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Find The 11 Related Words



Find 11 common English words, each of

which is a subsequence of the string


are all related by their meanings.

As an example, IMPALE is a subsequence

since its letters occur, in sequence,

from left to right in the string


IMPALE isn't one of the words in the

answer to this puzzle.

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2 answers to this question

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Find 11 common English words, each of

which is a subsequence of the string


are all related by their meanings.

As an example, IMPALE is a subsequence

since its letters occur, in sequence,

from left to right in the string


IMPALE isn't one of the words in the

answer to this puzzle.

ace ache aga agape age ago agog agora ah ale an ana anal angle angora anon apace apache ape apple arc arch are at ate atone atop dace dale dan dance dane dangle dapple dare darn data date do doc doe dog doge doh dole don done dong dope dor dr drag drape each eagle ear earache earl earn eat eatage edge eg egg ego eh em engage engorge enrage eon era ere erg eta etal etch etna face fag fan fang far farce fare fat fatal fate fear feat fed fedora fee female fen fence feral fern fetal fetch fete fiance fiat fiche fierce fig filch file fin final finale finance finch fine finn fir fire fit foal foe fog fop for forage force fore forge franc france gag gage gal gale gang gap gape go goal gone gong gore gorge grace grange grape graph he ice id idle idol im image imago imp impale in inane inch inn ion iran ire it itch lace lag lance lane lap lapp larch large latch late lath lathe lea leach lean leap learn leat led ledge lee leg legal lemon leone let liar lice lid lido lie lied lien lima lime limo limp linage line lino lion lip lira lire lit lithe litre loan loch log lone long lop lope lore ludo lug lump luna lunch lune lung lunge lur lurch lure lute mac mace mag male man manage mane mange mangle mango manor map maple mar mara march mare marl mat match mate math me moan mole mop mope moral morale more morn morph mr nag nap nape ne no noah non none nor oh ole on once one opal or oral orang orange ore pa pace pagan page pal pale pan panache pane pang panga pap papa papal par parch pare pat patch pate path pea peace peach peal pear pearl peat pedal peg pele pen penal penance pence people pep per perch pet petal pi piano pie piece pied pier pierce pieta pig pile pimp pimple pin pinch pine ping pion pip pipe pit pitch pith piton place plan plane plate plato plea pleat pledge plied plop plug plum plumage plume plump plunge plural pluto poach pole ponce pop pope porch pore porn prance prang pre pug puma pump pun punch pup pupa pupae pupal pure purge purl purple put race rag rage ran ranch rang range rap rape re tag talc tale tan tang tap tape the to toe tog ton tone top topple torah torch tore torn trace trance tranche trap ufo up urge urn utah

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