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[these Adventures will have both easy and hard riddles, logic and math and word, etc, and all go in this topic]

A Braindenizen had just emerged from the underwater depths after solving a complex fish riddle. He found himself late for the Rookie1ja's Brainden Party and went to ask the nearest Logical Beings what date it was (ie, what day of the week).

Unfortunately, the nearest Logical Beings were the Lyin' Lion (who lies all the time) and the Hoppy Hare (who only lies on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), and tells the truth otherwise).

When he asked them the dates, the Lion said: "It's Thursday."

However, the Hoppy Hare said, "The Lion would have been right two days ago."

Can you determine the day of the week? If so, what day is it?

(ps, I recall a series of riddles on here called Lion and the Unicorn that deal with days of the week, however I just thought of this riddle while boating, and I don't think it's the same, though I could be wrong)

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This does sound familiar to some old ones, but here goes:

Sunday. Obviously not thursday as the lion lies, if the hare was telling the truth, it would be saturday, but he lies on saturday. Since the hare is lying, it must be sunday

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"Sunday," the Braindenizen declared.

"No! Thursday!" the Lyin' Lion retorted, but the Braindenizen didn't pay much attention- Rookie1ja's Brainden Party was Monday- he still had a day to make it there!

"Tell me," he said to the Logical Beings. "If I were to ask you which way to Rookie1ja's Palace, what would you say?"

"South," said the Lyin' Lion.

"North," snapped back the Hoppy Hare, glaring at the Lion.

"I see," said the Braindenizen. "Now what if I had asked you on Friday?"

"Probably south," the Lion persisted.

"East," the Hoppy Hare said.

"Thanks," the Braindenizen muttered, and headed West. Soon he was on the Royal Road, heading toward Rookie1ja's Palace, humming a tune about some prisoners that had recently escaped death row by guessing the colors of their hats. Apparently Rookie1ja had been stymied about their escape, and set himself to creating a new system for keeping in clever prisoners.

On the way to the Party, the Braindenizen came across a group of mathemiticians arguing under a tree. They were arguing over three questions that they had for each other.

"You guys know NOTHING about restaurants because you don't have girlfriends," one of them was saying haughtily.

"Nonsense," the second asked. "Ask us anything about restaurants!"

"Yeah!" pitched in the third.

"Hmmm," said the first mathemitician. "What's 3% x 5%, and what does it have to do with restaurants?"

The other mathemiticians went pale in the face.

"Well..." the second one, covering for his un-knowledge. "How about this one: You are in a room with two empty urns. You have 50 white balls and 50 black balls, and you can place them in either urn any way you like. After that, a random ball is picked from a random urn. How should you distribute the balls into the urns (you have to place all of them) to maximize the chances of picking a white ball?"

"Hmmm, interesting question," the third said, then he added quickly: "I have a few statements for you:

1. At least one of these ten statements is false.

2. At least two of these ten statements are false.

3. At least three of these ten statements are false.

4. At least four of these ten statements are false.

5. At least five of these ten statements are false.

6. At least six of these ten statements are false.

7. At least seven of these ten statements are false.

8. At least eight of these ten statements are false.

9. At least nine of these ten statements are false.

10. At least ten of these ten statements are false.

Which of the statements are true, my logical friends?"

The Braindenizen, who had been listening quietly, leaned in. "I believe I can help you gentlemen with those."

What are the answers to the three riddles?

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3% * 5% = .15% = .0015?

I think it has to do with tips. Maybe?

Put half the black balls in each urn, then put half the whites in each on top of the blacks covering them up? Or maybe you put one urn inside the other? Not really sure on this one. <_<











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I couldn't get two, but yeah, one wasn't that hard. I'm pretty sure 3 is correct though. :D

Can we paint the colored balls?

Edited by Frost
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I think I have it this time:

Place one white ball in one urn and all the other balls in the other urn. That's almost a 75% chance of getting a white picked.

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wow, good job Frost :D how did you come up with the answer?

It just popped into my head. :D I was just trying to figure out a way to get more than 50%(the obvious answer), and it just came to me.

Now that I think about it, it actually seems kind of simple,

you get 50% with just one white ball in one urn, and you get even more with the 49/99 chance of getting white in the other.

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Frost you're too quick for us :D

1) I would hope no one tips .15%

2) Putting all white in one, all black in the other gives you a 50% chance. Putting 1/2 white 1/2 black in one and 1/2 white and 1/2 black in other still is 50% chance. But putting 1 white ball in one, 49 white and 50 black in other gives you a 50% chance of being 100% right plus a 50% chance to give you a slightly less than 50% chance.

3)They can't all be false or all be true by way of their statements. The first five are true in that they state the other five are false, because they are not true.

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"Wow," said the mathemiticians, after the Braindenizen effortlessly solved their riddles. "Good job!"

"You guys should accompany me to Rookie1ja's Royal Party!" the Braindenizen offered. The mathemiticians' eyes lit up.

"Really?" they breathed. The Braindenizen nodded, and the four set out toward the Palace.

((lol I don't have another riddle yet, I haven't been thinking of one))

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