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1. A woman comes home with a bag of groceries, gets the mail, and walks into the house. On the way to the kitchen, she goes through the

living room and looks at her husband, who had blown his brains out. She then continues to the kitchen, puts away the groceries, and makes dinner.

2.A man is in a returning from Switzerland by train. If he had been in a non-smoking car he would have died. (Answer a bit weird/strange)

3.Music stops and a woman dies. Why? (Her job)

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  Eagle said:
1. A woman comes home with a bag of groceries, gets the mail, and walks into the house. On the way to the kitchen, she goes through the

living room and looks at her husband, who had blown his brains out. She then continues to the kitchen, puts away the groceries, and makes dinner.

2.A man is in a returning from Switzerland by train. If he had been in a non-smoking car he would have died. (Answer a bit weird/strange)

3.Music stops and a woman dies. Why? (Her job)

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he was past his sell/use by date,

Actually i know, but won't give it away!

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She has to cathch a bullet in her mouth at the end of the dramatic music - and is to slow, an ex magician.

why is it a woman?

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She was actually looking at a portrait/picture of her husband, who had killed himself. She then proceeded to make dinner. Why? Because she has to have dinner, stupid! lol.

Dunno if I'm right, I'm sort of a newbie at riddles, but that seems somewhat logical.

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she looked at a picture of her husband

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the train crashed. the point of impact was the non-smoking car. everyone in non-smoking died.

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I don't know, but I'm not applying for that position. Not crazy about her job description.

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She killed him before she left to go grocery shopping

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non smoking car people ran into a tree and died.

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she sang her music.she sang opera and the last note shattered the glass and the glass flew into her mouth and killed her.

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There was a bad fire in the smoking area of the train caused by a cigerette, therefore everyone in the smoking section was evacuated to a local hospital for smoke inhalation. The rest of the travelers (Non-smoking car) continued down the track and the train de-railed killing all remaining passengers

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She is blind and carries goods over a ravine walking over a plank and uses her walk-man to time the finish, battery dies she dies too


She has a heart attack in the middle of her recital (music/she dies simultaneously)

Credit for creativeness maybe

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  Eagle said:
hey LIS, the first one "she is blind... " is on the right track. (Think about the walking bit and about her job)


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she thinks she's on the right track, music stops on MP3 (update or is it MP4 now?) she hears a train and jumps of the track and under another train or off the viaduct? Probably would have felt the track, maybe it feels strange on a viaduct.

Nb: she was the track tester/checker


She is a piano tuner, playing her favorite music test piece and a wire breaks and Garrote's her - PING! PLINK! PLONK!

RIP sweet lady - your last tune up brought you down, or she was tuning but tuned out!

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1 SHE IS BLIND, she can't see her husband who's been killed so carries on as normal, jk - know this but didn't post cos I did not work it out, though I came a close 2nd (to last)

2 SHE IS BLIND, walks on tightrope and falls off cos she thinks she's at the end when the music stops, music player turned off or conductor who caught her cheating on him(my choice) she thought she had reached the end, Dumb not to check

3 HE WAS NEARLY BLIND, and a friend of number one and two, went for an eye operation and thought he had gone blind again while in a tunnel - ??? can't make it further so far

  Eagle said:
hey LIS, good ideas but ur swaying off the answer, think about walking on a track sort of thing

hint: shes not playing the music (someone/something else is)

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she worked at a circus, she was a blind-folded tightrope walker and the band would play and stop to indicate that she was at the end of the rope and that she could step up, so if the band randomly stopped playing she would step-up to nothing and fall to her death.

LIS is on a roll (like my lunch)

answer to question 1 is wrong

answer to question 2 is wrong but i have different wording

and answer to questin 3 is on the correct track just expand the ending,

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Am I on the right track?

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3 HE WAS BLIND, and a friend of a blind tightrope walker, went for an eye operation and thought he had gone blind, while in a tunnel, someone lit cigar/pipe/cigaret and he knows he is sighted .... but how does that save his life?

No getting it am I?

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  Lost in space said:
Am I on the right track?

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3 HE WAS BLIND, and a friend of a blind tightrope walker, went for an eye operation and thought he had gone blind, while in a tunnel, someone lit cigar/pipe/cigaret and he knows he is sighted .... but how does that save his life?

No getting it am I?

Dumb me,

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he would have been in the non smoking carriage which was smashed in the collision

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the train capsized in a ravine, where it was way too bright to see anything. So the smokers exhaled smoke and found their way out, but the non-smokers all died. The End

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