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some problems I came up with... they may be easy, they may be hard, you decide:

(1) You have exactly 2.3 oz of exactly 2.3 pH coca~cola in a large container... exactly how much water must be added to dilute the coke's the pH to 7?

(2) You have a straight line- two points are picked randomly on the line and that is where the line will be broken- now you have three lines. What is the probability that you will be able to make a triangle out of these lines?

(2-EXTRA) You don't have to do these if you don't want to, but they are some variations: What if you picked one random point, broke the line there, then picked another random point on the larger of two pieces to break it again? What about if you picked the second point on the smaller piece? What if it had a 1/2 chance for each piece after the first break to pick a point randomly on?

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hehe I said "slightly less than 1/2" ummmm I obviously meant 1/4

:P lol jk. You guys are right. I'm wrong :lol: good job! And thanks Duh Puck for pointing out my error- it's NOT the same random seed cuz the lines affect each other's randomness, even though the points are picked are randomly at the same time. :D

good job guys!

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