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Ysan is laying on the floor of her one-room house, dead. Next to her are some fuzzy animals with 21 spots which the detective kicks away as he approaches her.

"Oops," he said, as the animals squealed in anger. "Sorry bout that."

"You're messing up the crime scene, Bob," said the other policeman, sounding as if he'd rather be dangling from the Sears Tower without any clothes and singing the Barney theme song than standing there at that moment.

"You want to come in here instead, Reynolds?" Bob said, lifting his head and smacking it on the low roof. "Dammit," he muttered, and crouched down by the dead body.

"Well?" Reynolds droned.

"Well what?" Bob snapped.

"How did she die?"

Bob rolled his eyes and turned back to the body. "Very strange," he said. "No sign of a bullet wound, or of an animal bite, or cut, or abrasion, or anything."

"It had to be those animals," Reynolds observed from the back. "Those squealie dudes."

"How?" Bob replied. "There's no bite marks!"

How, indeed?

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don't peek unless you're ready to give up on creating your own theory!

Spoiler for here goes nothin:

I'm pretty sure that the one-room house is Y-san's car and the furry creatures with 21 spots are fuzzy dice. so here are a couple options:

1. She died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning

2. The fuzzy dice blocked her view and she wrecked, crushing her insides with no apparent exteral injuries

3. She was playing "Pudgy Bunny" with the fuzzy dice and asphixiated :D

hurrah! my first post in a week!

EDIT: What the heck? my inner-spoiler just went berzerk!...let me try to fix it....just a sec

EDIT: okay, got it. Geesh.

Edited by puzzlegirl
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Spoiler for Again, no peeking!:

The mafia shoved Y-san in the trunk of a car along with her fuzzy dice and she suffocated to death!

Am I right? Am I right?!

EDIT: Danged spoiler-in-spoilers are giving me fits!

Edited by puzzlegirl
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  puzzlegirl said:

EDIT: Danged spoiler-in-spoilers are giving me fits!

  Reveal hidden contents

Spoiler for Again, no peeking!:

The mafia shoved Y-san in the trunk of a car along with her fuzzy dice and she suffocated to death!

Am I right? Am I right?!

nice ones, pg! good to see you around again. (just remember: moderation. It's tough for me, too) I couldn't get the spoiler-in-spoiler thing to work yesterday either - my inside spoiler ended up with no message inside - how did you fix it?

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Yeah I tried a spoiler in spoiler yesterday and it showed the inside spoiler, but I clicked on show it didn't show anything...

And are you sure that it's possible to determine cause of death just by looking at a body with no marks on it?

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  unreality said:
:P Good guesses so far, and close ;D

and yeah some people seem to be able to do infinite nesting of spoilers, others can only do one. Not sure...

edit: oh and good to see you, PG :P

Here is my guess... and abunch of spoilers

  Reveal hidden contents

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Almost there

Spoiler for :

JK:) you still have over 10 more to go...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

you just cant seem to stop... can you...

Spoiler for :

you know the anwser behind all these spoilers is probably wrong

Spoiler for :

but no... you just have to see what is at the end of the rainbow...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

Wait for it...

Spoiler for :

okay... this is the last one

Spoiler for :

haha... there is no answer in this... its in the second one!!

  Reveal hidden contents

here is my second guess

Spoiler for the second guess:

Unreality... god of content phoenix... saw that y-san was preaching about UR's death... so he made y-san's fuzzy rabbit(that had 21 spots) have special powers that it could fry her brain...
Edited by Mekal
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there are two answers I'm accepting- mojojojo got the second one ;D

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this is the one I was aiming at

the small room is her car. She was beaten to death by squeegee aliens with the fuzzy dice in the windshield. They didn't leave any marks cuz they were fuzzy (but they still killed her :P) hehe

  Reveal hidden contents

she was some sort of mother-animal, like a dog, who was in a small room (dog-crib or vet-birth-room or whatever) and died during childbirth

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  unreality said:
:P Good guesses so far, and close ;D

and yeah some people seem to be able to do infinite nesting of spoilers, others can only do one. Not sure...

edit: oh and good to see you, PG :P

others can do NONE

  ThunderChicken said:
Yeah I tried a spoiler in spoiler yesterday and it showed the inside spoiler, but I clicked on show it didn't show anything...

And are you sure that it's possible to determine cause of death just by looking at a body with no marks on it?


Any way awsomely astounding stuff PG

Where was the defender, doctor, healer ..... colaborating I guess

I know who did it - wait I'm shecking my spread sheet............... yep Brandonb

  Reveal hidden contents

cuddley leopard

Once a leopard saw his spots

Lot n lots n lots n lots

My oh me oh me oh my

Who did this too me and why

Suficated by soft toy - or should I say stuficated

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So i just made this account. I'm hoping to use it well in my free time. So, first post:

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I think that Ysan was a newborn baby, the fuzzy animals were stuffed animals in her crib. The crib, being her one-room house. When she was sleeping, she grabbed one of the animals and put it on her face constricting her airways. Thus she dies with no visible signs of damage to the body. The other detective did not want to get to close to the baby because he probably detests children.

Wow. That was long.

Let me know if I'm right! :D

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  unreality said:
there are two answers I'm accepting- mojojojo got the second one ;D

  Reveal hidden contents

this is the one I was aiming at

the small room is her car. She was beaten to death by squeegee aliens with the fuzzy dice in the windshield. They didn't leave any marks cuz they were fuzzy (but they still killed her :P) hehe

  Reveal hidden contents

she was some sort of mother-animal, like a dog, who was in a small room (dog-crib or vet-birth-room or whatever) and died during childbirth

HAHA :P...I think PG wins...;)

But here is my answer:

  Reveal hidden contents

She had a heart-attack while doing the Impossible Quiz...the fuzzy animals were pieces of her hair that she pulled out in frustration...XP


  Reveal hidden contents

Unreality stole the Death Tablet and carved her name onto to get revenge for the murder of his doppleganger.

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  Cherry Lane said:
nice ones, pg! good to see you around again.

Thanks CL! I felt a little guilty posting actually...like I was cheating on myself. :)

I couldn't get the spoiler-in-spoiler thing to work yesterday either - my inside spoiler ended up with no message inside - how did you fix it?

I entered the code by hand.

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  Yoruichi-san said:
*Owwwwww.....* XP

Lol Y-San at least you finished the Yak Hunt before you died...

Actually that's probably how she died...

She most likely died from the over-use of her brain while doing the Yak Hunt, causing a massive BRAIN ATTACK (not heart attack- brain attack; it's my word, don't steal it ^_^) in which case she died...

EDIT: Yeah I definitely can't do the infinite spoilers like Mekal can...

Edited by ThunderChicken
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I think the one-room house was a spoiler box. The 21 spots were my eyes after opening the spoiler boxes. Kind of like this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 2:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 3:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 4:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 5:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 6:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 7:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 8:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 9:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 10:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 11:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 12:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 13:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 14:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 15:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 16:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 17:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 18:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 19:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 20:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 21:

ysan - dead - suffocated by fuzzy spots in spoiler boxes
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