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"Hey Greg!" crackled the Police Band. "We got a traffic situation out here...and it looks like the truck was positively ID-ed as the getaway vehicle in last week's Ninja Monkey bank heist."

As the Police officer Greg Jones roared down the highway, he reviewed the facts of the bank heist case. Stealing a record of 1 million Dollars just as the bank was opening, 5 robbers dressed as monkey ninjas had gotten clean away from the Bank, taking the highway heading East and disappearing. Their only clue was a description of the getaway vehicle: a solid black truck with a white racing stripe in the middle----which looked like exactly like the truck Greg's friend, Jack Wilson, was giving a ticket to.

"I caught him running the red light," Jack explained to Greg. "That's when I noticed the racing stripe."

The driver, a big burly brute of a man, was practically snarling. "Just give me the ticket and scram, see? This isn't the truck you're looking for...I was doing deliveries at the time of the robbery! You can check with my boss."

He suddenly paused, scratching his massive chin. "On second thought...while on the highway, I passed a truck that looked exactly like mine, heading the opposite direction. I couldn't see the drivers clearly 'cause the sun was in my eyes, but I did think at the time that their faces looked kinda funny----like they were wearing masks or something. Would that be any help?"

Without looking up from his note-taking, Greg said, "Very much! Now can you please go with us to the station for questioning?"


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Because he shouldn't have known why they were looking for a truck like his and that there were more than one robbers in the truck wearing masks, which obviously the robbers would have taken off anyway while driving...[/spoiler)

Edited by BusyMom
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<p>The truck driver was lying Because Jack wilson never said anything about the vehicle and the the truck driver shouldn't have known why they were looking for a truck like his and that there were more than one robbers in the truck wearing masks, which obviously the robbers would have taken off anyway while driving

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The truck was definitiely travelling east. The driver who has been caught claims he had the sun in his eyes, that implies that he was travelling east and not in the other direction as he implied

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i agree with eclat73, since the bank was just opening, it was morning, and therefore if the sun was in his eyes he mustve been facing east - therefore he is the getaway driver.

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