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First, I'd just like to clarify that I am opposed to everyone being able to edit their posts after the allotted 10 minutes and that it should always be reserved for admin, moderators, and vip. Unlimited editing would be taken advantage of and then there would be a ton of posts like: "This isn't the way the puzzle looked yesterday", "you changed 3 km to 4 km, now all of my work is wrong", etc...

I am however, proposing an Edit Box for everyone to be able to use. Say, for instance, I made a puzzle similar to bonanova's 3 words puzzles and not just like that, but any word/math puzzle that has multiple parts. I would like a function similar to the Spoiler Box called Edit Box that can be edited by the topic originator at any time. Therefore, the OP would stay constant and the Edit Box can be used to give users easy access to the parts of the puzzle that have been solved and/or the guesses that have fallen short. This would take a lot of time out of browsing through 6 or 7 pages of posts that multiple puzzle topics usually get. Also, a last updated date on the outside of the Edit Box would be optimal. So instead of "Spoiler for" it would say something along the lines of "Edit Box for "solved puzzles and guesses" last updated 12:00am 5/2/2008"

The problem I'm foreseeing is that this may be a pain in the butt for rookie to setup, but I don't know for sure. I also note that this is not necessary for the bulk of the user submitted New Puzzles, but I think it would come in handy for some of them. What are everyone's thoughts?

Edit: typo

Edited by itachi-san
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good points

1, I don't see the point of not having full edit, if that is the easier way - you would be stupid to change the OP just to make life difficult, should bring a swift kick off the forum or suspension.

2, if it has to be an edit box then yeah for edit box!

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