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With the SERIES FINALE fast approaching, let's discuss our favorite LOST moments, lives, deaths, births, shockers, twists, stories, episodes, mysteries, mythologies, finales, premieres, and everything else and put our heads together to predict the future (NO FUTURE SPOILERS THOUGH)

Also curious to see how many fellow BrainDenizens watch LOST. For such a mindbending, psychological, character-developing show I'd hope that a lot of fellow BD'ers are into it :)

Personally I love seasons 1-3. They are so perfect and form a great, complete, consistent story arc that feels right to me. Seasons 4,5,6 kind of shatter the ambiguity and go out on a limb in a specific direction and IMO definitely don't live up to the first three but I love a lot of s4 and s5, I just think this final season could be a lot stronger, so I hope they finish with an awesome finale!

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I like it a lot, but when the time turning started, i felt it got a little too...sci fi.

I don't watch it religiously, but i like it. i own the first two episodes on my iPod, and have lots of BTS stuff.

I like the first episode the best - the mystery of not knowing anything about it just makes you crazy!

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yeah people criticize for being kind of far-out, but like I said the first 3 seasons keep it real and universally applicable and really anyone can get into those for so many reasons; the last 3 seasons (four through six) take one aspect of it (the sci-fi part) and kind of run with it in that direction at the expense of some other aspects. I feel like a lot of tri-seasons could be made sprouting out from the solid first three.

So my suggestion to you peace*out is to get back into it and watch them in order seasons 1-3, it really is a masterpiece :thumbsup::ph34r:

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actually Kate's flashback was in the episode Tabula Rasa which was the third epi (or second, depending on your POV, because the Pilot was 2 hours/parts/eps in a single). I have to say that was a good shock, so was EVERYTHING in season one though because we were knew to the island then... when we saw what John Locke was in in his flashback in Walkabout (the epi following Tabula Rasa), the hatch, the rafts, the characters' mysteries and relationships and redemptions and whatnot... season one was great.

But my favorite seasons are 2 and 3, for different reasons. Season Two was really psychological and thrilling and very trippy and I really liked the direction they went with that with the research stations and also further elaborating on their characters. How they switch between main characters each episode to detail their lives really fleshes them out and makes it a great show. I would talk about various twists, events and moments that I love from season two (and three) but to say any more (even about the main plot of season three) might be chalk-full of spoilers if you haven't seen those seasons yet

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