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Cruise Ship Mafia II


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Too....many....:P FACES! :blink:

Ok thats enough, I'll just be quiet until the day post. Anyone want to change their vote before the day is over? Anyone? I want to see a dramatic turn around! *munches popcorn*

~Ghost Kat

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  Kathleen said:
Too....many....:P FACES! :blink:

Ok thats enough, I'll just be quiet until the day post. Anyone want to change their vote before the day is over? Anyone? I want to see a dramatic turn around! *munches popcorn*

~Ghost Kat

Face it Kat no movement for a while day post is still in three hours

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  Silverheart said:
Great defence <_<

Is it only me that *look at my posts* doesnt do it for??

also....Dinner was good :D....wait, can cats eat chinese food??

  limeliam said:
Well, what makes you so safe Slick :P Just let me say that you need me more than you'd think ;)

Edit: Fixed quote

  dms172 said:
well after lime's last post i now i am almost positive lime is an Innocent and i'm pretty sure of his role, but will still have to investigate.

like here you made it sound like lime the other nurse, so i investigated. now i'm inclined to think him and slick might have just been messing with the innocents.

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  dms172 said:
like here you made it sound like lime the other nurse, so i investigated. now i'm inclined to think him and slick might have just been messing with the innocents.

DMS, please don't jump to conclusions <_< it takes the fun out of Mafia :mad:

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  Kathleen said:
Actually, it just adds to the fun! *grabs more ghostly salt* Hope the day post comes soon. :)

~Ghost Kat

I would just like to say... Sea Gods can eat ghost popcorn also :P ... So kat, give me some Popcorn...

Okay... no more off topic posts from people alive... it's just that the ghosts can't help it... (They have messed up minds from the transaction...)

I have a tennis lesson in a little bit, then I will write the day post...

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  Mekal said:
I would just like to say... Sea Gods can eat ghost popcorn also :P ... So kat, give me some Popcorn...

Okay... no more off topic posts from people alive... it's just that the ghosts can't help it... (They have messed up minds from the transaction...)

I have a tennis lesson in a little bit, then I will write the day post...

*Hands over a god sized bowl* Butter? :D

Yeah, thats us, messed up mi...HEY :angry: ... :P And don't mind any ghostly screetching...or the smell of extra butter popcorn...:unsure: I think you're pretty much gone Silver, unless Panther comes back and decides to vote dms (its possible ;) ) And looking on the bright side, at least I'll have a ghost friend either way :D

~Ghost Kat

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No problem :(....:)

GL innocents :D

This Silver cat wasn't ment to be a shipcat ;)

Edit: Ghost posts have to be totally random rite??

*Begins to prepare dramatic dying randomness post*

Edited by Silverheart
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The lynching was to held inside today. The dark thunder clouds outside did not look very promising, so, gathered in the royal promenade were the remaining 9 people. Finally, the two most likely candidates were pushed to the front.

Dms and Siverheart were shoved onto the stage to give there defenses. Dms went first…

“I will tell you one thing. I AM INNOCENT!!!” he yelled into the microphone that rested on the stage.

Kat pushed Dms away from the microphone and started to contradict his statement

“Are you going to listen to him? How many people have tried to say something like”oh, I am innocent” when they turned out to be a baddie?”

The people started to chant, “D-M-S!!! D-M-S!!!”

Dms retook the micro phone from Silverheart and started talking again.

“Okay, fine, you guys have forced me into this, I am the nurse. Just look at my posts!”

As people heard this the chant slowly started to change until it finally turned into “SIL-VER-HEART!!! SIL-VER-HEART!!!”

Silver heart knew there was no way to convince this crowd otherwise so quickly. So, she reached out, grabbed the person in front of her, limeliam, and put a gun to his head.

“If you don’t let me out I will send this man to the grave!”

The crowd turned perfectly silent at this turn of events, only being interrupted by lightning outside.

After almost a minute, Siverheart started to countdown. “Five!!! Four!!! Thr…” Her five second countdown was stopped by a silver container rolling down the opening sea of nine people.

“What is this!!!” yelled Silverheart. But as soon as she asked the question the canister started to emit a white smoke, slowly fogging up the room.

“All right!!!” she continued. I want all of you into a single filed line, and I want you to exit into that store!!! Then, after I get away, I want you to…ehhaageeeragea”

Her voice was cut off and replaced by a horrible choking sound. Slowly, as if falling through water, SH fell to the ground with blood pooling around the dead, cold body. Behind her, Panther stale the knife from her belt and stabbed her in the back.

Note: Epicness of the day post requested by the Silver cat…

Sea God: Mekal

1)GC [Dead][Terrorist]

2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent]




6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist]




10)PG[Dead:Killed by Prisoners/S.W.A.T]




Night 4 has began.

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*Popcorn bowl drops and shatters, which is difficult because its ghostly* :o WOW THAT WAS EPIC :D Welcome to the ghost world, Silver cat ^_^ *hands another bowl*

~Ghost Kat

Edit: Wow I made it into the post :D I know its a typo Mekal, but I can't get over the fact that I posessed Silver and accused dms for a minute :D

Edited by Kathleen
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From one of the rooms in the midst of the ship, an almost shapeless form raises towards the sky. Some swear they see a small pink nose and whiskers and others gasp as the watch the long silver tail trail behind. Quickly accompanied by a small fox, the barely visible cat looks out over the small group that had gathered in the large room in which her body had been slaughtered.

Many people saw many different things that day.

But everyone heard her last words as they echoed across the ripples in the ocean.

"One thing is for sure.....

Everyone likes cupcakes B))"

(I just blew all randomness rite out of the water.....no pun intended)

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about the treasure hunt, the intro says

The Sea God Mekal was swimming on his hippocampus-this is a section in your brain. It belongs to the limbic system and plays major roles in short term memory and spatial navigation. ;)

I just thought it was an odd place to swim, but i guess his a god. :huh:

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  dms172 said:
about the treasure hunt, the intro says

The Sea God Mekal was swimming on his hippocampus-this is a section in your brain. It belongs to the limbic system and plays major roles in short term memory and spatial navigation. ;)

I just thought it was an odd place to swim, but i guess his a god. :huh:

it is also a half horse and half dolphin in greek mythology...

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*sticks tounge out at DMS*

Ya.... well Ima ghost I can say randomly what I want, I don't need your approval

* Floats with the Fox hanging in mid-air -- waves to seagod *


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  dms172 said:
Oh, that makes more sense.

I'll look again.

Sorry for scaring you DMS. Now you need protection or save yourself. I had the correct deciding vote. Wow, what a gamble.

Panther stabbing at the end does not make him innocent, mind ya'll. He may have wanted to end the suffering as well. ;)

I believe I may need protection as well if possible and woon too. I will report any ideas I come up with. FIF seems to be a baddie. I think liam is an innocent. JS could be a baddie. Panther maybe. I will be back late tonight. Good job woon and all the other innocents. WOOT, WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by akaslickster
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