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a trit is like a bit, but three states instead.

a tryte is 6 trits.

your goal is to find the fewest number of trytes such that:

a) each tryte doesnt differ by less than 2 trits or more than 3 trits from any other tryte

b) as many sums as possible are achieved from 0 to 222222(728) (or if you perfer, from ------(-364) to ++++++(+364)) by the addtion of two tytes

c) the average of the trytes is as large as possible.

your score will be the total number of unique sums achieved * average.

havent tried this my self but it looks fun! (yes i have a very wierd sense of fun.)

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4 answers to this question

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a trit is like a bit, but three states instead.

a tryte is 6 trits.

This puzzle brought a smile, and I'll share briefly why.

Not to reveal my age but close to 50 years ago I heard a talk on ternary logic given by my college advisor.

Right off the top, and with a wry smile, he speculated one reason it hadn't caught on was the lack of a socially acceptable name for ternary digit.

You deftly avoided that issue. ;)

Clarifying question [added in edit]:

I've usually seen ternary states [the way devices implement ternary logic] as 1, 0 and -1.


  1. Are you specifying a trit's value to be 2, 1 or 0, and calling something like 010221 a tryte?
  2. And giving its decimal value [010221 <=> 106] as if it's a base-3 number?
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And adding to bonanova's 2 questions:

3. If yes to the previous two questions then what do you understand through addition of two trytes?

Or equivalently, is the set of trytes closed under this operation e.g. 222222 + 000001 = 000000? (addition modulo 729)

Edited by araver
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all good questions:

1) a trit can be 0,1,2 or -1,0,1 (-,0,+) either way is fine, as long as you are consistent.

2) correct.

3) i had originally meant the puzzle for regular base 10 addition, but i like yours better, let's go with that.\

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