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Cruise Ship Mafia II


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  reaymond said:
eh? firstly since when did i become a prisoner? ive been innocent straight from the start. If you are blaming me because i didn't vote in the lynching then ill give you proof that i was away yesterday, although i do agree with you about silverheart but i dont think limeliam is up to much either atm. Secondly, since when were you in charge of the innocents? - or are you giving them a good plan so that you, as a prisoner, know what the innocents will do and kill them off with your little group of prisoner friends. And why are you asking for protection tonight if you want the thief to check you out. Surely if you were "innocent" then the thief would be able to to prove this, making sure that the SA won't kill you - obviously the prisoners aren't going to kill themselves. Also why do you want protection for slick? another prisoner friend. So far (after 2 nights) you have claimed that you know an innocent and you want protection for another. Maybe a 3rd person will be added to the list in day/night 3. How many prisoners are there...? 3 claims for protection + yourself. Another thing i noticed when reading through your posts - FOTH was killed by the prisoners, straight after you had a "disagreement" with him - coincidence?

Anyway, Im not going to tell everyone what to do because im not in charge of the innocents, and as far as im concerned nobody is in charge of me.

edit: No offense to slick like, its just PG seems to be mentioning you alot.

Well, everyone seems to be asking for protection which makes it hard to decide who to be suspicious about :P

I have to say though, I'm keep a close eye on lime, I know about your connections liam ;) Don't think I don't.

Watch him, he's new but he has some really expierenced mafia friends that he let slip earlier on.

I also agree with PG that shes and obvious target and my suspicions with Slick still stand.

Also, we don't know if any nurses have died. It's no good having 4-5 diffrent people asking for protection because for all we know, Kat was a nurse....

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I know, I know, this is like my fourth ghost post, but I'm just so used to being in mafia till the end. I really want to tell you guys what I was, but I can't, so all I can say is choose wisely, this game could shift either way...LAST GHOST POST I PROMISE..<_<


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  Kathleen said:
I know, I know, this is like my fourth ghost post, but I'm just so used to being in mafia till the end. I really want to tell you guys what I was, but I can't, so all I can say is choose wisely, this game could shift either way...LAST GHOST POST I PROMISE..<_<


You can still ghost post anyway... i don't really care...

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  Mekal said:
You can still ghost post anyway... i don't really care...

YAY! I can continue to haunt this ship! *floats around, scaring some random passangers* But I can't give hints though, right?


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  reaymond said:
eh? firstly since when did i become a prisoner? ive been innocent straight from the start. If you are blaming me because i didn't vote in the lynching then ill give you proof that i was away yesterday, although i do agree with you about silverheart but i dont think limeliam is up to much either atm. Secondly, since when were you in charge of the innocents? - or are you giving them a good plan so that you, as a prisoner, know what the innocents will do and kill them off with your little group of prisoner friends. And why are you asking for protection tonight if you want the thief to check you out. Surely if you were "innocent" then the thief would be able to to prove this, making sure that the SA won't kill you - obviously the prisoners aren't going to kill themselves. Also why do you want protection for slick? another prisoner friend. So far (after 2 nights) you have claimed that you know an innocent and you want protection for another. Maybe a 3rd person will be added to the list in day/night 3. How many prisoners are there...? 3 claims for protection + yourself. Another thing i noticed when reading through your posts - FOTH was killed by the prisoners, straight after you had a "disagreement" with him - coincidence?

Anyway, Im not going to tell everyone what to do because im not in charge of the innocents, and as far as im concerned nobody is in charge of me.

edit: No offense to slick like, its just PG seems to be mentioning you alot.

Nice rant. I'll forgive you because you are a noob and becuase you obviously haven't been around me long enough to know my personality. Anyhow, I never claimed to be in charge of the innocents but somebody has to come up with a plan to rally us together. If you look closely enough, I have given several clues as to my role.

Reaymond, some of your arguments don't even make sense. The Minor Theif examining me has absolutely no bearing on what the SA and the Prisoners do. Plus, you seem to imply that the MT and SA have BTSC which is not the case. The reason I asked for protection is because I am an obvious target for the prisoners because I am needed to improve the chances for sucess for the innocents. Why don't you spend less time talking in circels and spend more time telling us why YOU are not suspicious???

Edit: And as for Slick, he has also given us good reason to believe he's innocent ...and he has also been outspoken, like myself, which makes him a prime target for you and your gang of baddies.

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A few quick notes:

- The only reason I think it would be wise for the MT to spy on me is so that they know my role and can rally the other innocents for my protection.

- There is a possibility that one nurse is dead but definitely not two.

- To clarify for the noobs: the only baddies left (the prisoners) know who each other are and have BTSC...none of the innocents do.

I am sticking with my previous plan...the nurse, SA & MT can do what they please. However, it is best that we have some sort of plan so that we don't have 4 people go after the same person in one night. Think wisely people, tonight could be a very revealing night for the innocents!

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Wait, so the Stage Magician is a useless role right? So if they come out it would be safe for them since they aren't a threat to the baddies...I did that when I was the Mad Scientist in M4F14- 7 and it's pretty helpful, just if you want to narrow down who's who...or was there a rule about not revealing your role...o_0 If there is ignore the post please :D

~Ghost Kat

Edit: And since its a ghost post and has to contain something off topic... *The Small ghosty fox pads silently into her old room, which is blocked off with police tape still from her death, takes a nap on bloodstained bed, scaring some on board police*


Edited by Kathleen
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  Kathleen said:
Wait, so the Stage Magician is a useless role right? So if they come out it would be safe for them since they aren't a threat to the baddies...I did that when I was the Mad Scientist in M4F14- 7 and it's pretty helpful, just if you want to narrow down who's who...or was there a rule about not revealing your role...o_0 If there is ignore the post please :D

~Ghost Kat

Good point Kat. So our wonderful stage magician could you come forward please?

You won't be targeted by the prisoners tonight because your role doesn't effect the prisoners AND there are more important innocent rules that threaten the prisoners out there...

So if you can come forward... go ahead please, would help us alot ;)

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  puzzlegirl said:
Nice rant. I'll forgive you because you are a noob and becuase you obviously haven't been around me long enough to know my personality. Anyhow, I never claimed to be in charge of the innocents but somebody has to come up with a plan to rally us together. If you look closely enough, I have given several clues as to my role.

Reaymond, some of your arguments don't even make sense. The Minor Theif examining me has absolutely no bearing on what the SA and the Prisoners do. Plus, you seem to imply that the MT and SA have BTSC which is not the case. The reason I asked for protection is because I am an obvious target for the prisoners because I am needed to improve the chances for sucess for the innocents. Why don't you spend less time talking in circels and spend more time telling us why YOU are not suspicious???

Edit: And as for Slick, he has also given us good reason to believe he's innocent ...and he has also been outspoken, like myself, which makes him a prime target for you and your gang of baddies.

ok fair enough PG - allbeit most of that was to make you stick up for yourself as i haven't seen you do it yet. As you have conviced met hat you are on my side, i will admit that it was more to provoke a defence from you rather than to get you killed - thank go youre experienced and could convice me, so fair enough for now I don't see any reason to distrust PG. Oh and yes i have checked on to those clues about your role and i have a fairly good idea ;) As for sticking up for myself, I've already done it when JS thought i was unhappy at his survival in the first round after the prisoners tried to kill him. Like most people would say, check me out minor thief - its a waste of a turn but if it shows my team mates who i am then go for it. As for the rest of us, I think me and PG are quite obvious targets after our "minor exchange", so nurses its your choice between me, PG and Slick (btw i never thought slick was a prisoner, it was just PG kept mentioning him). Who ever you want just try to think like the prisoners.

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  Kathleen said:
Wait, so the Stage Magician is a useless role right? So if they come out it would be safe for them since they aren't a threat to the baddies...I did that when I was the Mad Scientist in M4F14- 7 and it's pretty helpful, just if you want to narrow down who's who...or was there a rule about not revealing your role...o_0 If there is ignore the post please :D

~Ghost Kat

from one ghost to another: be careful what you say in your ghost posts. You might not be giving direct hints but the fact you are posting means something. We don't know who you are!

To the innocents: be careful who you listen to. Ghosts are not always correct. Remember that the prisoners know who you are but not what role you play. Actually it would be better for you if the SM died because someone else with a useful role is still alive in their place. An innocent will die tonight at the hands of the prisoners. Be cautious of people who say otherwise.

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  Kathleen said:
Wait, so the Stage Magician is a useless role right? So if they come out it would be safe for them since they aren't a threat to the baddies.

Hey, wait just a second! Ghost are not allowed to post strategy!! Kat, we have no proof that you were innocent, so it is not in our best interest to listen to what you have to say. As for the Stage Magician, he can still choose to save one person once. Also, the Prisoners win when ALL the innocents are dead...so the SM is not a useless role. Not to mention that the innocents will need a majority vote to lynch the baddies, so let's not throw a lamb to slaughter just yet.

Given that little exchange I am prone to think that Kat was a Prisoner...and what's with JS jumping right on board with her?? Why would you trust anything she has to say, JS?

Edit: And now that I think of it, SM, stay quiet! If the Prisoners know who you are then it will help them narrow down who the rest of us are and that would not be a good thing!

Edit 2: And FoolontheHill...an innocent does NOT have to die tonight if the saving roles play their cards right. The prisoners can attack to kill but a nurse or the room cleaner could save them.

Edited by puzzlegirl
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  puzzlegirl said:
Hey, wait just a second! Ghost are not allowed to post strategy!! Kat, we have no proof that you were innocent, so it is not in our best interest to listen to what you have to say. As for the Stage Magician, he can still choose to save one person once. Also, the Prisoners win when ALL the innocents are dead...so the SM is not a useless role. Not to mention that the innocents will need a majority vote to lynch the baddies, so let's not throw a lamb to slaughter just yet.

Given that little exchange I am prone to think that Kat was a Prisoner...and what's with JS jumping right on board with her?? Why would you trust anything she has to say, JS?

Edit: colors

Because tactically it makes sense. The SM won't be targeted by the prisoners, thats a silly move seeing as the SM can only vote now, there are more priority innocents out there. And the SM can only save from the terrorist so as the terrorist is dead the SM's role is only to vote as an innocent :).

If they come out, we can focus in on baddies easier, and they won't be a wasted target for the SA or Room Cleaner or us at the next lynching...

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  Joe said:
If they come out, we can focus in on baddies easier, and they won't be a wasted target for the SA or Room Cleaner or us at the next lynching...

Reread the role. Even after the Terrorist dies, the Stage Magician can save anyone once.

Look, I understand your reasoning about why you would want the Stage Magician to come forth, but it could just as easily work against us.

Edit: spelling

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If the SA is having a hard time figuring out who to target tonight their best bet is to go with one of the persons who has posted the least. This typically means that they are spending the majority of their time online PMing and not worried too much about what's being posted on the thread. Room Cleaner, that's a good idea for you as well.

We haven't seen hardly anything at all from Woon...or Limeliam...or Panther...or DMS... you may want to take a look at these guys.

Again, I am asking that Nurse 1 please save me tonight (I am posting a lot of names and probably making the prisoners nervous.)

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  puzzlegirl said:
If the SA is having a hard time figuring out who to target tonight their best bet is to go with one of the persons who has posted the least. This typically means that they are spending the majority of their time online PMing and not worried too much about what's being posted on the thread. Room Cleaner, that's a good idea for you as well.

We haven't seen hardly anything at all from Woon...or Limeliam...or Panther...or DMS... you may want to take a look at these guys.

Again, I am asking that Nurse 1 please save me tonight (I am posting a lot of names and probably making the prisoners nervous.)

You sometimes get a very quiet baddie, and this time it must be FIF. I would like to know why you post so little. Pg is much more believable than earlier yet, nothing has been proven about any of us. Beware of silvercat and FIF. Someone please save my @ss tonight for the innocent. :)
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  puzzlegirl said:
If the SA is having a hard time figuring out who to target tonight their best bet is to go with one of the persons who has posted the least. This typically means that they are spending the majority of their time online PMing and not worried too much about what's being posted on the thread. Room Cleaner, that's a good idea for you as well.

We haven't seen hardly anything at all from Woon...or Limeliam...or Panther...or DMS... you may want to take a look at these guys.

Again, I am asking that Nurse 1 please save me tonight (I am posting a lot of names and probably making the prisoners nervous.)

agreed with PG on this one check out Limeliam or DMS, Woon was active earlier on and I know why panther hasnt been online - check out/kill limeliam or DMS.

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No, I am not a quiet baddie. I'll explain more in the day, when I am safe from baddies. As for now, I think I'll just watch instead of talk and say something that might get me killed.

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  reaymond said:
agreed with PG on this one check out Limeliam or DMS, Woon was active earlier on and I know why panther hasnt been online - check out/kill limeliam or DMS.

So all of a sudden you think I'm trustworthy, huh? (Damned if you do, Damned if...)

Actually, Reaymond, Limeliam has been the most active of any of the four names I mentioned, so your brush-off of Woon and Panther has me thinking they may be compatriots of yours. <_<

Edit: clarification

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I'm heading out the door to take my kids to the pumpkin patch. I've already taken care of my side of things...I am hoping that you all will take care of me! :D I'll be back in about 5 hours...just in time for the night post....should be interesting!!

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  puzzlegirl said:
So all of a sudden you think I'm trustworthy, huh? (Damned if you do, Damned if...)

Actually, Reaymond, Limeliam has been the most active of any of the four names I mentioned, so your brush-off of Woon and Panther has me thinking they may be compatriots of yours. <_<

Edit: clarification

i never said trustworthy i just agree with what you said :P. In my opinion I hvnt seen limeliam post in a while, the only thing ive seen him do of any worth is the lynching. Panther has his excuses - an i trust him allbeit mostly as i have links with him through other games (AOW, BOW). Woon - at least he contributed earlier on, hes gone rather quite now though with i spose does make him suspicious.

edit: agreed in the "unactive as the are elsewhere" thing - the prisoners all have BTSC so maybe the inacitve ones are too busy plotting on there. *lighbulb lights above his head* hang on 4 prisoners ye... and we came up with 4 inactive people? anyone else thinking what im thinking?

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