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I don't think racism means you necessarily hate someone. To me, it just means you're wary of their intentions, and they of yours. When you get to know the other person, the difference in color seems to disappear. I've known people that hate, truly hate. I'm not one of them. As for the US, this is a nation of immigrants. Most of us are here because our ancestors found their way here, and stayed. I don't blame the illegals for wanting to be here. It's a great place to live! I do think they should work towards citizenship, and add to the economy here. Alot of illegal aliens send their money home, they have families too. :rolleyes:

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  Justsnapd8 said:
I don't think racism means you necessarily hate someone. To me, it just means you're wary of their intentions, and they of yours. When you get to know the other person, the difference in color seems to disappear. I've known people that hate, truly hate. I'm not one of them. As for the US, this is a nation of immigrants. Most of us are here because our ancestors found their way here, and stayed. I don't blame the illegals for wanting to be here. It's a great place to live! I do think they should work towards citizenship, and add to the economy here. Alot of illegal aliens send their money home, they have families too. :rolleyes:
That is correct. Before anything begins. We must first take care of or help the aliens who are already here. Then after, work out something for the other people. :D
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I voted yes...because there are times when I am most definitely racist. Not something I'm proud of...it's actually something that I really have to fight to overcome. But first my background...

I am Hawaiian/Chinese/Filipino/Caucasian (German, English, Welsh, etc.). My best friends are from very different backgrounds...one is black, one is white, one is Mexican/Puerto Rican. That's just 3 of my very varied friends. I've lived in Los Angeles my whole life, so I've always been surrounded by so many cultures, plus I LOVE travelling around the world...not that I've done a ton, but I plan to do a whole lot more in the future.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I am just being honest about my shortcomings. There are 2 races I absolutely hate sometimes...Russian and Armenian. First I want to point out that I have some good friends that are one or the other, so it's not like I hate everyone who is Russian or Armenian. But my ex was Russian. His step-father was Russian/Armenian. His family used to tell me that because of THEIR culture, I should act HAPPY when he did terrible things to me (yes, I was abused). They hated me because I wasn't Russian and blamed it on my culture (dude, I'm American, and I don't believe in accepting it when my boyfriend socks me in the face...). There's a lot more to the story, but I am not looking for sympathy. I'm just stating why I struggle so much not to hate certain people, especially when they base all their actions on their "culture." Their "culture" is the very reason my kids never knew their father. Their "culture" is why I want my kids to never know their paternal grandparents, why I still haven't let them know that I just moved across the frickin' country.

Anyway, that being said, I have 2 little half-Russian boys that are my whole world. And they are the main reason I fight to not hate those cultures, or at least not to hate the people that belong to them. It broke my heart one day when my church had guest speakers from Russia that were doing AMAZING things, like working to stop human trafficking, and I couldn't even stand to listen to them because of their accents. I broke down crying that day.

So, yes, I am racist sometimes. And I think I have good reason to be. But I have even more reason not to be, and I don't ACT on those feelings.

Well, now I have to go wake up my little half-Russians and go pick up my sister's Cuban/Italian kids from school.

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That must truly have been difficult to live with Onetruth. But I don't think you hate the entire race. Your Ex and his dad for sure. I feel sorry for the women that are still living that nightmare. And you know most of them think it's normal. I guess to them it is.

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