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(vote after you've read my entire post :P)

I've noticed lately there are (in the "New Puzzles" forum) FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND new posts EVERY NANOSECOND! Okay, maybe not that much, but once I made a puzzle topic, went away for like ten minutes, came back, and it was already shunted to the second page and swamped by tons of other topics. Not sure if they're all new or just resurrected older topics, but the posting is tremendous in the New Puzzles forum.

To me, it seems kinda silly to have the main, most-used, swamped "New Puzzles" forum all crammed into one forum. There are so many new members now with so many topics and things that it's starting to get overwhelming. I hardly check "New Puzzles" anymore, only occasionally, and then only read a couple topics, because of the sheer amounts.

So I'm suggesting splitting up "New Puzzles" into a couple of basic puzzle categories... math, logic, lateral, word and then another one called 'riddle' for poem-riddle-things as well as riddles where the actual category of the riddle is to remain hidden (ie, a lateral puzzle made to look like a math puzzle, etc, though you could put this in math section to make it extra-tricky)

actually, my revised idea... split "New Puzzles" into:

New Math Puzzles

New Logic Puzzles

New Lateral Puzzles

New Word Puzzles

New Riddles and Puzzles

where "New Riddles and Puzzles" is just "New Puzzles" renamed

now before you freak out, there would be NO ATTEMPT MADE to organize all currently existing topics into these categories. That would be a titanic job. It would take days without sleep. Therefore I'm suggesting that we leave all current riddles in "Riddles and Puzzles" but then FROM NOW ON people will post their riddle under the category of their choosing- it doesn't necessarily have to fit, ie, you could post a word puzzle under "Math" and a moderator won't move it. Some riddles would require the maker to put it in a different category. Anyway, what I'm saying is: it wouldnt be enforced, but recommended and people would do it anyway, with the forums there. That way all the "New Puzzles" aren't hyper-concentrated into one forum, they have some space to breath, and an added bonus is that people that like certain types of riddles, like me, can go to a specific forum of their liking and not have to sift through other riddles. For example, if I want a good math-related riddle, I can check out "New Math Puzzles"

sound good? Vote and let me know what you think! :D

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There is a lot of word riddles submitted to "New Puzzzles" each week. Their amount and popularity might be a good reason to create a new subforum for them. Split "New Puzzles" (renamed to "New Puzzles & Riddles") into "New Logic/Math Puzzles" and "New Word Riddles".

Puzzle: Deductive, analytical, but still requiring some insight - not just homework problems.

They can be "figured out", but it takes some thought.

They can be logical [e.g. honestans/swindlecants or hats on death row], math [e.g. probability], physics or geometry, especially where intuition might suggest wrong answer.

So there's still an element of surprise, where you might not guess the right result.

Or it might seem impossible until you see it in the right light [hats eg]

Riddle: Inductive, intuitive, but still requiring some thought - not just guesswork.

These you think about until something occurs to you: riddle of the sphynx, WAI's, Shakeepudn's style, etc.

They tend to be loosely worded rather than precise, suggestive rather than definitive, imaginative rather than disciplined.

And they might have more than one answer; though if they're well conceived, one will stand out.

Very good examples of well conceived riddles are the ones by Shakeepuddn.


1. easier to distinguish between the 2 types - if you prefer 1 type over another you won't have to sift through all of them

2. hopefully more classic logic puzzles will be posted


1. misplaced riddles/puzzles (although I think it is clear to distinguish word riddle and math/other puzzle)

2. new members might be discouraged to post if they know not where and if their threads are moved

3. more moderating

Let me know your thoughts and other pros/cons.

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Let me get this straight... you wanna take ALL the riddles from the New Puzzles Forum and split them into two sub forums?

That's A LOT of work!

2. new members might be discouraged to post if they know not where and if their threads are moved

I don't think that would be a problem cause new members are posting without reluctancy even after several of their riddles have been locked for being already posted.

Misplacing threads in wrong forums happens all the time.

I think dividing all of the riddles from New Puzzles is going to be a nightmare, but I like the idea of separate sub forums :)

EDIT: Oh and two sub forums are quite enough (referring to Unreality's suggestion)

Edited by andromeda
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I think it's a great idea. It would cause me to spend more time looking at puzzles, which I don't do as much now, as I'm not really by the WAI's etc.. If the mods are up for the work, it sounds like a good idea.

I think your main problem is Con #1, but if enough notices are given (again more moderating), then it should work without too many misplaced topics.

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Riddle: Inductive, intuitive, but still requiring some thought - not just guesswork.

These you think about until something occurs to you: riddle of the sphynx, WAI's, Shakeepudn's style, etc.

They tend to be loosely worded rather than precise, suggestive rather than definitive, imaginative rather than disciplined.

And they might have more than one answer; though if they're well conceived, one will stand out.

Very good examples of well conceived riddles are the ones by Shakeepuddn.

The above link to doesn't seem to be working (here and in the forum rules for New Word Riddles)

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I mean like photography, or funny pics and vids.

Although the downloading section isnt a bad idea either. But we are a non focused forum, maybe leave that for the proper areas of the internetz.

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