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The first few equations are just because of the limit on the number of emoticons in one post, this is at the max.

:o = A

:P = B

:huh: = C

B)) - 2 * ;) = D

:ph34r: - 34 - B - C = E

:unsure: - C - ((:blush: - D) - (:lol: - A) - C ) - E - n = F

:wub: - D - C = G

B + A + G + F + E = ?

All of the capital letters are variables, lowercase letters are actual letters (like the 'n'), and numbers are numbers (like the '34').

What does the last equation equal based off of the previous 7 equations?

Hints will follow if no one can get it.

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what's "n" if it's not a variable? How does n fit in?

'n' is a letter. It's not like a regular math puzzle that adds and subtracts numbers.

It's a little trickier than that. But that's the challenge. :D

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1) so does that mean I can't use algebra to combine the equations?

2) Are the equations related to words/sentences or no?

Combining the equations is fine, I just didn't because of the limit on emoticons per post. Just remember that the capital letters are variables not letters, unlike the 'n' in equation 6.

Yes, the equations are related to words more than numbers, and there is a clear logic to them. The challenge is to figure out what that logic is.

The final answer to the last equation is a word.

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Dude, you are freaking amazing! I did not expect anyone to get it that fast, but wow!

Congrats. Kudos to woon for the first correct. :D

I'll probably be posting another puzzle tomorrow... oh, wait, later today. After I sleep. :lol:

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Dude, you are freaking amazing! I did not expect anyone to get it that fast, but wow!

Congrats. Kudos to woon for the first correct. :D

I'll probably be posting another puzzle tomorrow... oh, wait, later today. After I sleep. :lol:

Hurray, I was half way solving this an hour ago, but then interupted by something else for an hour then only able to come back and continue solve this.

Thanks Frost! I like this puzzle. :D

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Hurray, I was half way solving this an hour ago, but then interupted by something else for an hour then only able to come back and continue solve this.

Thanks Frost! I like this puzzle. :D

Hmm.... maybe i should make another smiley math. Well, that's for tomorrow. :D

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Here is my smile :blush: washroom in a hurry.

Okay, I've returned. Just one hint if you will.

Not really sure what you meant by this, but if you wanted a hint...

Ignore colons and semicolons.

You're going to have to figure that one out yourself.

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I'm a bit confused as to how to start, but I'll stare at it a bit longer :D

Staring at it won't help much, unless you figure out the way to solve it. The trick is to try to manipulate it and work with it, don't just sit and stare. :D

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I'm working on it right now. Unfortunately I already saw the answer before I started to work on it, but I'm trying to forget it and just trying to see how it works :D

If you want me to, I can post the logic behind the answer,though I will probably do that eventually anyway.

Though you would probably rather figure it out yourself. B))

I have a couple hints if you want, too.

Smiley Math 2 is done also, but I'll wait a little while to post that. :D

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am I anywhere close with this?

(replacing smilies with more variables)

Z - 2 * Y = D

X - 34 - B - C = E

W - C - ((Q - D) - (L - A) - C) - E - n = F

V - D - C = G

B + A + G + F + E = t

* replace D with Z - 2Y

X - 34 - B - C = E

W - C - ((Q - Z + 2Y) - (L - A) - C) - E - n = F

V - Z + 2Y - C = G

B + A + G + F + E = t

* replace E with X - 34 - B - C

W - C - ((Q - Z + 2Y) - (L - A) - C) - X + 34 + B + C - n = F

V - Z + 2Y - C = G

B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - C = t

* set the top two equations equal to C

-W + C + ((Q + Z - 2Y) + (L + A) + C) + X - 34 - B - F - n = C

V - Z + 2Y - G = C

B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - C = t

* since the top equation equals C, the rest of it must equal 0

-W + ((Q + Z - 2Y) + (L + A) + C) + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0

V - Z + 2Y - G = C

B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - C = t

* replace the C in the top equation and bottom equation with V - Z + 2Y - G

-W + ((Q + Z - 2Y) + (L + A) + V - Z + 2Y - G) + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0

B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - V + Z - 2Y + G = t

* take away parentheses

-W + Q + Z - 2Y + L + A + V - Z + 2Y - G + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0

* 2Ys cancel out

-W + Q + Z + L + A + V - Z - G + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0

* Zs cancel out

-W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0

* add 34

-W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - B - F - n = 34

* move onto the second equation, combining like terms and getting rid of the Bs which cancel out

A + 2G + F + X - 34 - V + Z - 2Y = t

* add 34, subtract t

A + 2G + F + X - V + Z - 2Y - t = 34

* our equations are:

-W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - B - F - n = 34

A + 2G + F + X - V + Z - 2Y - t = 34

* set them equal to each other

-W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - B - F - n = A + 2G + F + X - V + Z - 2Y - t

* get rid of like terms and combine like terms and whatnot

-W + Q + L + 2V - B - n = 3G + 2F + Z - 2Y - t

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Wow. Complicated. Um, no, that's not how you should do it. The equations are split up for a reason, you solve them seperately. Also, anything inside of parenteses must not be taken out. You solve parenthesis first, ordering matters much more in this than with regular algebra problems. Sorry if I misled you earlier. There is a very simple strategy to this, the challenge is to figure it out. If you want a hint:


I know it's vague, but when you know when get it.

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I tried replying to the OP to get the symbols that make the emoticons (ie, a colon and a left parentheses make a smiley face, and you said something about "ignoring the colons and semicolons" which make the eyes of the smilies)

am I on the right track?

You are on th right track, but don't combine the parenteses with anything. Their sole purpose is order of operations. But look at the symbols...like the one for the ninja. Hint hint.

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Thank you unreality. :D I have a second one too, which I'll post soon.

Also, I'm posting the answer now and how to get it, so don't look at it if you want to solve it yourself.

Alright, if you look at the OP in the replying box, we get this:

:o = A

:P = B

:huh: = C

B)) - 2 *;) = D

:ph34r: - 34 - B - C = E

:unsure: - C - ((:blush: - D) - (:lol: - A) - C) - E - n = F

:wub: - D - C = G

B + A + G + F + E = ?

Each of the variables(capital letters represents a letter or combination of letters)

Now, ignoring colons and semi colons, we get:

A = o

B = p

C = huh

D = B )) - 2 * ) = B )) - )) = b

E = ph34r - 34 - p - huh = hr - huh = r (when subtracting, ignore letters that the first doesn't contain, there are no negative letters)

F = unsure - huh - (blush - b - (lol - o) - huh) - r - n = se - s = e

G = wub - b - huh = w

Now putting them all together:

B + A + G + F + E = p + o + w + e + r = power

And there's the answer: power

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