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Okay, I'm a total movie buff so I'd love to know what movies you all think are worth watching again and again.

I'll start. My favorites are:

Shawshank Redemption

Stranger Than Fiction

The Princess Bride

Apollo 13


...and an honorable mention to "War Games" although it's so horribly outdated it makes me cringe

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Ok favorite movie...

Gentleman's Agreement

Singin in the Rain

Shawshank Redemption

Princess Bride

Well, aren't we kindred spirits?! Love, Gentleman's Agreement but have never seen Singing in the rain in its entirety. Did you know I have a degree in art with a concentration in Oil Painting? ...and that I am cRazY :wacko: !! Kindred spirits I tell ya! :)

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here are mine:

the corpse bride

pirates of the carribean 1,2, and 3

the lord of the rings trilogy (i tried reading the books, but i got bored. the movies are awesome though)

journey to the center of the earth

bridge to terebithia (i always cry!)

meet the robinsons

i probably have a lot more but i just can't remember :D

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I like the Harry Potter Movies, but i think they're not as great as the books.

I also like Airbud movies (even though they're young - i <3 thee Golden Retriever...)

The last movie i saw in movie theaters Was Madagascar 2: Escape to africa.

And nothing beats Little Miss Sunshine ;)

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Has anyone seen The Departed? I think i prefered it to the original Internal Affairs which is saying something since that was awesome!

In short: I highly recommend The Departed.

Also, I thought Batman Begins was better than The Dark Knight. Something about it wasnt right. Maybe it was over-hyped?

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The Dark Knight is my all-time favorite movie. Nothing can touch it. I have seen it 9 times, and believe me i'm not done. (It helps to own the collectors edition blu-ray :) )

But here they are for me...

The Dark Knight

National Treasure

Deja Vu

Kung Fu Panda (hehe)

That's all I can think of this early in the morning <_< ....The Dark Knight pwns all anyways so just know that that is my fav movie :)

Edited by Jrod_Writer13
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The Dark Knight is my all-time favorite movie. Nothing can touch it. I have seen it 9 times, and believe me i'm not done. (It helps to own the collectors edition blu-ray :) )

But here they are for me...

The Dark Knight

National Treasure

Deja Vu

Kung Fu Panda (hehe)

That's all I can think of this early in the morning <_< ....The Dark Knight pwns all anyways so just know that that is my fav movie :)

Seriously guys get a bit of Remember the Titans up in you.


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