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The whole thing will go like this:

The game begins once twenty people sign up

The twenty talk amongst themselves to pick a team name, and pick two teams

I will give a topic ranging from political to edible. One team will argue pro and the other con. The team will PM each other and come up with a cumulative statement [as long as they like: from a word to a paragraph]

They will choose a team leader to edit the paragraph, or speak for those not present. Once it’s been decided the team leaders post their teams answer.

I will pick the team that has given the best argument: they will be safe from elimination

Once I have done that I will give the ok for voting. Everyone [including the winners] will then select someone to be eliminated. You can confer with your alliances, but you must PM me your message.

The person with the most votes, the person that winning team leader chooses, and the losing team leader will be the final three who will then go into elimination. There they will [just the three of them] think about their alliances and PM me who [out of them] should be eliminated.

The teams will not be balanced out, but there can be a majority vote [over ½ from BOTH teams] to exchange players. The only two that don’t have a say are those who are being traded.

Each challenge will only be presented once everyone is ready, and a new one will only begin once each step of the process is completed.





















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Can't be left out :D Would like to see how this one goes... Like a Dragster or will drag :P

1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna (and Melissa if we're going with the split personalities. )

8. Slick #3

9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

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1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna (and Melissa if we're going with the split personalities. )

8. Slick #3

9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

14. ozobozolc (my evil twin... :unsure:;) )

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Now I wish I had thought of a really cool name for my alter ego instead of my silly real name.

So, I'll just stick with Alyanna. :D

Are we going to do this or what? :huh:

1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna

8. Slick #3

9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

14. ozobozolc (my evil twin... :unsure:;) )

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Whoa There! 3 Slicks is totally unbalanced!! :lol:

1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna

8. Slick #3

9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

14. ozobozolc (my evil twin... unsure.gif wink.gif )

15. Alyanna II

Fixed. :D

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  grey cells said:
I am not a great fan of advertising myself as a split character, but I have read that one lady had 80 or so split personalities. :wacko: And I have a feeling Jan's not gonna like this. :P

She might like the *bump* :D

80! I don't even know that many real people! :wacko:

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1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna

8. Slick #3

9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

14. ozobozolc (my evil twin... unsure.gif wink.gif )

15. Alyanna II

16. Kitty

Ooh split personalities! This is Kitty, my good twin ;):D


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Woo! Split personalities are fine by me, but you all are gonna have to watch your alliances with so many crazy people that are five people. We're gonna wait a bit longer, just to see if we can get 4 more people. You guys can start choosing your basic teams. There will only be 2 teams, but you guys get to have fun picking a team leader, a team name, and a team color.

On your mark....get set....GO!

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1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna


9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

14. ozobozolc (my evil twin... unsure.gif wink.gif )

15. Alyanna II

16. Kitty

Sorry, 3 is too many. :blush: I was merely trying to push the beginning. :blush: Glad that it is getting full now. :D

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  akaslickster said:
1. Clozobozo

2. Slick

3. GC

4. Taliesin

5. Kat

6. Slick #2

7. Alyanna


9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double)

10. Woon

11. Mekal

12. Merkal

13. Ben_Law

14. ozobozolc (my evil twin...)

15. Alyanna II

16. Kitty

Sorry, 3 is too many. :blush: I was merely trying to push the beginning. :blush: Glad that it is getting full now. :D

i dont think were doing split personalities anymore.... <_<

i think we need 1 more person and then we would have 10 people... 5 on each team...

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Okay, those who are interested in group #1, put your name below mine. Group#2 can sign under Kat.

Once we are separated we can choose names and colors. Here are the rosters:



:D Group #2


Continue sign-up by clicking on reply and add your name in either Group then delete quote tags and post. We should have done this first thing, but who knew about turn-out #.

Edited by akaslickster
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