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(Another "hard" puzzle)

ceikmy belu beey
der anors
eht eegnr ehnorg
eht eeeggnorsu ceefft
llowyy abeimnrsu
achhinty aabcm
acintvy city
anost aimnrt adegir
cimorrs aellors
eegnr ceegkooprw
eht bcit
eht ghku
aer gginsu
aginoprsy aeiilnrs
air ben aadelnz
bceeilrt belu
bdegooy ellowy bcikr dory
belu deginr bcopstu
der aadpr
eegnr eegnr agrss fo egmo
eelr air
ehnw eht der der inorr cemos bbo bbo bbbino aglno
aansswy city
abcekop aoptz
abry aabbcdy
agnos aillv
bennsu deehnowy
egrsty eey
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13 answers to this question

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Not much, and might not be anything...

but the title is an anagram for "COLOURS"...and you can definitely see some of the words in the lists are anagrams (I see ruby, green, red, the word "the" is a there a lot)...but there are definitely some "words" in those lists that I can't think of any anagrams for...so...must be something there...
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yep, I think Pickett's got the starting point... the 1 that hit me immediately was "eht eeeggnorsu ceefft" which is "the greenhouse effect" BUT with 1 extra "g" and no "h"

and "COOLRSU" is an anagram of the UK way of spelling "colours".

Oh, yeah, and the anagrams are in alphabetical order (but you knew that anyway. )
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Nice start fabpig...

I do think that every line has one letter that needs replaced. I'm guessing there is also some grouping to be made based on what the clue is. There are a couple of observations we can make based on the anagrams I have found (and the ones that fabpig has found):
  • Each line has one letter that needs replaced...
  • The only colors I have seen that are present in the clues are GREEN (eegnr), RED (der), BLUE (belu), and YELLOW (ellowy)
  • The only letters that get replaced are "g", "r", "b", "y"...which corresponds with the GREEN RED BLUE YELLOW theme

So with that, here are the anagrams I have found so far:

acdknqsuy --> QUICKSAND (y --> i)
acloorv --> VOLCANO (r --> n)
adeilnrstwz --> SWITZERLAND (r --> r...only letter that can be substituted...)
aegjosuy --> JEALOUSY (g --> l)
ccdeiorwy --> COWARDICE (y --> a)
ceikmy belu beey --> MICKEY BLUE EYES (b --> s)
der anors --> RED ??????
eht eegnr ehnorg --> THE GREEN ?????
eht eeeggnorsu ceefft --> THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT (g --> h)
llowyy abeimnrsu --> YELLOW SUBMARINE (y -> e)
rruy --> RUBY or FURY???
aabilmo --> SOMALIA (b --> s)
aagiknps --> PAKISTAN (g --> t)
aailrt --> LATVIA (r --> v)
abghiilnory --> LAMBORGHINI (y --> m)
acintvy city --> VATICAN CITY (y --> a)
anost aimnrt adegir --> ASTON MARTIN RAPIDE (g --> p)
bdfr --> FORD (b --> o)
ceinort --> CITROEN (r --> r...again, no other letters can be substituted...)
eegnr ceegkooprw --> GREEN WOODPECKER (g --> d)
aegghoprrss --> GRASSHOPPER (g --> p)
aehny --> HYENA (y --> y...again, no other letters...)
bceeilrt belu --> ELECTRIC BLUE (b --> c)
bdegooy ellowy bcikr dory --> GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD (y --> a)
belu deginr bcopstu --> BLUE ????
der aadpr --> RED PANDA (r --> n)
eegnr eegnr agrss fo egmo --> GREEN GREEN GRASS OF HOME (g --> h)
ehnw eht der der inorr cemos bbo bbo bbbino aglno --> WHEN THE RED RED ROBIN COMES BOB BOB BOBBIN' ALONG (r -> b)
eorxx --> XEROX (r --> r...only letter...)
abcekop aoptz --> PEACOCK TOPAZ (b --> c)
agoy --> YOGA or YODA??
bruy --> RUBY (r --> r...no others)
eggjnu --> JUNGLE (g --> l)
egrsty eey --> TIGERS EYE (y --> i)

So, I'm seeing some logical groupings as well:

GEMS: Tiger's eye, ruby, peacock topaz...

PERSONALITY TRAITS/EMOTIONS: cowardice, jealousy, fury?...

COUNTRIES: somalia, pakistan, latvia, vatican city, switzerland...

CARS: ford, citroen, lamborghini, aston martin rapide...

ANIMALS: green woodpecker, grasshopper, hyena, red panda...

SONGS: electric blue, goodbye yellow brick road, green green grass of home, when the red red robin comes bob bob bobbin' along, yellow submarine (could be movie instead...)

MOVIES: mickey blue eyes, yellow submarine (could be song)...

NATURAL DISASTERS?: quicksand, volcano, greenhouse effect...

Not sure what XEROX and JUNGLE are categorized as yet...but there are a lot I'm still missing, so it could be anything...My guess is once we find them all and categorize them, then the replacement letters will come into play (whcih is why I'm keeping track of which ones get replaced)

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And what we have so far with replaced letters. 3 English Premier League soccer teams are there. Not sure if eht eegnr ehnorq is a typo and should be The Green Hornet


Dam! just realised letter replaced in red sonia is I not A. I'll check for others...

Yep. Swansea City is E not A

Edited by fabpig
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And what we have so far with replaced letters. 3 English Premier League soccer teams are there. Not sure if eht eegnr ehnorq is a typo and should be The Green Hornet


Dam! just realised letter replaced in red sonia is I not A. I'll check for others...

So that one is the green hornet...and gives me 4 more because of that...

eht eegnr ehnorg --> THE GREEN HORNET (replace g with t)

ehllory --> HELLBOY (replace r with b)
eht bcit --> THE TICK (replace b with k)
eht ghku --> THE HULK (replace g with i)
egory --> ROGUE (replace y with u)
So we've got super heroes...

Edited by Pickett
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Seems there are four in each category and they all fall in the same group of 16, so we can work out what we're missing. Also the colour seems (usually) to correspond eg Jealousy is Green, Cowardice is Yellow. The countries flags are all predominately the colour. Liverpool play in Red, Chelsea in Blue: but Aston Villa do not play in Green, nor Swansea in Yellow?

In group 2 I have Hyacinth Macaw (B/W) and group 4, Bunsen Honeydew (Y/Y), which should help.

Scrub that about Preston and Bury....oops
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acloorv VOLCANO
adeilnrstwz SWITZERLAND
aegjosuy JEALOUSY
agnosy SAXONY
bbceeir ICEBERG
beeegr GREECE
boorrs SORROW
ccdeiorwy COWARDICE
ceikmy belu beey MICKEY BLUE EYES
der anors RED SONJA
eht eegnr ehnorg THE GREEN HORNET
eht eeeggnorsu ceefft THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT
einy NIUE
llowyy abeimnrsu YELLOW SUBMARINE
rruy FURY

aabilmo SOMALIA
aagiknps PAKISTAN
aailrt LATVIA
abghiilnory LAMBORGHINI
achhinty aabcm HYACINTH MACAW
acintvy city VATICAN CITY
anost aimnrt adegir ASTON MARTIN RAPIDE
bdfr FORD
cdfghlnoy GOLDFINCH
ceinort CITROEN
cimorrs aellors CRIMSON ROSELLA
eegnr ceegkooprw GREEN WOODPECKER
egory ROGUE
ehllory HELLBOY
eht bcit THE TICK
eht ghku THE HULK

abmnssu SAMSUNG
adginor ANDROID
aegghoprrss GRASSHOPPER
aehny HYENA
aer gginsu AER LINGUS
aginoprsy aeiilnrs SINGAPORE AIRLINES
air ben aadelnz AIR NEW ZEALAND
bceeilrt belu ELECTRIC BLUE
bdegooy ellowy bcikr dory GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD
belu deginr bcopstu BLUE RINGED OCTOPUS
der aadpr RED PANDA
eegnr eegnr agrss fo egmo GREEN GREEN GRASS OF HOME
eelr air FEEL AIR
ehnw eht der der inorr cemos bbo bbo bbbino aglno WHEN THE RED RED ROBIN COMES BOB BOB BOBBIN ALONG
eorxx XEROX
nprsty SPRINT

aacegilmt MALACHITE
aansswy city SWANSEA CITY
abceehl CHELSEA
abcekop aoptz PEACOCK TOPAZ
ablnoo LAGOON
abry aabbcdy ABBY CADABBY
agnos aillv ASTON VILLA
agoy YODA
begrrv GROVER
bennsu deehnowy BUNSEN HONEYDEW
bruy RUBY
deny DUNE
eggjnu JUNGLE
egrsty eey TIGERS EYE
eillooprr LIVERPOOL
eirrssu FISSURE

Going off of fabpig's findings of groupings of 4 and some of his categories...each category has one object of each color...

COUNTRIES/PROVINCES (flag colors): switzerland (red), saxony (green), greece (blue), niue (yellow), somalia (blue), pakistan (green), latvia (red), vatican city (yellow)...there's probably some way to divide these into two groups of four...I'm assuming because of where they were in the puzzle and the colors, it would be:

switzerland, saxony, greece, niue

somalia, pakistan, latvia, vatican city

EMOTIONS: jealousy (green), sorrow (blue), cowardice (yellow), fury (red)

MOVIES: Mickey Blue Eyes, Red Sonja, The Green Hornet, Yellow Submarine

NATURAL "DISASTERS": quicksand (yellow), volcano (red), iceberg (blue), the greenhouse effect (green)

SUPERHEROS: hellboy (red), rogue (yellow), the tick (blue), the hulk (green)

CARS (logo colors?): lamborghini (yellow), citroen (red), ford (blue), aston martin rapide (green?)

BIRDS: crimson rosella (red), green woodpecker (green), hyacinth macaw (blue), goldfinch (yellow)

SONGS: electric blue, goodbye yellow brick road, green green..., when the red...

AIRLINES: aer lingus (green), air new zealand (blue), feel air (red), singapore airlines (yellow)

TECH COMPANIES: xerox (red), andoid (green), samsung (blue), sprint (yellow)

ANIMALS: red panda (red), grasshopper (green), blue ringed octopus (blue), hyena (yellow)

MUPPETS CHARACTERS: abby cadabby (red), yoda (green), grover (blue), bunsen honeydew (yellow)

NATURAL FORMATIONS?: fissure (red), jungle (green), lagoon (blue), dune (yellow)

GEMS/STONES: malachite (green), tigers eye (yellow), peacock topaz (blue), ruby (red)

SOCCER TEAMS: liverpool (red), aston villa (green), chelsea (blue), swansea city (yellow)

The colors that the words represent are the letters that were replaced in the word itself. Now if we look at the letters that were replaced in the word, we get a bunch of 4 letter words that describe the categories:

COUNTRIES/PROVINCES (flag colors): ??? the letters are rxcuvtsa...which I can get CRUX and VAST...which I guess make some sense...all the flags that spell CRUX have some form of cross on them in some form...and countries are VAST?

EMOTIONS: FLAW (all the ones listed are negative)

MOVIES: JEST (all the ones listed are comedies)













So, now we have 16 4-letter words...from the way we found the words, we know each word has one letter associated with each color (e.g. FLEW: f=red, l=green, e=yellow, w=blue).

I find it very coincidental that each word has exactly one vowel in it...and the vowel is ALWAYS "yellow"

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glad you spotted my errm deliberate mis-spelling of Sonja. The fact that Y(ellow) has most of the vowels is because each colour is assigned a letter according to its alphebetic position (every 4th letter belongs to the same colour). The coincidence is that A E I U Y all occupy mod(4) + 1 positions.

Which leaves us 2 questions:

Is that the puzzle completed?

Is there any relevance in the U in cloorsu?

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