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1. An ambulance is carrying a man and needs to get back fast and the only two roads go through and round a mountain, the mountain has a big diameter and would take 10 minutes to get round, please remember the man is dying. Or there's the option of going over the mountain, however the road is only just big enough to hold the ambulance and is quite bumpy but takes only 2 minutes to cross. Which should/would you choose

1. Long and gentle

2. Short and dangerous

2.The military are building a crawl net above a pit. They have two raised supports for a start and finish. To start with the troops must all be on one platform and when they get to the other end may leave the platform, in short they all must be on the start but must get off at the end. However the two platforms are as follows:

A small platform that can probably fit all the troops if they squeeze together, but it is very stable

A large platform that can definitely fit all the troops without a hassle, but it is not very stable

Which do you choose?

1. Small but stable

2. Large but unstable

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6 answers to this question

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1. Depends on what he seems to be dying from. If he needs to stay immobile, then choice 1 is the only way to go, if not, then choice 2.

2. I'd go with choice 1 even though it is a tight fit because once it has started, they don't need to be all together again and the platform size won't matter.

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These seem more like personality tests which measure aptitude for risk rather than moral questions. In any case, I agree with AlmytKth ...

1. Unless immobility is critical, the faster route is preferable.

2. Stability is preferable. Since it's possible either way to lose people, the stable platform would at worst lose a few, and probably none, since participants could hang on to each other for support, sit on shoulders, etc.. The larger, unstable platform, however, could lose everybody, and it would be beyond their control.

Incidentally, LIS, the people who have to make such choices aren't always qualified and don't always have all the pertinent information. If I had a doctor or an engineer handy, I'd defer to their judgment, but otherwise I'd have to make the decision on limited info, and psychology will be a very real factor.

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1) Well, the ambulance would have to have enough life supporting equipment to keep the man alive which I'm not sure if 8 minutes makes a difference between. I guess I'd go the fast bumpy way, but I would need more info. How bad is the bumpy way? I.E. are there many instances where vehicles get stuck or tip over? If so, then I would go the safe way. Also, if the 8 minute difference will mean the guy will die, then the hospital won't have much success either I'm guessing. Yeah, I need to know more about the scenario.

2) I'd go with the small and stable one. There's never a reason to risk everyone's life and since there's a possibility they could all fit on the small one, I'm sure they could figure out a suitable arrangement.

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Sorry bout the first one =p guess i should have explained better

It isn't nessecerally (soz i cant spell dat word) life or death but lets just say he fell off the course from Question 2 and broke a few bones, impaled a few parts of himself etc etc etc, thus meaning that he bleeding heavily and possibly losing oxygen. Going up the bumpy track won't nessecerally (again lol) kill him and it wont be a stop-start ride, a constant flow, even if bumpy. Hope you can understand =p

Gd Luck answering them

P.S i made this up one night playing with LEGO (you can never be too old!)

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1. An ambulance is carrying a man and needs to get back fast and the only two roads go through and round a mountain, the mountain has a big diameter and would take 10 minutes to get round, please remember the man is dying. Or there's the option of going over the mountain, however the road is only just big enough to hold the ambulance and is quite bumpy but takes only 2 minutes to cross. Which should/would you choose

1. Long and gentle

2. Short and dangerous

2.The military are building a crawl net above a pit. They have two raised supports for a start and finish. To start with the troops must all be on one platform and when they get to the other end may leave the platform, in short they all must be on the start but must get off at the end. However the two platforms are as follows:

A small platform that can probably fit all the troops if they squeeze together, but it is very stable

A large platform that can definitely fit all the troops without a hassle, but it is not very stable

Which do you choose?

1. Small but stable

2. Large but unstable

1. short and dangerous........beacuse Danger is my middle name.

2. either one would work for propper training. as ex-Army myself i know that you must train in all types of situations no matter how potentialy dangerous they may be, war isnt safe, and it doesent always provide you with a stable platform to stand on. Adapt, overcome, and just deal with the f***ing situation.

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