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In each of the sentences below, the names of two countries are hidden. For example, the sentence: "Interpol and the FBI track down hidden marksmen" conceals the names POLAND and DENMARK.

See if you can find all twenty hidden countries.

1. Vladimir and Olga are Soviet names.

2. Have you ever heard an animal talk in dialect?

3. The children put on galoshes to go out in the rain.

4. Extra tuition will help an amateur to improve his painting.

5. In the United Nations we denounce the wholesale ban on atomic weapons

6. Rash decisions may lead to trouble so thorough analysis is required.

7. The king and queen eat breakfast and lunch in a fine palace.

8. Such a display could be either really grand or rather disappointing.

9. Give the dog a bone and give him a little water.

10. If an iron pipe rusts you just have to shrug and accept it.

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1. Vladimir and Olga are Soviet names.

2. Have you ever heard an animal talk in dialect?

3. The children put on galoshes to go out in the rain.

4. Extra tuition will help an amateur to improve his painting.

5. In the United Nations we denounce the wholesale ban on atomic weapons

6. Rash decisions may lead to trouble so thorough analysis is required.

7. The king and queen eat breakfast and lunch in a fine palace.

8. Such a display could be either really grand or rather disappointing.

9. Give the dog a bone and give him a little water.

10. If an iron pipe rusts you just have to shrug and accept it.

Next time I'll read the OP.

Got half of them ... :blush:

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1. Iran, Vietnam

2. Malta, India

3. Tonga, Togo

4. Panama, Spain

5. Sweden, Lebanon

6. Lesotho, Ghana

7. China, Nepal

8. Chad, Andorra

9. Gabon, Mali

10. Peru, Uganda

Edited by navigator
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Heres the first five

1. VladimIR ANd Olga are SoVIET NAMes.

2. Have you ever heard an aniMAL TAlk IN DIAlect?

3. The children puT ON GAloshes TO GO out in the rain.

4. Extra tuition will helP AN AMAteur to improve hiS PAINting.

5. In the United NationS WE DENounce the wholesaLE BAN ON atomic weapons

Edited by theshredder157
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1. Iran, Vietnam

2. Malta, India

3. Tonga, Togo

4. Panama, Spain

5. Sweden, Lebanon

6. Lesotho, Ghana

7. China, Nepal

8. Chad, Andorra

9. Gabon, Mali

10. Peru, Uganda

Navigator has done well. Congrats :D

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iran Vietnam

Malta india

Tonga Togo

Panama Spain

Sweden Lebanon

Lesotho Ghana

China Nepal

Chad Andora

Gabon Mali

peru Uganda

God one but easy 4*

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1. Vladimir and Olga are Soviet names.

2. Have you ever heard an animal talk in dialect?

3. The children put on galoshes to go out in the rain.

4. Extra tuition will help an amateur to improve his painting.

5. In the United Nations we denounce the wholesale ban on atomic weapons

6. Rash decisions may lead to troub le so thorough analysis is required.

7. The king and queen eat breakfast and lunch in a fine palace.

8. Such a display could be either really grand or rather disappointing.

9. Give the dog a bone and give him a little water.

10. If an iron pipe rusts you just have to shrug and accept it.

With a bit of wikipedia research to ensure these countries were real, i've got 'em all :D :D

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1. Iran, Vietnam

2. Malta, India

3. Tonga, Togo

4. Panama, Spain

5. Sweden, Lebanon

6. Lesotho, Ghana

7. China, Nepal

8. Chad, Andorra

9. Gabon, Mali

10. Peru, Uganda

Nice puzzle! :D

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The fact that I'm still missing one on 3, 6, 8, and 9 is proof-positive I should've paid more attention to World Geography.

Nonetheless, here I go ...

1. Vladim*IR AN*d Olga are So*VIET NAM*es.

2. Have you ever heard an ani*MAL TA*lk *IN DIA*lect?

3. The children pu*T ON GA*loshes to go out in the rain.

4. Extra tuition will hel*P AN AMA*teur to improve hi*S PAIN*ting.

5. In the United Nation*S WE DEN*ounce the wholesa*LE BAN ON* atomic weapons

6. Rash decisions may lead to trouble so thorou*GH ANA*lysis is required.

7. The king and queen eat breakfast and lun*CH IN A* fi*NE PAL*ace.

8. Su*CH A D*isplay could be either really grand or rather disappointing.

9. Give the dog a bone and give hi*M A LI*ttle water.

10. If an iron pi*PE RU*sts you just have to shr*UG AND A*ccept it.

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Nice puzzle! :D

1. Iran, Vietnam

2. Malta, India

3. Tonga, Togo

4. Panama, Spain

5. Sweden, Lebanon

6. Lesotho, Ghana

7. China, Nepal

8. Chad, Andorra

9. Gabon, Mali

10. Peru, Uganda

Thanks and well done :D

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Very interesting puzzle.

1) Iran, Vietnam (Vladimir and Olga are Soviet names. )

2) Malta, India (Have you ever heard an animal talk in dialect? )

3) Tonga, Togo (The children put on galoshes to go out in the rain)

4) Panama, Spain (Extra tuition will help an amateur to improve his painting. )

5) Sweden, Lebanon (In the United Nations we denounce the wholesale ban on atomic weapons)

6) Lesotho, Ghana (Rash decisions may lead to trouble so thorough analysis is required)

7) China, Nepal (The king and queen eat breakfast and lunch in a fine palace)

8) Chad, Andorra (Such a display could be either really grand or rather disappointing)

9) Gabon, Mali (Give the dog a bone and give him a little water. )

10) Peru, Uganda (If an iron pipe rusts you just have to shrug and accept it.)

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1. iran vietnam

2. india

3. tonga

4. panama spain

5. sweden lebanon

6. lesotho ghana

7. china nepal

8. chad andorra

9. gabon mali

10. peru uganda

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wow, this took some thinking about, but got there in the end!

1. iran, vietnam

2. malta (home!), india

3. tonga, togo

4. panama, spain

5. sweden, lebanon

6. lesotho, ghana

7. china, nepal

8. chad, andorra

9. gabon, mali

10. peru, uganda

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In each of the sentences below, the names of two countries are hidden. For example, the sentence: "Interpol and the FBI track down hidden marksmen" conceals the names POLAND and DENMARK.

See if you can find all twenty hidden countries.

1. Vladimir and Olga are Soviet names.

2. Have you ever heard an animal talk in dialect?

3. The children put on galoshes to go out in the rain.

4. Extra tuition will help an amateur to improve his painting.

5. In the United Nations we denounce the wholesale ban on atomic weapons

6. Rash decisions may lead to trouble so thorough analysis is required.

7. The king and queen eat breakfast and lunch in a fine palace.

8. Such a display could be either really grand or rather disappointing.

9. Give the dog a bone and give him a little water.

10. If an iron pipe rusts you just have to shrug and accept it.

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