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funny things to do at a drive-thru...

1. Demand to speak to a manager, then complain that

you didnt like how the employee said "May I take your order?"

2. If they ask you to hold on keep ordering until they yell at you.

3. Tell them you have to use the bathroom.

4. Order 2 waters and 5 napkins....and thats it.

5. When they ask for your order, ask them how they got in that tiny box.

6. Go to McDonald's and demand a big breakfast at 11:30 at night.

Put up a fight.

7. Laugh sadistically when asked if you would like ketchup.

8. Pay for a large order in pennines and nickles.

9. Order in another language.

10. Don't order when they come on. Just sit there. If a line forms behind you,

get out of the car and cause a scene.

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I actually did this the other day with my wife in the passanger seat, and she nearly died laughing. :lol:

I pulled up to an empty taco bell drive-thru window, without stopping at the intercom system first to place the order.

The startled employee looked out the drive thru-window and said, "would you like to order?"

"and I said..."]"No, thanks, just window shopping." Then I drove off.

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I actually did this the other day with my wife in the passanger seat, and she nearly died laughing. :lol:

I pulled up to an empty taco bell drive-thru window, without stopping at the intercom system first to place the order.

The startled employee looked out the drive thru-window and said, "would you like to order?"

"and I said..."]"No, thanks, just window shopping." Then I drove off.

cute... :lol: :lol: That's wicked funny. it's good to have a sense a humah :P;)

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funny things to do at a drive-thru...

1. Demand to speak to a manager, then complain that

you didnt like how the employee said "May I take your order?"

2. If they ask you to hold on keep ordering until they yell at you.

3. Tell them you have to use the bathroom.

4. Order 2 waters and 5 napkins....and thats it.

5. When they ask for your order, ask them how they got in that tiny box.

6. Go to McDonald's and demand a big breakfast at 11:30 at night.

Put up a fight.

7. Laugh sadistically when asked if you would like ketchup.

8. Pay for a large order in pennines and nickles.

9. Order in another language.

10. Don't order when they come on. Just sit there. If a line forms behind you,

get out of the car and cause a scene.

haha ;D reminds me of those "10 things to do in a department store" or whatever

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the best thing i do is to say can i have a lid full of straw wrappers and ask for 1/8 of a cheese burger and 3 french fries with some ranch on them in a bun

:P :P :P :P :P :P

lol im sry im very bored i didnt think that there would be a problem with that much of things im sorry if this is bad :P and i like these things ! :P reminds me

of my dog because she does that alot like when she is sleeping well after narrowing all my :P down from 1000 to 500 to 100 to 20 to less and less and less and to 6 :P

Edited by me=1337jk
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funny things to do at a drive-thru...

1. Demand to speak to a manager, then complain that

you didnt like how the employee said "May I take your order?"

2. If they ask you to hold on keep ordering until they yell at you.

3. Tell them you have to use the bathroom.

4. Order 2 waters and 5 napkins....and thats it.

5. When they ask for your order, ask them how they got in that tiny box.

6. Go to McDonald's and demand a big breakfast at 11:30 at night.

Put up a fight.

7. Laugh sadistically when asked if you would like ketchup.

8. Pay for a large order in pennines and nickles.

9. Order in another language.

10. Don't order when they come on. Just sit there. If a line forms behind you,

get out of the car and cause a scene.

Ha ha ha ha!!! Man, those were HILARIOUS!! I could just imagine that in my mind!! Man, good one!! :lol::lol:

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Things I have done at a drive through...

1) To put this in context, this was just as the budweiser wassup ads started... KFC drive thru - as soon as they asked to take my order, I said 'wassaaaa' - took them 5 minutes before they, or my passenger, stopped laughing long enough to take the order...

2) At a McDonalds drive thru - 'I'd l...k.. t.. o..d,.. a.. i... cr..m.. c... p...s..' (fake voice cutting out so they think the pickup is busted) them 'what?' so I did it again, thing is they said 'ok, one ice cream cone, drive on to the next window'

3) KFC again 'I'd like to order a 3 piece burned and greasy chicken meal, with anaemic, cold, half cooked fries, and watered down tango please' them 'we don't serve food like that' me 'you did yesterday when I came here' (I got the food for free on that occasion)

PC World tech dept - I asked for whoever had the brain cell today - the response was 'he's on the phone at the moment'

Local grocery store I asked if they had any halal pork - their response was 'I think we used to stock it, I'll check'

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Things I have done at a drive through...

1) To put this in context, this was just as the budweiser wassup ads started... KFC drive thru - as soon as they asked to take my order, I said 'wassaaaa' - took them 5 minutes before they, or my passenger, stopped laughing long enough to take the order...

2) At a McDonalds drive thru - 'I'd l...k.. t.. o..d,.. a.. i... cr..m.. c... p...s..' (fake voice cutting out so they think the pickup is busted) them 'what?' so I did it again, thing is they said 'ok, one ice cream cone, drive on to the next window'

3) KFC again 'I'd like to order a 3 piece burned and greasy chicken meal, with anaemic, cold, half cooked fries, and watered down tango please' them 'we don't serve food like that' me 'you did yesterday when I came here' (I got the food for free on that occasion)

PC World tech dept - I asked for whoever had the brain cell today - the response was 'he's on the phone at the moment'

Local grocery store I asked if they had any halal pork - their response was 'I think we used to stock it, I'll check'

Peter: Yeah, I'd like 6,000 chicken fajitas, please?

lol :lol: I've always wanted to do that.

LOL!! Are you serious! Man, "wassaaaa"?! This topic is awesome!

Edited by SillouhetteMind
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At KFC, my girlfreind at the time, was very disgusted at the uncleanliness of the inside of the establishment, especially where customers were to be seated, she was very vocal (nasty) about it, rightfully so, although gave them the "mom yelling at teen for not cleaning his room speech" O.K. MAAM ! WE WILL TAKE CARE OF IT, NOW WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER?! so she proceeds to tell the lady her very picky 5 minute order "no lettuce unless it's fresh", "can I get just crispy, not extra crispy"? Finaly the lady (red in the face) looks at me and asks what I would like to order, I'm sure she was expecting the same picky 5 minute order, however after looking at all the revenge expressions on the cooks faces, and their fingers ready at the nose, I say to her...."water please". : D

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At KFC, my girlfreind at the time, was very disgusted at the uncleanliness of the inside of the establishment, especially where customers were to be seated, she was very vocal (nasty) about it, rightfully so, although gave them the "mom yelling at teen for not cleaning his room speech" O.K. MAAM ! WE WILL TAKE CARE OF IT, NOW WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER?! so she proceeds to tell the lady her very picky 5 minute order "no lettuce unless it's fresh", "can I get just crispy, not extra crispy"? Finaly the lady (red in the face) looks at me and asks what I would like to order, I'm sure she was expecting the same picky 5 minute order, however after looking at all the revenge expressions on the cooks faces, and their fingers ready at the nose, I say to her...."water please". : D

Lol. I feel sad for you. :lol::lol::)

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