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So, a man dies and goes to the Pearly Gates. All around him are these clocks, suspended, some moving, some not. He asks St. Peter, "What's with all the clocks?" Saint Peter replies "Oh they tell how honest you are. Every time you lie, the clock moves one second. For instance, this is Mother Teresa's clock." The clock he is pointing to has not moved a single second. "And this is Abraham Lincoln's clock." That clock had moved only two seconds. "Well," the man asked "Where is Barack Obama's clock?" Saint Peter says, "Oh, it's not here right now. It's in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

Okay, this joke is not, racist, it's just anti-Obama, and generally anti-politician (My granddad told it to me, and he is VERY anti-Obama (this doesn't mean I am too))

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