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Don't know if anyone here has played both Age of Empires and Final Fantasy XII both on DS but im combining them into 1 forum, turn based game. I will only need 6 players as the map is not massive, but if there are more players that want to join i may consider to expand the map. For now i only want to see how many people are interested, and if i get 4-6 players soon then i will start to work on the rules - eradictating all loopholes - grrr... loopholes. I will not be able to start this fully until the 20th October which is about how long it should take to get started if im lucky, as i have geography C/w to hand in for my GCSE's. I should also point this out here, If anyone does not send in any moves for 3 days in a row without notifying me with an extremely good reason then the reserves will take over their roles. If you want to join then copy the roster below, and add your name to your preferred position (it doesn't make a difference)

Host: Reaymond












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btw i forgot to add, 1 turn will last for 48 hours, and it is not really time consuming - for you guys anyway, ive got battles etc to calculate. All you guys do is move around a map collecting powerups, summoning monsters and attacking each other. The map features different terrains that give different bonuses, and require movement points to pass across - e.g. a road requires 1 movement point, whereas a mountain needs 4 to apss across. Different "soldiers" are playable and i will provide a list of these later on. These soldiers can "level up" to increase certain attributes, allowing more technical gameplay to take place.

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I'll chill in the reserves as well. Between School, work and Heroes: season 1, who knows. 11 more weeks and i'm vacation though :)

Host: Reaymond








7) Mekal


9) Impervious

10) GC

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Looks cool! ;) I can play if you explain the rules because I have never played either of those games before(I don't actually know if it matters, but...) but I would love to play! :P

Host: Reaymond

1)Panther Yay 1st! :P







7) Mekal


9) Impervious

10) GC

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Mekal: tbh i dont really know how long its goin to run on for, this is just a bit of a test

Panther: nah it doesnt matter if you havent played the games before its just based on them, and any knowledge of the games will not really give you much of an advantage. I will add a new post to explain the rules if everyone has signed up and i have at least 4 players, but basically you move around a map collecting "powerups" and fighting the other warriors. You have a limited sight range to add a bit of a challenge to the game, and you can summon "monsters" to fight for you if you are on a specific spot in the game. A list of monsters will be also be added to the rules list along with the map. The actual warriors come straight from age of empires but basically feature spearmen, man-at-arms, light cavalry and archers. The warriors will level up throughout the game though and this will mean that some of the attributes will be increased. e.g. more defence, more attack, greater sight range, wider movement span etc...

Spearman - pikeman - phalanx man

axeman - 2H Swordsman - Samurai swordsman

Light Cavalry - Knight - Cavalier

Archer - Welsh Bowman - Longbowman

these have their own specific attributes, e.g. spearman have high defence and bonus v cavalry, archers has ranged attack but low defence, axeman has average stats, and cavalry has high att and bonus v other infantry

hops this explains it a bit better for you guys now

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  reaymond said:
there is 93 views on this but only 7 posts... if theres a specific reason why nobody wants to play then point it out and ill try to rectify it

You should most likely just write up a copy of the rules in a neat format and post them... most people want to know what the game is about before they join.

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OK - Time to introduce the Rules

Each Character you control will have a "sight range" meaning you can't see the whole map, and where you enemies are hiding. You will have a choice of roles your character ( you choose your own name and role which is hidden from other players) , starting off at either spearman, axeman, light cavalry or archer. These will then "evolve" over time and level up to become more powerful etc...;

Spearman - 100 att, 125 def, 7 movement, +50% att and def when fighting cavalry, 8 sight, 8 anima

pikeman - 125 att, 150 def, 7 movement, +66% att and def when fighting cavalry, 8 sight, 8 anima

phalanx man - 175 att, 200 def, 7 movement, +80% att and def when fighting cavalry, 8 sight, 8 anima

axeman - 125 att, 125 def - 8 movement, 8 sight, 10 anima

2H Swordsman - 175 att, 175 def - 7 movement, 8 sight, 10 anima

Samurai swordsman - 200 att, 200 def - 9 movement, 8 sight, 10 anima

Light Cavalry - 150 att, 100 def, 12 movement, +25% att and def when fighting infantry, 10 sight, 6 anima

Knight - 175 att, 100 def, 10 movement, + 50% att and def when fighting infantry, 9 sight, 6 anima

Cavalier - 225 att, 175 def, 10 movement, + 75% att and def when fighting infantry, 9 sight, 8 anima

(bonus when fighting infantry does not appy against spearmen)

Skirmisher - 150 att, 125 def, 7 movement, att range 2, 10 sight, 6 anima

Welsh Bowman - 175 att, 100 def, 7 movement, att range 3, 10 sight, 6 anima

Longbowman - 250 att, 150 def, 7 movement, att range 4, 12 sight, 6 anima

(all ranged units attack first even when defending)

ATM I am still developing the map but it is a 25x25 grid with different terrains on listed below;

Roads - 1 movement point, + 0% defence, 2 sight

Grass - 2 movement point, + 10% defence, 2 sight

Hills - 3 movement point, + 25% defence, 3 sight, + 2 to sight range, +1 to archer range

Mountains - 4 movement point, + 40% defence, 3 sight, + 4 to sight range, + 2 to archer range

Water - impassable, 2 sight

Bridge - 1 movement point, + 50% defence, 2 sight,

Summoning square - 2 movement point, - 25% def, 1 sight

An extra feature i added to this game is that when you are on a summoning square for 2 turns is a row, you can summon a specific beast to fight along side you. Each beast you summon requires anima and the higher the stats of the beast, the more anima it requires to summon. A list of the beasts will be provided to each person when they require to summon one. I want to keep this secret for now just to see who will be the brave person to try it out :P

Any other questions then put a post on the forum, but i think thats about it for now


P.S. The Roster








7) Mekal


9) Impervious

10) GC

Edit: I want to keep the formulas private for now just to stop people trying to gain an advantage by working out the chances of a successful attack

Edited by reaymond
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  frozen_in_fire said:







7) Mekal


9) Impervious

10) GC

Yeah, um, how much time will this take up again?

alot of the other games are running at 48 hours per turn. Basically, long on once everey 2 days for 5-10 mins and send me a pm :P

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yey we have 4 players now. All ive got to do is finish off editing the map, finish off my geography C/w, wait a while for some more people if they want to sign up and then start the game.

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