue

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time. To the nearest integer.-27

Take the absolute value of this number and add up it's digits.

Add up this number's digits.

Take this number and add it to your first answer, which United States President was in office during this year?

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from dms172 - Van Buren beat whigs 1837

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio.

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time. To the nearest integer.


golden ration is tied to the Fibonacci sequence (one of my favorites).

27th term = 196418

Subtract that from 1837, take the absolute value, add the numbers up. get 29

29 and 1837 = 1865

Lincoln was president at least until he decided to go to the ford theater....

Have no clue about the nickelodeon song.

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Take the year a Van beat 3 wigs. = 1837

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio. Golden ratio = 1.61803399

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time. To the nearest integer. = 27

Take the absolute value of this number and add up it's digits. = 27

Add up this number's digits. = 9

Take this number and add it to your first answer, which United States President was in office during this year? = 1846

According to wiki the president at that time was Abraham Lincon.

Is this right?

edit: ok i made a mistake with my calcs... back to the drawing board

Edited by Gambit
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I'm intending for it to be 1836 because that when the actual election ran for, but looks like you have all the parts right so far - or at least i've seen them all posted correctly by at least 1 person

somehow you got the right date gambit even though you used wrong date... but Abe Lincoln was

Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865

And now to figure out what show the hint is talking about =)

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  Gambit said:
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Take the year a Van beat 3 wigs. = 1836

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio. Fibonacci

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time (27.32166). To the nearest integer. = 27

Take the absolute value of this number (|1836-196418|=194582) and add up it's digits. = 1+9+4+5+8+2=29

Add up this number's digits. = 2+9=11

Take this number and add it to your first answer, which United States President was in office during this year? = 1836+11=1847

The president at that time was James Polk (1845-49).

Is the Nickelodeon reference to "Dora the Explorer" - maybe referring to the Manifest Destiny policies of Polk's era? or maybe to "Jimmy Neutron" who would at least share the same first name?

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  Sparanda said:

Going off Hokie's last answer there.

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James K. Polk is the name of the middle school in "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide."

Yeah you got the hint right

but hokie for some reason we got different answers in the math; still wound up with same president but i did this:

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Take the year a Van beat 3 wigs. (1836)

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio. (Fibonaccis Sequence)

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time. To the nearest integer.(27)

1836-(27th term of fibonacci sequence)=1836-121393=-119557

Takes the absolute value of this number and add up it's digits. (28)

Add up this number's digits.

Take this number and add it to your first answer, which United States President was in office durign this year?

EDIT: oh nvm you used the next term in the series i was counting 0 as the first term lucky it comes out to the same thing I guess

Edited by K4D
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  K4D said:
Take the year a Van beat 3 wigs.

Subtract the nth term of the famous sequence that closely resembles the golden ratio.

Where the nth term is the number of days it takes the Earth's largest satellite to revolve on it's axis one time. To the nearest integer.

Take the absolute value of this number and add up it's digits.

Add up this number's digits.

Take this number and add it to your first answer, which United States President was in office during this year?

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A Nickelodeon show (that still is showing and is reasonably popular) contains an obvious reference to this presidents name

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If you know the show that I'm referring to in the hint you can have bonus points =P

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a van (martin van buren) beat 3 wigs (whigs) in 1837

nth (30th) term of fibonacci sequence is 832040, subtracted from 1837 = -830203.

sum of digits of absolute value is 16.

sum of those digits is 7

president in 1844 was james polk.


polk high school is the setting for nickelodeon show "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide"

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  NickyThump said:
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a van (martin van buren) beat 3 wigs (whigs) in 1837

nth (30th) term of fibonacci sequence is 832040, subtracted from 1837 = -830203.

sum of digits of absolute value is 16.

sum of those digits is 7

president in 1844 was james polk.


polk high school is the setting for nickelodeon show "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide"

hmm well apparantly the riddle works with just about any numbers you chose lol =P

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Year van beat 3 wigs (whigs) -- 1836

nth term (n as 27) of fibonacci sequence - 196418

subtract from year (abs value) - 194528

add digits twice - 29, 11

year - 1847

president James K. Polk, namesake of the school in Ned's declassified School Survival Guide

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