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Inspired by Andromeda's Lock the Chain and Itachi-san's Disappearing Riddle...

What do these mean? Each is connected to the one before and the one after.

1) My mother is thirty,

I am five.

2) Without any jeans,

You cannot move.

3) There is no limit,

To the number of its beauty.

4) To halt has eight,

To be gracious has three.

5) It truncates and divides,

and is the end.

6) Once this has been handed out,

that will be taken from you.

(loops back around to 1)

The connection is in the interpretation, not the answer. ;P

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So if "sentence" is the second link from number 5, it should link to #6:

6) Once this has been handed out,

that will be taken from you.

So... once a sentence has been handed out, something will be taken. If its a prison sentence then freedom will be taken from you, or it could be a death sentence, in which case life would be taken. Is it "life"?

Good! We're getting closer ;). Correct interpretation, but "life" is not the correct link. Don't forget that it links to 1 ;).

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Because I think this has to potential to be a great puzzle - especially as noone has answered it yet, ;) - I thought I'd try to revive it (and because Y-san's puzzles are always fun!)

1) My mother is thirty,

I am five.

2) Without any jeans,

You cannot move.

Considering that 'Delta' was close here, how about Kappa clothing as an alternative Greek letter, or is that just UK based? Delta feels right in working with limits at (3) too.

3) There is no limit,

To the number of its beauty.

I like 'faces' here, but it could be edges? or maybe vertex/vertices. Or even corner and then we could put 0 or a circle at (3)

4) To halt has eight,

To be gracious has three.

Sinistral: sign / sine

4.5) To be full,

I have to eat 2 pastries. =2.pi

Sinistral: period (ie. time divisor, or full stop)

5) It truncates and divides,

and is the end.

Sinistral: sentence

6) Once this has been handed out,

that will be taken from you.

freedom? choice?

(loops back around to 1)

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Can't have one going unsolved now can we?

Because I think this has to potential to be a great puzzle - especially as noone has answered it yet, ;) - I thought I'd try to revive it (and because Y-san's puzzles are always fun!)

1) My mother is thirty,

I am five.

2) Without any jeans,

You cannot move. zero K? (Calvin Klein)

Considering that 'Delta' was close here, how about Kappa clothing as an alternative Greek letter, or is that just UK based? Delta feels right in working with limits at (3) too.


3) There is no limit,

To the number of its beauty.circle?

I like 'faces' here, but it could be edges? or maybe vertex/vertices. Or even corner and then we could put 0 or a circle at (3) angles?

4) To halt has eight,

To be gracious has three.

Sinistral: sign / sine

4.5) To be full,

I have to eat 2 pastries. =2.pi

Sinistral: period (ie. time divisor, or full stop)

5) It truncates and divides,

and is the end.

Sinistral: sentence

6) Once this has been handed out,

that will be taken from you.

freedom? choice?Time or Years

(loops back around to 1)

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Can't have one going unsolved now can we?

Aww...thanks :D

You are right about everything you have except the link b/w 3 and 4 and you put b/w 2 and 3 should be b/w 1 and 2...;P

So you just have to get those and the actual link b/w 2 and 3...Great job for all of you!

And many thanks to FOTH, Grayven, and Andromeda for their undying efforts! ;)

Edited by Yoruichi-san
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Nice work Grayven. So could this be nearly the complete answer?

1) My mother is thirty,

I am five.

Grayven: Kelvin/Calvin - Could this be Calvin and Hobbes? Calvin is supposed nearly six isn't he? But I don't know about his mother...

2) Without any jeans,

You cannot move.

foth: just 'zero'?

3) There is no limit,

To the number of its beauty.

foth: symmetries?

4) To halt has eight,

To be gracious has three.

Sinistral: sign / sine

4.5) To be full,

I have to eat 2 pastries. =2.pi

Sinistral: period (ie. time divisor, or full stop)

5) It truncates and divides,

and is the end.

Sinistral: sentence

6) Once this has been handed out,

that will be taken from you.

grayven: years - which would then fit with Calvin, possibly

(loops back around to 1)

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Nice work Grayven. So could this be nearly the complete answer?

1) My mother is thirty,

I am five.

Grayven: Kelvin/Calvin - Could this be Calvin and Hobbes? Calvin is supposed nearly six isn't he? But I don't know about his mother...

Actually...I meant the answer was "degrees"...think about it ;P

2) Without any jeans,

You cannot move.

foth: just 'zero'? (zero/circle)

3) There is no limit,

To the number of its beauty.

foth: symmetries? Yep! :D

4) To halt has eight,

To be gracious has three.

Sinistral: sign / sine

4.5) To be full,

I have to eat 2 pastries. =2.pi

Sinistral: period (ie. time divisor, or full stop)

5) It truncates and divides,

and is the end.

Sinistral: sentence

6) Once this has been handed out,

that will be taken from you.

grayven: years - which would then fit with Calvin, possibly

"time" actually...again...think about it ;P

(loops back around to 1)

Great job finishing it up, FOTH! (comments in spoiler)

Awesome work, everyone :D.

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