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i kinda got a bit bored in school today so i deceided to make a few anagrams. These things are all linked in one way or another.

Laugh As I Dog

Darn! ffiz an nerd

Crap! I loving rip

Yodel Logger

A slimier Whelk

Mace Uncle Gere Ego

Clink Rod Three

heres a few to get you started ive got some more if your stuck

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this has been going almost a week and still noone wants to do them???

I'll do it :D

#1 = Douglas Haig

#2 = Franz Ferdinand

#3 = (No idea, even compared it to the whos who of WW1 to no results. Would be interested to know who it is)

#4 = Lloyd George

#5 = Kaiser Wilhelm

#6 = George Clemenceau

#7 = Lord Kitchener

The connection? They're all associated with World War One. Sir Douglas Haig was a controversial war general, Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary whose assasination spaked WWI, Lloyd George was minister for munitions and secretary for war before becoming Prime Minister in Britain. Kaiser Wilhelm was the leader of Germany and friends of the Archduke. George(s) Clemenceau was Prime Minister of France during the war (and also before since he served two seperate terms). He was also the secretary of war. Lord Kitchener was the first Secretary of State for war and a famous icon due to his face being on the 'your country wants you' poster.

Well, I think that's it but if you are looking for a deeper connection that I haven't seen I'll be glad to try and find it. :)

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OK, I'll finish this one ...

Gavrilo Princip

he was a Bosnian Serb business analyst of Austria-Hungary, and proclaimed himself to be a Yugoslav Nationalist. Princip is commonly associated with the freedom movement Mlada Bosna. Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. Princip and his accomplices were arrested and implicated a number of members of the Serbian Military, leading Austria-Hungary and Germany to request that Serbia investigate the crime on Serbian soil. Serbian rejection of these requests set off a chain of events that led to World War I.

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