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Well... the reason why i made this thread is because I've been telling alot of stories lately. Mostly about my life but about other things. In the thread "Reason for Break-ups" i told them about my different girlfriends and all that stuff and they said i should start my own thread for that. Not sure if they were being serious or not but here i am making it official. The last story i said was this one...

So this was the beggining of summer last year... around mayish. There was this girl that liked me, not the prettiest of girls and she was fat... like 200 and she was only 5 feet tall. She liked me though, and she was pretty in a way. So I asked her out and for the next week everything was fine. She turned out to be a crazy "*****". The reason why i would say that is becasue she always came over to my house and she would want to be alone with me. EIther in my room or outside she would want me to kiss her and all that stuff. I really didnt do much with her since she always craved it, i'm that sort of guy... if you want it REALLY badly enough thats a turn off for me. Then again it depends who you are and what you mean in my life. So anyway as i said she would pull me in some dark corner and try to basicly "f***". Excuse me for my language but thats the best term that describes it. My father didnt like her that much since i have a little sister and she was catching up on things on what my gf did. We spent countless nights arguing over her... and finally a night came when i was out with a few different girls. No not a date... just hanging out of sorts. When i came home that night my father told me she called at 11:30 that night and wanted to know if i was there. She was convinced that my father was me and started to flirt with him. He kept saying that no this was his father and he wasnt here right now. Well it turned out she was stoned and heavily drunk that night and so thought it would be funny to call my house. Well when i found that out i was furious at her and broke up with her as soon as i set my eyes on her. I told her we were thorugh forever. She told me no that we can work this out all we need to do is talk and blah blah blah. I told... well screamed at her no that there is nothing to talk about, that she was high and drunk and called my house at 11:30, So we were through for good and i never wanted to see her again. Did she take it that hard... no, she wasnt crying or anything. Makes me wonder what i really meant to her but it was just a phaze i was in. As you all know that girl i fell really hard for i just broke up with her a few months before that and i really wanted my heart to be mended. No i did not use her, did i like her all that much, probably not now that i look back on it. But she did mean something to me.. maybe if she lost alot of weight she would of looked drop dead amazing. I have an eye like that... i tend to see on the inside and not so much on the outside. So in the end i never saw her again... she did go to my school but i am not sure where she is right now. She emailed me on my B-day... told me happy birthday, i was suprized that she remembered and told her thanks.

Ah and the girl i am dating right now, we have been going out for a month and a half... give or take a few days. Everything is....fine...ish. She got into a car accident 2 days ago and her mum took her car away, kicked her out of the house, and told her that we had to break up. Ha, AS IF!!!! Thats the last thing on her mind. Although she was convinced that i wanted to break up with her because of that and was crying when she told me all of this. I looked at her if she was an alien and told her thats the very very very very very very very last thing on my mind. Breaking up usually is, you have to do something very stupid to make me break up with you, like cheat on me... thats a HUGE thing with me. Scotch tape and glue cant hold my heart together forever........

Well now you know about the girls i have dated... actually there is one more but this is getting to be a bit to long and class is going to start soon. There is one reason why i date a girl for such a long period of time. And it's not like any ordinary girl, it has to be a girl that just full on blows my head into the water (AND I LIVE IN ARIZONA!!!! =D) Just something about her so it is love at first sight. Nothing inbetween.... If i want to date a girl i make it as real as it comes. Then again i hate being alone... i'm terrified of it... heh, you guys should here some of the nightmares i have! (another story time... not today, just ask and i will tell you guys, if you want to know still) Demons eating me alive... tearing at my stomac, ripping my guts out..... feeling every ounce of pain. Having acid poured on me....... just a preview of what is to come

I have three other stories to tell... but thats later, now please... let me hear your story B))

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  puzzlegirl said:
Hey Now, speak for yourselves, I was never geeky! I was quite popular actually and although I was in the gifted program, I was cool enough for it not to hurt my rep. :D

Sorry PG! Didn't mean to suggest that you were geeky - though you are an accountant who has a penchant for Sudoku and logic puzzles <_< !

What made you gifted but cool? I think most people would generally find that, except in particular places / schools, it can be difficult to fulfil both criteria. I managed to get close at uni, but that was because it was cool to be clever at uni (and there were far cleverer people than me there too!).

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  foolonthehill said:
YS: Did you have a sudden realisation moment with your parents? or did it come on gradually as you looked back on your childhood? I had a big shock when I found out that part of my parents' breakup was because my mother was having an affair with a guy down the road - someone who at the time, and since, has been a very good family friend. I only discovered it when I was about 21 and have never spoken about it (or anything about my father's death) with her...

Actually I think it was gradual...I wouldn't call it "realization", but instead "enlightenment". I'm one of those ppl who is constantly thinking about things and Can't Stop (makes me think of a DDR song...there I go, off on a tangent again... ;P), and somewhere along the line I was enlightened...my parents loved me and wanted me to become the best I could be, but their Asian-inspired methods, combined with the fact that I was growing up in a Midwest white society and they were too busy to spend time with me created unforeseen consequences...

But enough about me. Has your sudden realization changed your relationship with your mother? Are you angry at her? Family is important, and imperfect. ;)

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Actually I think it was gradual...I wouldn't call it "realization", but instead "enlightenment". I'm one of those ppl who is constantly thinking about things and Can't Stop (makes me think of a DDR song...there I go, off on a tangent again... ;P), and somewhere along the line I was enlightened...my parents loved me and wanted me to become the best I could be, but their Asian-inspired methods, combined with the fact that I was growing up in a Midwest white society and they were too busy to spend time with me created unforeseen consequences...

In my experience of 'eastern' parents (from my school and uni friends), there is often a lot of pressure placed on their children to succeed. The performance of your children is perceived to reflect strongly on the parents I think and so it is quite normal to pile on the pressure.

  Yoruichi-san said:
But enough about me. Has your sudden realization changed your relationship with your mother? Are you angry at her? Family is important, and imperfect. ;)

That was a few years ago now and it certainly didn't help our relationship. It made me realise she was human after all and not Supermum, but hadn't made me angry at her. She's had far too many other people angry at her and had to deal with the consequences of that to need me against her too. If I'm angry at anyone, it would be my Dad - there are few thinks I consider quite as selfish as suicide.

My story sounds a bit of a sob story now! Let me add that I have a beautiful fiancée and a string of disappointed girls left behind, I fly round the world for free to sail for other people, have holidays in 3 continents planned in the next year and have a well-paid job in London! There, that adds some balance!

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  foolonthehill said:
That was a few years ago now and it certainly didn't help our relationship. It made me realise she was human after all and not Supermum, but hadn't made me angry at her. She's had far too many other people angry at her and had to deal with the consequences of that to need me against her too. If I'm angry at anyone, it would be my Dad - there are few thinks I consider quite as selfish as suicide.

My story sounds a bit of a sob story now! Let me add that I have a beautiful fiancée and a string of disappointed girls left behind, I fly round the world for free to sail for other people, have holidays in 3 continents planned in the next year and have a well-paid job in London! There, that adds some balance!

That's good! :D

And if your mom has so many ppl angry with her, she probably needs someone to love her, too...;)

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I'll try to keep this short, but hey I'm 50!

My mom left us when I was about 4. She too had had an affair, but I didn't know about it until I was in my mid 20's. Daddy got married several times to give us a mother (never do that to your kids!). Mainly, Daddy raised us alone, with the help of relatives, friends and neighbors. Our neighbors packed us to church, so we weren't totally screwed up. Daddy raised us to be honest, and I'd have to say he did a great job with that. Teen years were tough, it's not like we were properly supervised or anything. I got married when I was 20 and I know now that I was looking for the white picket fence thing. It wasn't there. That lasted 13 years. My mother came back to us during that time, though she lived out of state at the time. She did eventually move back to town, with my step-dad. My mom and I were more friends than anything. My sister and I took care of her until she died. Daddy died about 2 years before that. I met my present husband while shooting pool in a league, I couldn't stand him, lol... We've been together almost 6 yrs (I think), and married 4 1/2. Now we have a new home, I got my first brand new car, and we sit out in the middle of the night and watch for deer in the yard. Life couldn't be better... except I just lost one of my cats the other day, Jessie, my outside cat, so sad. Don't be like me, have your cats tested for leukemia, then vaccinated if appropriate.

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My my, such wonderful stories full of twists and drops.

There is one thing we all have in common... we have all pretty much had a horrible life. Just by reading all of yours i've figured out that mine is not so bad.... sure i make nice long stories for you all to read, but hey, i am a really good story teller and i can see the good in people (my mum says it is a curse because i dont see the bad at all) i have another story if you would like to hear it... hmmm...... maybe i should change my name to Romeo... it would fit quite nicely, although i dont die at the end...my heart does though. :(

I give Impervious the best of luck with PG :lol:;)

and they have my blessing :D

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  Kathleen said:
Sorry, I don't have much of a life story...seeing as I haven't had much of a life (only 14 years 3 of which I can't remember) but I'll be happy to read everyone elses :)


Welcome... any story is fine. If you have anything you want to share either it is experiences or whats going on with your life right now feel free to post what your heart and mind desires. There are quite a few people who can help you, PG for one. If your wanting a guy's point of view... just close your eyes, spin around, and who ever your finger lands on thats the guy... quite a few of them. Just scream and i'll roughin them up a bit B))

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